Kamala Harris, Socialism, and the Erosion of American Freedoms: A Critical Election Perspective.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) I can’t wait for this election to be over already. My great uncle used to say nothing in government happens by accident. It’s all been by design. He also would say our feathers are slowly being plucked until we can no longer fly. I took that he was using it as a metaphor to suggest what happens when a person gradually loses their power, freedom, or ability. Seeing that feathers enable a bird to fly, losing them one by one symbolizes losing one’s strength or independence over time. Eventually, when enough feathers are gone, the bird can no longer fly, representing a point where one becomes helpless, limited, or unable to continue as before. I apply this imagery to this election where a possible outcome could be a Kamala Harris victory.

Kamala Harris, Socialism, and the Erosion of American Freedoms: A Critical Election Perspective.


Not because she will win honestly, but rather in my mind Democrats will do anything to win from having the Biden DOJ sue to let noncitizens vote in Virginia to registering criminal illegal aliens in mass in metro Atlanta apartment complexes. For Democrats, it is by hook or crook.

This may be the strangest campaign I have ever experienced. First, I’m sick of all of the negative messages. All Kamala and her nasally over-enunciating messages do is assert that she is not her opponent, that he is bad and will destroy democracy. Funny message coming from a person who did not receive a single vote, was never nominated, and rather installed, like a toilet.

The more I hear her the less I want her in office. She is unable to even pull off fake performances with friendly folk. Let’s keep it solid, the places she giving these interviews are as unbiased and neutral as a bacon cheeseburger is vegan. CBS can’t release the transcript, likely because they are still trying to figure out WTF she was saying. The video editor deserves an Emmy. Harris declined multiple requests for an interview for a recent Time Magazine story compared to former President Trump, who described his policy vision with a reporter from the magazine “for 90 minutes across two interviews.” Harris is also the first candidate to miss the Catholic Al Smith Church dinner.

How did we get to this point in America? Can you just see her talking to Putin or Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan? Can you even imagine it? Can you picture Harris talking to other world leaders who want real answers, not stuff read from the teleprompter? She’s not smart enough and we need smart people in the White House. Not to forget that she and her supporters are the laughingstock of the world. It is like the Democratic party just wants the Presidency for the power, the coffee, and the donuts. They’re a waste of time.

Now I can live with the above but would prefer not to, and I am hopeful I won’t see that since the Harris campaign has started to fall flat on their faces mainly due to their failure or inability to explain what she will do to redirect the U.S. economy. When asked what is she going to do for the economy, we get the same answer as always about how she grew up in the middle class. Although when looking into Kamala’s genealogy, you will find that her mother, Shamala Gopalan, has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, and was the daughter of P. V. Copeland who was Deputy Agent for the Government of India and a British civil servant who played a notable role in the administration of British India during the colonial period in the 1920s.

Incoherence abounds in her policies. Arrogance and stupidity abound in her words and supporters. She’s incapable of defining inflation, never mind fixing it, and she has never run a business but wants to run a country. How can you take anything she says seriously? In interviews (sometimes the same one) she will spend time knocking on anyone who has accumulated any type of generational wealth. Then, out of the other side of her neck, she’ll start talking about how she wants to make it easier to achieve generational wealth. She literally is a political circle-jerk, and no one calls her out on it.

It’s interesting how she wants to give new parents a tax credit without addressing the cost of having a child in the hospital without insurance (roughly around $20 to $30,000 on the low end). Another whopper is her saying that she will build 3 million new homes within 4 years. Is that because we have 21 million total Illegals?

Now Harris is pulling out all the stops: $25,000 for first-time homeowners, $50,000 to start a business, and $20,000 if you are a black person trying to open a web business. Do you know how much taxes are going to go up if this is implemented? Plus, $20,000 “forgivable loan” is not a loan, it’s a $20,000 payout for your vote. You can build a website for free or very cheap in 2024. Besides no one is dumb enough to start a business if the economy is bad. You need customers. How about $20,000 for those who have lost homes during the hurricanes?

With all this focus on race, her campaign motto should be “Make Racism Great Again.” Pushing her opportunity agenda plan for black men is insulting and offering to legalize recreational weed to buy voters is really fucked up. By Halloween, Harris will be offering black men free 40s of Old English and cases of Backwoods and Newport Filter Kings.

