Are Democrats Sabotaging Themselves? The GOP Infiltration Theory & Social Media Missteps.

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( It is my opinion that the Democrat party has been infiltrated by the GOP. If the Democrat social media strategists are not Republicans, then they have to be the dumbest and unaware political coterie ever created, and we are seeing David Hogg’s hilariously out-of-his-depth influence. They’ve been doing this for weeks, and it’s just laughable. Everything they do is lame, unoriginal, and boring. These people are not serving their country, only their self-interests.

It began a while back but became more overt watching the congressional Democrat theatrics Tuesday night during President Trump’s speech. Their actions are pathetic and desperate. First, Rep. Al Green was standing, shouting, and waving his cane until he was removed from the chamber. This was followed by many Democrats holding up paddles like they were at a slave auction, while others walked out during the speech and pretended to have pulled off a supreme act of defiance, when in fact they showed what class of people they are.

When Fetterman looks like the only sane Democrat, you know your party is in trouble. Elizabeth ‘Pocahontis’ Warren clapped and stood for Ukrainians but not for a 13-year-old American child fighting brain cancer. They didn’t stand because they were throwing tantrums like children and because they must always make everything about them.

This behavior was followed by 22 Democrats using the same script in anti-Trump posts to do something I have yet to figure out. It only showed me 22 democrats sharing one brain. These democrats are programmable. These are the first generation of Artificial Intelligence. One thing I can say is that these people know how to read the teleprompter much better than Joe ever did. With a few more rehearsals, they will be able to say it perfectly together in unison.

Main Street America is onto this type of propaganda, yet they still haven’t deviated from the script. Democrats are the picture image of the hive mind of selfishness and stupidity. I guess now that USAID money is no more, they just paid one teenager to write a script for them all to use at the same time. No money to write different scripts for everyone, so why not use the same one?

No matter what they do, they’ll always make republicans look better. We should all tip our hats and thank the DNC. The democrats are done because they are fascists. The Trump is worse than Hitler propaganda does not work anymore.

It’s crazy how Democrats complain about inflation and prices going up when the dude has only been in office for a month. Things were going up nonstop for the past four years, and they never considered or accepted the reality that maybe it was the last administration to blame. Trump’s trying to fix this, and it’s gonna take some time to undo what was done. Yet they waste their political and human life time on mocking a person who’s in this position for only 40 days and not attempting to help or assist him at all. How anyone takes these people seriously is wild. At this point, the entire left and democratic party has just become ridiculous.

Are Democrats Sabotaging Themselves? The GOP Infiltration Theory & Social Media Missteps.

Just when you thought the progressive left couldn’t look any dumber, they dropped their “fighter” video. The “choose your fighter” video might be the worst video I have ever seen, and it proves that Democrats are the worst I’ve ever seen on social media or that their social media is being run by covert Republican operatives. Looks more like a “how to relieve constipation” video, the way they are squatting and grimacing.

They don’t even look remotely like they know how to fight or are even mildly athletic. They look like a bunch of lazy women who “work” in an office. The secret unlockable character should have been a man who identifies as a woman. They’d be the most selected characters in the game because they would be able to dominate the seven shown in the video since Dems seem to think it is okay for men to compete in women’s sports.

I take it, if not the brainchild of GOP public relations professionals, the skit was designed to entice their base. This TikTok video was 100% cringe and an insult to the original composers of Smash Bros Melee’s music, Hirokazu Ando and Shogo Sakai.

To be accurate, it is “choose your character.” I suspect now that identity politics and the emotional vote are no longer effective, Democrats cannot figure out how to get past the game menu. If I had to choose, I would not choose the fighter who couldn’t stand up for a 13-year-old fighting brain cancer.

Maybe the laugh is on us, folks. That video probably cost $100 million taxpayer dollars to film, loot that went right into their criminal pockets. In concert, the 22 Democrats using the same script in anti-Trump and the “choose your fighter” video, of all the dumb ass things I’ve seen on the Internet, both ranks in the top ten.

Even more cringe was Eric “Fang-Fang” Swalwell cussing and calling Elon a “total weirdo.” Like the prior videos discussed, this looked like something done by the same people who create local car dealership commercials.

