Devout Christians: Finding True Satisfaction – How Faith in God Brings Lasting Peace and Fulfillment.

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( Are you really satisfied with your life? If you’re like most of us, sometimes you are and sometimes nothing feels right about it. Our day to day feelings impress us more than we think. If we’re feeling good, then we think better thoughts. If we’re down or discouraged, it may take a lot to pep us up.

Devout Christians: Finding True Satisfaction - How Faith in God Brings Lasting Peace and Fulfillment.
Prayer can help us with this. God has an awesome love that we can drift in, relaxed and be comfortable. When we do this, there’s no way we can continue to feel bad. But if we’re stubborn and don’t pray, how can God help us? He still loves us but we can refuse his help and his love.

Sometimes we secretly want to feel miserable. During these times, we like it. This is a self righteous attitude that tells us that we have a right to feel anyway that we want to. We do have rights but this attitude can hurt us. For instance we can get hooked on it and continue to think unclearly.

Feeling sorry for ourselves never helps us. It lets us give in to selfishness. It only serves to soothe our ego but it doesn’t get to the root of any of our problems. We can grow to enjoy self pity.

When we’re feeling sorry for ourselves, we don’t have the energy of the time to think about anyone else. We think we are the one that is more important. It’s a destructive habit that can grab us and it can be hard to shake off. The point is that we must do it, to live a good Christian life. Self pity is a negative state of mind that requires self discipline. As Christians we need to discipline ourselves.

The world definitely has a lack of self discipline. You can see it in the monstrosities that people impose on each other. This goes on between nations, cultures, races, communities and individuals. Sadly, it is the way of the world. True, we do have to live in the world but we do not have to act the way it does. Our world should be governed by God. We have to try to be good citizens but we should do this because we love God.

As Christians we cannot be satisfied by what world has to offer us. Being satisfied implies that you are happy and content. Only God can give us this kind of satisfaction. I believe inside, that we all know this but we can get off the track.

Satisfaction is a word that implies a lot of things. Among them feeling peaceful, fulfilled, contented, being able to see clearly and still be comfortable even if things aren’t perfect. All of these are spiritual qualities that we develop by belief in love and God. They do not depend on material conditions. They depend on our faith and devotion. These are unpopular concepts in the world. The world’s concepts seem to be to grab what you can and when you can and for as long as you can. Never mind who gets hurt. Just look after yourself.

Unfortunately in some countries, people have to live this way. It’s sad. This is not the way it’s supposed to be. As Christians, this is not acceptable. We are our brother’s keepers in a spiritual way. We need to think of each other.

Being satisfied comes from the ability to rise above our problems, with the help of God of course and seeing a greater truth. That truth is our life. And that truth is what keeps us satisfied. Being satisfied in the Lord is quite different than any other satisfaction that we can have. We need to pray that the Lord is satisfied with us. This should be our most important goal. We can only be satisfied completely, in a loving relationship with God.

Staff Writer; Anita T.

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