Bowers, Gay, and Parker and BLMGNF are not Delivering Needed Economic Support to American Workers, Including Blacks.

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( A Black American political and civil rights organization, which by its own admission was worth $90 million in 2021, is not currently delivering on its promises to Black Americans. If you review the federal tax return of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) for the tax year beginning 07/01/2022 and ending 06/30/2023 at the following link provided by ProPublica, a site that publicizes tax returns of non-profit organizations, you will see one of the objectives of BLMGNF is, to break up discriminatory systems through policy changes to help Black Americans (

Underreporting/undercounting the unemployment rates of American workers, since 1994 is the utmost example, or the cream de la crème of All discriminatory systems. It negatively affects everybody, all voters and American workers, professional, blue collar, union, and working-class Americans. The act of underreporting our unemployment rates distorts our economy, saying we have a better economy than what we really have. Biden’s says the most comprehensive unemployment rate for December is the U-3 category rate at 4.1%, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics economists (BLS) established in 1994, when the unemployment rates were adjusted, the U-6 category rate at 7.5% was the most comprehensive rate.

Bowers, Gay, and Parker and BLMGNF are not Delivering Needed Economic Support to American Workers, Including Blacks.

Cicley Gay is the chairperson of BLMGNF. Shalomyah Bowers and D’Zhane Parker are board members of BLMGNF. Unlike their sister civil rights organizations, who have done far more to advance civil rights, BLMGNF has very little to show for the money it has spent in terms of major achievements, that can be pointed to, when it comes to the advancement of African Americans. Nevertheless, this organization benefits, from donations, it actively pursues, because of racial discrimination against Black Americans.

However, when it comes to what they are going to do, their words are very powerful. Here is a statement from the current board chair, Cicley Gay: “We recognize that we are in a moment, a moment full of promise and peril. This is not new for Black people. What is new is the unprecedented resource under Black control that can be used to build Black Power for Black Liberation. This is an opportunity and a blessing, wrought by the work of those who came before us, by the organizing and leadership of BLM’s founders and leaders, and the amazing work of the Black liberation Ecosystem at large.” BLMGNF today controls roughly $26 million, as illustrated by its federal tax return documents.

Mr. Biden, in the interest of making his administration, and the Democratic party look successful, when it comes to the American economy, is ironically, making all of us poorer. By lying about our unemployment rates, stating his December, 4.1% rate, pulled from the Table of Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization, is comprehensive of our monthly Job situation, he is saying 96% of the American civilian work force of approximately 170 million workers is fully employed. How does that make us poorer? With 96% of the American civilian labor force employed, there is no need for Biden, and Democrats to stimulate and actively grow the economy to create Jobs. As a matter of fact, Biden and Democrats, as is seen by many voters, do pursue a policy of “open borders,” saying the American economy needs millions of additional economic immigrants.

It was a scam – it just was not true. American voters and workers never brought into Biden’s equivocations, when it came to our economy, because they never felt, as workers, they were living and working in, a fully employed, 4.1% economy that required millions of economic immigrants. The evidence the Biden-Harris administration is underreporting our unemployment rates, hiding our layoffs is overwhelming. and compelling. They have never denied they are doing this. Read this linked, factual article for more details,

Because, it has been repeatedly demonstrated, scams of this nature, where facts are obscured, so as to present a different picture or scenario, other than the Truth, once exposed to public scrutiny tend to fall apart quickly, I turned to BLMGNF. Five times, I appealed to Cicley Gay, and the board of BLMGNF, and five times my proposals were met with indifference. Now, the Biden-Harris administration is leaving office on January 20th and in President Biden’s latest statement when it comes to the economy, he is insistent the U-3 category rate at 4.1% is comprehensive of our monthly unemployment situation.

This distortion of our unemployment rates hurts African Americans more than any other worker group, because the black rate of unemployment is approximately 2.7% higher over the most comprehensive rate, identified by BLS economists to be the U-6 category rate of 7.5%. The Black unemployment rate for December stands at 10.2%, placing Black Americans in a Great Recession. Here is part of my last appeal to BLMGNF, dated January 3rd, 2025:

So why are we contacting BLMGNF? We want help in exposing this scam. Our desires are relatively simple. Clarity is what we want when it comes to our unemployment rates. We have pressed this administration on this issue, without success. They don’t deny they’re underreporting our unemployment rates; they brush us, and voters off without giving us an answer. You can change that, BLMGNF. Here is a fifth proposal I make to you, as a consultant, when it comes to solving the issue of ending underreporting of our unemployment rates.

BLMGNF, in your rebranding plan, you used the services of Nic Abelian, identified as the founder of the company, “Another Zero.” Mr. Abelian was successful in getting your plans featured in a top tier magazine, the New York weekly on September 17, 2024. He can, according to his e-mail to me, do the same when it comes to featuring the titled article, which presents facts and evidence about underreporting our unemployment rates, Joe Biden and the NEW Democratic Party Can Win Back Working-Class Americans by Simply Telling the Truth  Will They?” in regional newspapers around the nation. Once informed by this article, American voters will demand change. By the way, the cost of this proposal including my compensation is estimated to be less than one percent of your cash hoard of your estimated $26 million.  Here is the link to that article.

The Biden-Harris administration has just one more unemployment situation report coming up on January 10th. So, this is our last opportunity to expose and force Biden and the Democratic party to own up to underreporting our unemployment rates, hiding our layoffs, as they officially leave office on January 20th. Then we have to deal with Mr. Trump. Nevertheless, we hope Biden, who identifies himself with blue collar workers, and portrays himself, as being a friend of working-class Americans, will see the wisdom in revealing the Truth about our unemployment rates. Let’s say that happens – and as he leaves office, Joe Biden states the Clinton era policy of declaring the U-3 category rate, his 4.2% rate, for November, is no longer endorsed by his administration as being comprehensive of the nation’s Job situation and the U-6 category rate, at 7.8% for November is our official, and most comprehensive unemployment rate, in line with BLS economists and the majority of economists across this nation. Thus, the incoming Trump administration is put on notice, when it comes to the real, and most comprehensive unemployment rate; challenging Trump to address and fix the Real economy.

Underreporting/undercounting the unemployment rates of American workers, as economic immigrants flood across our borders creates hardships in American communities across the nation. President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House Minority Leader, Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), Democrats, and the Congressional Black Caucus, chaired by Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) do not need Congressional approval to end this scam. And BLMGNF is well suited to take on the task of informing voters at large of this scam, because of their financial strength and independence, as a result of the sincerity of donors, wanting to help Black Americans. So, why hasn’t this scam been ENDED?

Slick ads, such as the ones being ran on X (Twitter), and the bully pulpit of the presidency, where President Biden, soon to be former president Joe Biden, repeatedly says, our unemployment rate for December is 4.1%, when factually it is 7.5%, will not fix what the Democratic party has lost, and that is American voters confidence, in Democrats, telling them the TRUTH. The 2026 elections are right around the corner, and Democrats must find a way to level with working-class Americans, and all-American voters, if they expect to be successful.

Staff Writer; James Davis

Mr. Davis is a Financial Analyst. His articles are about relating facts in a usable, truthful, and understandable way. That way, WE ALL WIN. James is, the author of three books, among them, “The Fix This Time,” Boost Your Retirement Income! Simultaneously Create Jobs and Spur Economic Growth ( Reach out to James @ his blog

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