At the Crossroads: Choosing Humanity’s Path Amid Global Conflict and U.S. Political Inaction.

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( As we approach the last week in October 2024 the planet and humanity finds itself at a proverbial crossroad and we have to make a decisive choice, which way we will go. We find ourselves confronted with a presidential election in the US, with wars escalating in Eastern Europe and West Asia that could very easily spiral out of control into major regional and or global conflagrations.

America has a direct hand in all of these conflicts; yet neither major candidate in the US presidential race is addressing this situation on meaningful levels and the comatose and somnambulant American public seems okay with this! The US is supplying weapons, logistics and tactical support to Ukraine and Israel in the hundreds of billions of dollars killing millions of innocents while roads are flooded and bridges are washed away here in America and the US government seems powerless to assist.

At the Crossroads: Choosing Humanity's Path Amid Global Conflict and U.S. Political Inaction.

We have misplaced our priorities. Our so called leaders are choosing war profiteering thousands of miles away over peace and prosperity here at home. Is it because we are so distracted by our gizmos and gadgets, so focused on keeping up appearances, being superficial and shallow we’ve failed to grasp the obvious; we are in the midst of a societal collapse of Biblical proportions and we’re standing at the precipice of all out global war? Has the corporatist mind control apparatus successfully short circuited and neutralized our brains so we no longer sense impending danger, we’ve lost grip of reality and no longer realize self preservation is the first law of nature?

We find ourselves at a crossroad. What is a crossroad you ask? A crossroad is where two or more roads intersect. Crossroads present options for travelers to choose/decide which way they want to go. Today we face an opportunity to choose which direction, which path we will take. We have a choice. Which road will we take?

There is a myth about Robert Johnson a Mississippi Delta blues man who wanted to be great and famous. According to the myth he went down to the crossroad of routes sixty and forty in Mississippi where he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for guitar proficiency and fame. Have we like Robert Johnson in that tall tail sold our souls to the devils of materialism, technology, hedonism and apathy at the crossroad of modernity, morality and ethics? Have we abandoned or ignored our souls for the flim-flam and okey-doke propagated by psychotic overlords? Have we made the wrong the choices, taken the wrong roads gotten lost and now face the dire consequences of our foolish choices?

It’s time to reassess where we are, where we’re heading, which direction we are going and whether or not those leading us are qualified to do so? We have some deep and profound choices to make; not just about who to vote for but about what type of society and world we want to live in, what type of people we want to be, what values we want to embrace and how we want to live!

We don’t have to go out like docile sheep. We are powerful beings. We have agency and choice. We can choose which roads we want to travel, the directions and destinations we want to go. We can choose peace over war. We can choose life over murder. We can chose the greatest good for the greatest number of us. We can choose nihilism or we can choose Ubuntu- I am because we are, we are because I am. Time is of the essence, we are at a crucial crossroad, which road do we take?

Written by Junious Ricardo Stanton

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