(ThyBlackMan.com) A difference between the Democratic party of the 1960’s and 70’s, and today’s Democratic party is, the primary interest of Democrats of the past, was in building a more perfect union, while possibly the interest of the Democratic party of today, is in building a more perfect, and powerful Democratic party to monetarily enrich its leaders, and “Congressional members,” rather than enrich the nation, when it comes to that perfect union. The Democratic party of the past passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voters Rights Act and the Equal Employment Act, while the Democratic party of today, created the scheme in 1994 of underreporting, and undercounting the unemployment rates of American workers, professional, blue collar, union, and working-class Americans, facilitating an open border policy to grow the party’s numbers, through economic immigration.
The vast majority of Americans, American workers, professional, blue collar, union, and working-class Americans, are not racists. This is not conjecture, speculation, or theorizing. It is a fact and the Truth. Working-class Americans, including many Black and Hispanic Americans voted, in part for Donald Trump, based on his policy against open borders, and economic immigration, as practiced by former president Joe Biden, former vice president Kamala Harris, Democrats and yes, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). The conclusion of the Biden-Harris administration, saying the U-3 category rate of unemployment, which was 4.1% in December was comprehensive of our unemployment situation was untrue. It was not true then, and it’s still not true, to this day. It is a scam, and American voters saw through it, because they were living, and working at that time in a 7.5% unemployment rate economy, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) economists. American workers, and voters did not feel millions of economic immigrants were needed, to supplement our labor force then, and so they rejected Kamala Harris’ bid to be president.
A 4.1% unemployment rate economy, in most quarters, is a full-employment economy, suggesting America needs millions of economic immigrants to supplement our labor force because 4.1% says, mathematically 96% of American workers are fully employed. In a full-employment economy, workers usually earn a living wage, as those individuals understand what a living wage is, in their particular job or profession, and if they are not earning a living wage, they can easily find and change Jobs, in pursuant of that living wage due to the tightness of the labor market. But we do not have a full-employment rate economy – it is a scam perpetrated by Democrats. The United States as of December, during Biden’s last full month in office, had a 7.5% unemployment rate economy, not a 4.1% rate economy. Thus, the nation surely did not need millions of economic immigrants.
Mr. Trump said, he is committed to MAGA, “making America great again.” Mr. Biden’s unemployment numbers simply did not add up when fact checked and neither will the Trump administration’s unemployment numbers, if they adopt Biden’s policy of misinformation, “saying the U-3 category rate, at 4.0% for January,” our latest unemployment situation number, is comprehensive of our monthly Job situation.
Just as former president Biden could not LIE away the real economy, no matter how hard he tried, saying his 4.1% Job rate, the U-3 category rate was comprehensive, of our Job situation in December, the last full month of his presidency, President Donald Trump and his administration will not be able to convince American voters and working-class Americans, the U-3 category rate of 4.0% for January, 2025 is comprehensive. Trump’s 4.0% Job rate, the U-3 rate announced, as his official rate of unemployment for January taken from the Table of Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization was never meant to be comprehensive of our Unemployment Situation, as it is narrow in scope.
Economists, in 1994, during the Clinton administration, when the Job rate categories were adjusted, identified the U-6 category rate, at 7.5% for January, as the REAL, and most comprehensive Job rate. President Trump will quickly find out, working-class Americans aren’t suckers, and are seriously watching him, and his administration closely, when it comes to the economy and our unemployment rates; their power is their vote, and they flexed that voting power, in the election of Mr. Trump, to the office of President, because they are ticked off and hurting economically. This problem requires a real solution: this is a pocketbook issue, and it is not going to go away! Read this factual linked article about facts concerning unemployment rates – https://thyblackman.com/2024/08/18/kamala-harris-economic-policy-the-truth-behind-undercounting-unemployment-rates/.
We know Trump cannot deport 11-12 million or more economic immigrants. It will even be challenging for him to deport the reputed 1-2 million economic immigrants, that came across the border illegally, during Biden’s term in office. So, what is the genuine answer or solution to this problem that American voters will embrace? Let me give you a hint – It’s not turning our Democracy over to an authoritarian and oligarchs.