Can someone ask her about all the black men she jailed and even extended their jail term for free labor? Or about the two black women arrested for their children not going to school even though they had valid reasons and even causing one of the children to have a stroke, or about how she incarcerated a mother for her child’s truancy, when in fact the child was suffering from an episode of sickle cell. Harris still incarcerated the mother. That is her record.

The world cannot stand four more years of this impropriety and malfeasance, mostly because she doesn’t know what she talking about. Usually, a candidate runs on their record and achievements. Not here, she has nothing to show in four years. The fact that she won’t do a press conference should be enough to prove that she is not fit to be a president. Also, much higher taxes, higher cost of living, compulsory electric cars, and no border control don’t help either. I like Trump’s idea better. You work and no tax on tips, you work more and you get more on overtime.

Let the mainstream media tell it, it is Trump that is promoting divisive racist rhetoric. Harris was putting young black men in prison and now she wants them to vote for her? Persuade me with policy, not opinion. Period.

The only folk talking about race every other word is the left. Harris cannot speak on any meaningful issues and is the personification of a complete failure if ever there was one. The sad part is half of the country is voting for her. She doesn’t need to talk. She just needs to repeat what she’s told to say and sign her name where they tell her to sign.

The real problem is that Harris looks old and sounds tired. Since people (race and sex organs aside) recognize this, Democrats are acting like the plantation owners of yesteryear and are acting as if their slaves have been stolen from them, and are now working at another plantation.

Harris is the nearest thing to Socialism and Marxism we have faced in approaching ten years. She reminds me of Norman Thomas, who starting in 1927, ran for the presidency in the U.S. six times on the socialist party ticket. He gave up saying:

“Americans will never vote socialism in directly, but in the name of liberalism they will adopt all of the socialist platforms.”

And here we are. When she says “What can be, unburdened by what has been,” she is saying that America can be unburdened by (dismantling) what has been (the Constitution).

Think about it, she had the nerve to say that Trump is the one who didn’t take immigration seriously. She’s such a liar. She lies so much, she tells it like it’s truth. Illegals don’t need to physically vote to affect election outcomes. They just need to be counted in the Census so certain States get more electoral votes. People are coming from over 168 countries, not just Central America, Mexico and South America.

History will always show that he Republicans gave blacks the right to vote and that the modern Democrat are the people that are fighting for illegal immigration, especially the ones living in expensive suburbs where they are not being affected directly. They ignore requests by normal folk and are unwilling to seek any middle ground on the issue. Shit, when it comes to illegal immigration, agreeing with Democrats is like agreeing with Hamas.

In closing, Harris’s approach to economic progress is all over the place and depends on printing loot out of thin air. To be a former District Attorney and Attorney General, it is obvious that she failed Constitutional law. Any lawyer would know promising to do shit and give shit to a single group because of their race is unconstitutional and is a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Where was that money for all our homeless veterans? Or the people who lost it all in the hurricanes?

Over the past three-plus years, laborer jobs have been undercut so much that legal citizens can not afford to hold those same jobs they have held for decades. Now, folks can only afford to pay their taxes and bills because most can’t survive working for less than the minimum wage that illegal immigrants are working for.

A New Way Forward is supposed to be Harris’s plan to lower costs and create an opportunity economy. If this is true, then she should be reasonable enough to understand that this is not just about black people in jobs, it’s about the poor and the working class. However, it is turning out to be her plan to get votes via the promise of legal weed and free money. America, are you really going to demonstrate to the world that the promise of drugs and money is all it takes to get your vote? This woman built her entire career jailing black men for stupid weed charges and now her plan to get their vote is legal weed and free money.

Harris and the Democrats have a major problem. They do not see that the reason they fail to earn the votes of average Americans is because they do not see us as individuals, but rather groups and voting blocks. When this happens you only pay attention to that group when you need them for something. We see through this and if this is what you mean when you say a New Way Forward, for most of us, it is just staying the same.

Staff Writer; Torrance T. Stephens

Can also purchase any of his books over at; Amazon – TTS Books.



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