Is America Ready for Autocracy? The Future of U.S. Democracy and Governance.

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( In the run up to the November 2024 presidential election, Democratic party candidates and officials exhorted voters that American democracy was in serious danger if Donald J. Trump was elected as president. They pointed out that Trump in his own words talked about becoming a dictator for at least one day. They also pointed out his awe of current day strong men.

Is America Ready for Autocracy? The Future of U.S. Democracy and Governance.

Will America under Trump see the establishment of an autocratic leader? It remains to be seen. It might not be the worst thing that could happen.

If the US moved away from its current democratic republic form of government, I don’t think there would be that many people in the US who would be upset. Let’s be completely honest who thinks the current political system in the US is working?

America’s democratic republic is on life support. It has been on life support for a very long time. Its prognosis for surviving is not looking good. Regardless of who won the November 2024 presidential election the prognosis would not have changed.

In an effectively working democratic republic, the voters elected individuals who represent their hopes and interests. For it also to be effective a majority of those individuals who are eligible to vote participate in voting.

Currently in the US more voters who are eligible to vote don’t vote than do. That does not lend itself to an effective working system.

If there was a political coup in the US which resulted in a strong one man or woman government and the elimination of Congress and elections, I believe an overwhelming majority of people in the US would have no problems with it.

Congress has been grossly negligent in addressing issues of importance to the American people. It has failed the American people.  In its absence the Executive Branch and the Judiciary have been forced to address issues which the Congress should have addressed but didn’t.

Gun violence, public safety, voting rights and protection, identity theft, underage access to internet material, abortion, immigration, healthcare, economic inequality, price gouging, and other issues on the minds of voters and citizens have not been addressed by Congress.  Then again, the American people might be asking too much of Congress. If we forget, the Republican lead House of Representatives was unable in 2023 to agree for weeks on who would be its speaker. No work could be done. After there was a speaker, still no work was done.

It is clearly an institution which could be eliminated without any negative consequences beyond the 535 members of US Senate and House of Representatives, their families, staff and political campaign personnel losing money. It would be an enormous saving for the public.

Let’s take a look at what a benevolent autocracy in the US might look like. On day one the leader declares temporary martial law throughout the US. A nationwide curfew is established basically restricting travel and people on the streets during certain hours other than traveling to or from work or for a medical emergency.

To enforce the temporary nationwide curfew, the benevolent leader as the commander and chief would order US troops and the National Guards to patrol the streets of the nation. All current police and law enforcement personnel would come under the command of military leaders.

Military leaders would be under strict orders by the commander and chief to aggressively weed out police personnel whose temperament is evaluated and judged not in the best interest of the public. Military personnel would also aggressively seek to remove police personnel who were involved in illegal and abusive activities.

A new integrated policing unit of military personnel and vetted police personnel would set up checkpoints and monitor and protect all religious institutions, schools and other public venues.  Such an effort would result in a significant drop in crime throughout the US.

Just think, Americans inside the US would feel free to travel about. Mothers and fathers would from the moment their child left for school until they returned home would not have to pray that their child came home safe and not in a body bag.

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to go to a religious ceremony, a theater or sports arena and not have to give thought that some crazy person might decide to commit some act of violence?  Wouldn’t it be great to be able to sit in a park with a loved one or friend and enjoy the stars without fear of attack? Then again maybe you have never had such thoughts.

I do not see anyone other than criminals and gun manufacturers and their lobbyists having any problem with such policing. With the military actively protecting American citizens there would be no need for individuals to have guns.

All guns found outside of a home at the military checkpoints would be confiscated. With guns off the streets violent crime numbers would drop radically.

I see an overwhelming majority of Americans of all races, ages, genders and income limits wholeheartedly supporting these efforts

To immediately bring down food prices the autocratic government would nationalize all food producing and processing facilities. All pricing would be determined by the government. Price gouging would be eliminated.

Since the government would be nonprofit, the outrageous greed inherent in the current system would be eliminated. Millionaire and billionaire executives and owners would probably not be happy. But an overwhelming majority of American individuals and families would be freed from being exploited by greed.

A significant number of people who went to the polls as well as those who stayed home, were upset and unhappy with many things taking place in the US. One of those things they find upsetting is that certain subjects and topics which they and their children are being exposed to on television. They find some, if not a lot, of what is on the television offensive. Many find the sexual content offensive. Some find the language, violence and the absence of any moral and social redeeming content also offensive. They also find it insulting.

Such a sentiment is held by voters regardless of who they voted for in the November election. Republicans in particular used political commercials effectively if irresponsible to drive that point crossed. People might not be willing to voice that sentiment out loud. Nonetheless, if we are being honest, we know that sentiment exists.

To address that issue, one which the current and future Congress would never, the strong man/ woman leader would create a Healthy Viewing and Decency Board or some other sanitized sounding name board. The board would review and approve all programs prior to being aired publicly.

There will be some who protest such a board and process. But the overwhelming majority of Americans, if people are honest, would have no problem with it.

Americans want to feel safe. They want their entertainment and circus. They also want their beer, liquor and other stimulants priced reasonably as well as their bread and potatoes. They will be happy to give up freedom or more accurately the illusion of freedom for their bread and circus.

A significant number of Americans, probably a sizable majority, are tired of America being the policeman of the world. “Let other nations fight their own battles with their soldiers and dollars.  We have our own problems,” many have said. “America first!”

Under the new US government system, the US military would be busy protecting American citizens on US soil. To assist countries to fight their wars, countries like Russia, Ukraine, both of whom are reported to be running out of soldiers, Israel, Iran and other Middle Eastern countries, the new US governmental system could supply soldiers.

How would that be done? The US government would give all US prisoners a one-time option to be released from prison to fight in a foreign army or remain in jail. Those who elected to fight would be released and sent directly to the accepting country.

The prisoner would understand they would never be allowed to return to the US. The US might not make any money on such an arrangement, however if a number of prisoners accepted the arrangement there would be huge cost savings to the American taxpayer.  Other countries have allegedly sent their released prisoners to the US to get rid of them. The US could do similar and return the favor.

As with the other issues addressed by the benevolent autocracy, if we are being honest with ourselves, an overwhelming majority of Americans would not have any problem accepting such a proposal.

Maybe an autocracy or whatever nice sounding name is given might not be that bad. It definitely cannot be as bad as the democratic republic that currently exists.  The current form of government is on life support. Now is the time to perhaps pull the plug.

Staff Writer; Al Alatunji

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