The Solution to Economic Immigration and Job Creation, “The Fix This Time.”
Acting indifferent, which is what the two parties have been doing, to the issue, of underreporting All American, and working-class Americans’ unemployment rates, can’t really be the answer, and is no longer a real option for either the Democratic or Republican parties. Donald Trump’s election and the total rejection of Democrats in the House and the Senate is proof working-class Americans are intimately aware of their economic condition and shifted their votes to the “RIGHT.” Additionally, saying, “Biden is no longer in office, we as voters and members of both parties can stop wasting time talking about the Democratic party failures and just move on,” makes it appear the policy failures of the Biden-Harris administration do not need to be addressed, as both parties organize their followers to win in 2026. Any winning Super Bowl National Football League (NFL) championship team coach will tell you; it is important for the team and its coaches to look at the film (details) of the games they lose, or win.
The issue, that will impact any come back, by Democrats, or another Republican win, in 2026, that has to be addressed, is Biden’s poor judgement, and policy saying, the U-3 category unemployment rate is comprehensive of the nation’s monthly unemployment situation. This policy must be reversed. Why? Biden’s false rate fueled the notion, we needed supplemental economic immigrant workers, however economists’ 7.5% rate, the most comprehensive rate, indicated we did not. Biden used the 4.1% rate (which wrongly meant we had a full-employment economy in December) to justify the need of millions of economic immigrants.
Trump constantly pointed out, in his stump speeches, “the nation did not need excess workers,” and he would be sending them back, and working-class Americans heard, and agreed with him, and voted for Trump. It is in the best interest of both the Republican, and Democratic party policymakers to abandon the Clinton era policy of underreporting the nation’s unemployment rates, which distorts what is the Real economy. Using the Biden-Harris administration and Democrats’ false unemployment rates ignore the fact we, as a nation need to grow the economy.
When you look at the nation’s problems and economic situation, it is time for policy makers to step up and realize, we can’t budget cut our way out of this situation. America can and needs to grow its way out of this coming Downturn! Here is the current U.S. economic situation – the nation has the dilemma of excess labor, a high unemployment rate, at 7.5% (just 2.5% shy of 10%, a Great Recession rate), and the Federal Reserve is holding the cost of money at a high rate, relative to the recent past. Additionally, the Trump administration, which believes it has as much of a right to spend the Treasury of the United States, as the former administration, is now, in office – Add, the price of gold reaching an all-time high, the U.S. budget deficit at a record high, America’s trust in the main street media at an all-time low, and U.S. consumer credit card debt has reached an all-time high, exceeding 1 trillion dollars.
“The solution,” which is to grow the economy, addresses the issues mentioned above and more, and at the same time reduces the deficit, is a 10% $25,000 Consumer Tax Cut, with Baby Boomers being the object of the tax cut. The age group, beginning at 55 plus years are responsible for about 40% of the spending done in our economy. Baby Boomers are the largest population, within that group of consumers.
America is a seventy percent, Consumer Driven economy. That means, 7 out of every 10 Jobs, in our economy are created by Consumers Spending money. If you give a direct tax cut to the 70% (the consumer), who is powering and growing your economy, you are going to get long-term growth, and Job Creation through “NEW” spending, by the 70% (the consumer), who is powering, and growing your economy; producing brand “new streams of revenues,” which will lead to reducing budget deficits at the state, local and federal levels. Isn’t this what President Trump and Elon Musk want to accomplish? Click on TheFixThisTime.com.
Staff Writer; James Davis
Mr. Davis is a Financial Analyst. His articles are about relating facts in a usable, truthful, and understandable way. That way, WE ALL WIN. James is, the author of three books, among them, “The Fix This Time,” Boost Your Retirement Income! Simultaneously Create Jobs and Spur Economic Growth (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MI3PD2M). Reach out to James @ his blog https://thefixthistime.com.
Question? Comment? One may use this email address; MrDavis@ThyBlackMan.com.
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