(ThyBlackMan.com) I was blessed to attend Grambling University as my first of several colleges and universities after high school. The master of college football was there at that time. I don’t have to tell most of you that I am talking about the great Coach Eddie Robinson. I remember a lot about what he said or did, but one of my favorite statements from him is “You don’t leave the game until it’s over.” Well, too many of our people are afraid the game headed up by Donald Trump is over for us. Rob would tell you to stay in the game and be ready to play because this game of Trump vs The People is not over!
Two weeks into this Trump and his Side Kick Elon Musk pitiful show of retribution is in high gear! We can’t say he didn’t tell us what he was going to do. Some of it was so outlandish that many couldn’t believe he would do it. It’s probably one of the things those who voted for him said, “He was just kidding! That was just campaign talk!” Well, for once in his life, he was telling the truth! Unfortunately, too many people didn’t believe him!
The game, if you call it that, has just begun, and Coach Rob would tell us to get in the game and stay. Fannie Lou Hamer would warn us “to be no ways tired!” With all the damage that has already been done to our democracy, cleaning up this garbage is going to take all of us to stay in the game and play our role as though our lives depend on it—because life as we have known it “ain’t happening no more!”
These lunatics have told even those who voted for Trump (white women) you have no rights. They knew better since Hon. Kamala Harris supports women’s rights strongly. Trump definitely does not. Certain immigrants knew better—including Melania—who doesn’t seem to be interested in being seen by her husband’s side.
Did you see that hat she wore for the Inauguration that blocked her husband’s view of her and hers of him? Others, who according to statistics, voted for him were too many Hispanics– and look at how he’s showing his appreciation to them. Certain of those civil servants who’ve either been fired or laid off never believed they were on his retribution list—especially the FBI, CIA and Prosecutors. Black Teamsters knew what Trump would do and voted in their best interest, but certain non-Black Teamsters ignored the message and stayed with the orange man to the end—only to find that the person they supported is working to end union rights. Rep. Byron Donalds and Sen. Tim Scott weren’t even considered for Trump’s Cabinet or were they asked and just said NO?
Candace Owens—the Voice of Black Republicans, Kodak Black, Antonio Brown, Mike Tyson, Lord Jamar, Le’Veon Bell, 1 in 4 Black men under 50 are said to have supported Trump and what a pity because he didn’t consider even one of them to help him destroy our democracy! I’m willing to say some of those who voiced support for Trump didn’t actually vote for anybody, and I doubt they’ll be left off his retribution list. I didn’t list Dr. Ben Carson in either category because he was misled a long time ago about who was for the people and who was against people who look like him, so we never counted on him or Kanye West or Hershel Walker and a few others to do the right thing.
It’s time to do what Alicia Keys advised the rest of us to do: “Rise Up!” This is not a time to sit back waiting for somebody else to fight for your rights while you leave the game!
Written By Dr. E. Faye Williams
Official website; http://www.efayewilliams.com/
A nihilistic atheists like Trump who believe that they can make America into any kind of a-moral res publica( i.e. political thing ) they want it to be have been plotting their retribution for having to free the slaves ever since before, and after the American Civil War, and a couple of tried U.S. Constitutional based reconstructions, Trump has surrounded himself with a large number of followers, mainly from the American south,who have bought into his kind of irreligious political theories. Trump has the white supremacy,white privileged,white skinned,croaky,nasal white voice, and an o-beast, Caucasian somato-type to try and convince these southerners that he is one of them despite the fact the he is from New York, and his ancestors are from Germany. President Trump is not, I repeat, is not, their retribution. He is a businessman who is seeking to manage America as a business. I think that he, and his associates are presently looting America to assess its value.
Well, If we did not Rise up agaisnt Biden, Obama and the Clinton Crime family, why will we rise up to our New Elected President Trump who is actually doing things to help the black community. First of all, He is deporting the illegal immigrants who are taking all the low skill level jobs, state, county and city benefits away from the Black Community.
The Illegal immigrants from Central, South America, Asia, Middle East are coming here to replace the African American community in the workforce and they were been letting in the hundreds of thousands by former Democratic Goverment of Biden, Karmala and our smooth negro operator Obama who did not do anything that was specific and tangible for the prosperity of the black community in America during his 8 years in the white house; but, He pass many bills and laws to help the Asian Community, the LGBT community, the untouchable community and Hispanic community. Then When Biden became President with the Black vote of Black women, he also proceeded to give hispanics, Asians, Middle eastern, and the untouchables everything they asked for and everything they did not asked for.
President Trump with his team of Elon Mush are discovering that the USAID use millions to billions of dollars to build roads and gas stations in Afghanistan and Irak that were not use, they gave money to thailand for electric ars station and for a study of LGBT education in Elementary scools, they gave million of dollars to individuals and goverments for personal use and they gave our enemies such Isis and Alqaeda money for medicine, first aid kid and food. Now, what kind of things is this that under the Presidency of Biden and Obama our govermnet were supporting and giving financial aid to terrorist group to overthrow the former Syrian President Bashir and former Decease Lybian President Muhamed Kaddafii.
You see the whtie democrats and house negro democrats want all black people to think that Trump is our enemy, but he is not, Trump is the enemy of the whtie liberals and white democrats who for the last hundred years have been lying to black people and using black people for our vote with no solutions and prosperity for our community.
With that said, I tell all my loyal black brothers, black sisters, and black LGBT to support trump and to report all illegal aliens and prepared for a possible civil war or unrest in the upcoming months. All black people should excercise their second ammendment rights by legally purchasing guns, rifles, shot guns, pistols, handguns, ammunitions, body armored, kevlar helmets, first aid and survival food in order to prepared ourselves to defend our community from the onslaught of racist america and racist illegal aliens or immigrants like mexicans, and dominicans. We are at war black America and we must be ready to fight to the death or die trying