It would be incomplete if this discussion did not include the cringy and lame social media efforts of Rep. Jasmine Crockett. Crockett is the living image that Republicans run on stances and issues, compared to Democrats, who run on songs and dances. I can say that one good thing is that Jasmine Crockett proves how egalitarian our system is. Even the obtuse and ignorant are represented in the halls of Congress.

Her recent dance videos were indescribable. If I had an IQ, I would go on the record and say that it dropped 25 points just watching it. Seems she confirms that the only two requirements needed to win in a majority black district are to be black and be a Democrat. It is clear that Crockett goes out of her way to sound like she’s from the streets. This girl went to a $20,000-a-year private school.

Rep. Crockett excels at being a stereotype. She’s right from the Maxine Waters mold and makes AOC look like a thoracic surgeon. Honestly, I love how GOP operatives have turned AOC and Jasmin Crockett into the face of the Left. Please continue this amazing trend, and Democrats in their current form will never win again.

Please do not call her an idiot because that would be an insult to mere idiots. The fact that this woman was elected by enough voters in whatever district she is from in Texas is scary. Democrats do not cease to amaze me. The fact that this woman somehow made it through law school and passed the bar exam is extraordinary. I didn’t think my opinion on lawyers could go lower, but it now has. “She holdin’ it down, ya’ll,” isn’t a phrase that should ever come out of the mouth of a member of Congress.

She’s fighting… the English language, nd the English language is winning.

Can you imagine sending Crockett to talk to another country’s head of state? She’s always been Ratchet. She’s just gotten worse ever since she became a member of Congress. But we should have expected this. Although I knew nothing about her until recently, I found out that she was and is an attorney for Black Lives Matter Activists. Simply put, she is just an activist mouthpiece. Crocket replaced Eddie Bernice Johnson, a civil rights activist in Dallas. See what happens when you put activists in our Government?

The aforementioned examples reflect a very sad place for democrats to be in. Someone has to rein in the clown show. They’re so out of touch with the American voter and reality. This circus has to end. Democrats staying seated for DJ Daniels was just sickening, and I don’t understand that.

I want to give a shout out to not only DJ for his bravery but to his father who stood on strength and positivity for his son, to the doctors who worked tirelessly keeping Daniel alive, the nurses who helped him during his recovery, the physical, occupational and speech therapist who helped Daniels brain work again. Not only did the Democrats not stand for Daniel, but they didn’t stand for any of the people who made Daniel’s recovery possible.

Who and what do the Democrats represent now that they have been exposed? No one knows, not even them. The way they all scurry away when confronted by the press on their actions is like the way roaches respond when you turn the lights on. The fact that they won’t talk and believe they don’t owe the American people any explanations says a lot.

I am going on 63 years old, and I have yet to hear a democrat explain their position since I was 30.

When it comes to social media, the thing the progressive left does not understand is that “followers” is just a term. There aren’t 5 million people who would follow a selected ‘influencer’ anywhere. There’s a large percentage who just clicked a button on an app because of a video they liked and have never been back there ever again. Followers and subscribers are an overhyped, misleading metric.

I would ask how the heck do these people get into power? But to be fair to the Democrats, at best, they are simply stupid and ridiculous in general. The people who are still on board with mainstream democrats are lost forever. If you haven’t snapped out of this by now, I have no use or hope for you. In most instances, from shooting up Tesla dealerships, blocking highways on behalf of Hamas, burning down small businesses and police stations, and threatening Jewish students on college campuses, Democrats’ behavior is inexcusable, sickening, and sad.

They are fighting for things America said they didn’t want in November, which I take they think is a good strategy. The zealot in me wants to say that if you voted for any of these folks, then shame on you. Because this is what they do all day while getting paid with taxpayers’ money. Instead of legislating, they are too busy making dance TikToks.

It’s astounding how melodramatic the Left can be. These are the people who pretended that Biden was mentally sound for four years. It truly is baffling. I wonder if Democrats are so removed from the average American citizen that they think these efforts are beneficial. Are there underground GOP operatives working under the leadership of David Hogg to craft these self-destructive messages? If not the latter, Dems, please keep doing this for four more years, and do not believe anyone that tells you you’re complete idiots. You’ve found the winning formula. You should also double down on all the trans stuff. Just forget that we chose our fighter last Fall.

Staff Writer; Torrance T. Stephens

Can also purchase any of his books over at; Amazon – TTS Books.


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