Joe Biden and the “NEW Democratic Party” Can Win Back Working-Class Americans by Simply Telling the Truth – Will They?

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( Here is the deal – American workers and voters want three major problems, addressed and solved. Given, while there are other issues, the following domestic issues are continually and repeatedly in the forefront. Remember, when Trump came down the escalator in New York city in 2015 and in his stump speeches, he always placed these issues out front. They are economic immigration, exportation of good paying middle-class Jobs to foreign nations, like China and Mexico, combined with the issue of what is the real, true and actual state of our economy. Biden had 4 years to address these issues, and he refused to address them, forthrightly – putting emphasis on refused and the Biden-Harris administration was, as many have stated, summarily voted out of office by a grifter, and a persistent liar.

We, who follow these issues, closely paying attention to the nuances, know President Joe Biden is aware of the pain and confusion he is causing working-class Americans, and continuously refuses to address it. How we know for sure, the Biden-Harris administration is aware of our pain and confusion? President Biden’s language changed over the years, as he was pounded with the Truth, about underreporting the unemployment rates of working-class Americans, saying the U-3 category rate of unemployment, 4.2% for November, reflected the condition of our economy, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) economists state the most comprehensive rate is 7.8%. We observed him, stop saying, as he had, in earlier speeches in his four-year term, “And [un]employment has been the lowest — been below 4 percent for the longest stretch in 50 years.” (Note, in that statement, he bragged about a specific number to define our unemployment rate).

Joe Biden and the “NEW Democratic Party” Can Win Back Working-Class Americans by Simply Telling the Truth – Will They?

As we pounded (go to, and literally embarrassed Biden, and his administration, with facts and the Truth, he changed his tune and started defining our unemployment rate as, “a full employment rate, without mentioning the actual number, or as a historically low average rate of unemployment,” because his administration could no longer get away with well, let’s face it, of saying it was a specific number like 4%. Why? Because, as former president John Adams once said, “Facts are stubborn things…” He couldn’t support his use of the U-3 category rate as being comprehensive of our monthly unemployment situation with facts. Nevertheless, it appeared the Biden-Harris administration brought into its own lie about our unemployment rates, saying we have a full employment economy, when we don’t.

The equivocation about unemployment rates led Biden to a poorly thought-out economic immigration policy, which stated, America needs more foreign workers, apparently by the millions, because we have a full employment economy. That was not true. We did not have a full employment economy then, and do not have one today. Apparently, enough voters agreed and kicked the Democratic leadership out of office. We ALL should do all we can do to get this matter straightened out. Why? Because using bad statistics makes all of us poorer – saying we have a better Job rate economy than we really have. Democrats need to fix the problem that’s causing the United States to have a bad economy and stop hiding this bad economy with bad statistics, which is what the Biden-Harris administration is doing, along with the Congressional Black Caucus.

The Biden-Harris administration has just one more unemployment situation report coming up on January 10th. We hope a man, who identifies himself with blue collar workers, and portrays himself, as being a friend of working-class Americans, will see the wisdom in revealing the Truth about our unemployment rates. Let’s say that happens – and as he leaves office, Joe Biden states the Clinton era policy of declaring the U-3 category rate, his 4.2% rate, for November, is no longer endorsed by his administration as being comprehensive of the nation’s Job situation and the U-6 category rate, at 7.8% for November is our official, and most comprehensive unemployment rate, in line with BLS economists and the majority of economists across this nation. Thus, the incoming Trump administration is put on notice, when it comes to the real, and most comprehensive unemployment rate; challenging Trump to address and fix the Real economy.

This is the position, the NEW and improved Democratic party wants to be in, “standing with, and once again standing up for working-class Americans,” not denigrating and devaluing a major constituent group by underreporting our unemployment rates to our detriment. Literally, the message the current Democratic party is sending us, regardless of their accomplishments is this, We Democrats, are underreporting ALL working-class Americans unemployment rates, which is to their disadvantage, and we persist in supporting underreporting their unemployment rates, as we permitted the entry of millions of economic immigrants to cross our borders and compete with working-class Americans for Jobs. Trump capitalized and won the presidency and continues to win as a result of that message. It is a terribly flawed and dumb policy and message which the Democratic party leadership, and Joe Biden thus far, refuse to give up.

The evidence the Biden-Harris administration is underreporting our unemployment rates, hiding our layoffs is overwhelming and compelling. They have never denied they are doing this. Read this linked factual article for more details, Will Trump attempt to go back, and use the U-3 category rate from the Table of Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization, as being comprehensive, once Biden makes the change? I seriously doubt it, because he too, obviously, can be accused of lying about our unemployment rates.

Democratic party elites, and most members of the House, and Senate who make $174,000 annually are out of touch, with working-class Americans and retirees. Many retirees, who were a part of the Democratic party constituency are financially stressed, and working-class Americans, along with other Americans are affected by inflation, and Job growth. However, in becoming an advocate of the TRUTH (what a great place to be – “telling the Truth”) about our unemployment rates, the New and improved Democratic party now has the great opportunity, of defending working-class Americans and retirees, challenging the Trump administration to grow the Real economy. We know Trump cannot deport 11 million economic immigrants. It will even be challenging for him to deport the reputed 1-2 million economic immigrants, that came across the border illegally, during Biden’s term in office. So, growing our way out of this dilemma is the real doable solution.

The solution to growing the economy, which addresses the issues mentioned above, and at the same time reduces the deficit is a 10% Consumer Tax Cut with Baby Boomers being the object of the tax cut. The Democratic party has an opportunity to show working-class Americans, and All-American voters they can grow the economy, and create long-term Job growth, based on legislation that is fact based, that will work, without them manipulating numbers, as they did with our unemployment rates.

If there is any doubt when it comes to growing good paying Jobs, Covid 19 taught all of us how to grow Jobs and the economy. The Covid 19 pandemic showed us, we have a relatively simple economy, when it comes to growing Jobs, unlike some other nations. The consumer powers about 70% of Job creation in our economy. Simply put, that means Consumer Spending money is responsible for 7 out of every 10 Jobs created in our economy. The age group, beginning at 55 plus years are responsible for about 40% of the spending done in our capitalist economy. Baby Boomers are the largest population within that group of consumers. Embracing and promoting a 10% Consumer Tax Cut makes for great common-sense optics: just think about it, Democrats in support of a Consumer Tax Cut to grow the economy and long-term Job creation in contrast to the GOP in support of a tax cut for billionaires, millionaires and corporations. Go to, for details.

The solution of giving consumers a tax cut, and in this instance Baby Boomers is mathematically sound. If you give a direct tax cut to the 70% (the consumer), who is powering and growing your economy, you are going to get long-term growth, and Job Creation through NEW spending, by the 70% (the consumer), who is powering, and growing your economy; producing brand new streams of revenues, which will lead to reducing budget deficits at the state, local and federal levels. Baby Boomers are the heart and the basis of that 40% spending number; water the root with a 10%, $25,000 Consumer Tax Cut, and watch the whole plant grow (GDP) 3-5% annually. If you make it a 10-year Tax Cut investment, similar to the Trump Tax Cut, a steady 3-5% annual growth should be the result. And who among us does not like steady?

Staff Writer; James Davis

Mr. Davis is a Financial Analyst. His articles are about relating facts in a usable, truthful, and understandable way. That way, WE ALL WIN. James is, the author of three books, among them, “The Fix This Time,” Boost Your Retirement Income! Simultaneously Create Jobs and Spur Economic Growth ( Reach out to James @ his blog

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