Bevelyn Beatty Williams’ Imprisonment: A Fight Against Injustice and Political Bias.

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( As a kid, I followed the news. I even used to think the word itself was an acronym for North, East, West, and South. My uncle was the Minister of Information for the Black Panther Party of Self-Defense Memphis Chapter. One of the many political issues they confronted head-on was abortion. The Black Panther Party expressed concerns about how abortion was being marketed to Black women. They feared it could be a way to limit Black political power by controlling the population growth of African Americans.

Bevelyn Beatty Williams' Imprisonment: A Fight Against Injustice and Political Bias.

In the 1970s, some Black organizations and leaders were vocal in their opposition to abortion, viewing it through the lens of racial justice, population control, and the potential harm to Black communities. Their fight against abortion was framed within a broader context of civil rights and racial equity.

Some Black organizations saw the promotion of abortion as a form of population control targeted at African Americans. This perspective was influenced by historical experiences of eugenics, forced sterilizations, and other efforts to limit the growth of the Black population.

The Nation of Islam, led by Elijah Muhammad and later by Louis Farrakhan, was strongly anti-abortion, arguing that it was part of a larger strategy to reduce the number of Black people in the U.S.

Jesse Jackson, a civil rights leader and founder of Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity), was one of the most vocal critics of abortion in the 1970s. Jackson framed abortion as a form of “genocide” against African Americans, arguing that it disproportionately affected Black communities. He saw this as an extension of systemic racism, alongside other forms of oppression faced by Black people.

Black churches, particularly in the Baptist and Pentecostal traditions, were also vocal in opposing abortion, framing it as a moral issue. Many Black ministers, especially in conservative Christian circles, saw abortion as an attack on the sanctity of life.

Some Black leaders argued that the focus on abortion as a solution for poverty or economic hardship was problematic. Instead of addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality in Black communities, they argued that abortion was being used as a “quick fix” that distracted from the need for real systemic change. They saw access to quality health care, rather than abortion, as the key issue for Black women. They believed that improving access to maternal and child health services, economic opportunities, and education would better serve the community than promoting abortion.

This fight continues today albeit as a subject that is ignored because it is antithetical to the compelling progressive narrative.

On February 22, 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration sentenced a woman, Bevelyn Beatty Williams, to 41 months in prison “for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (the “FACE Act”) in June 2020 in connection with her interference, including by threats and force, with individuals seeking to obtain and provide lawful reproductive health services at a reproductive health center in Manhattan.”

Williams just turned herself in to the Federal Correctional Institution in Aliceville, Alabama, after the judge denied her appeal request. She was initially arrested for taking part in a two-day pro-life protest where she blocked an entrance to a New York City Planned Parenthood in June 2020.

Williams, a 33-year-old new mother, was given the second-longest prison sentence given in a recent series of FACE Act convictions. Three and a half years, seriously? Some murderers don’t serve that much time. This is not only ridiculous, it’s infuriating. I mean, heinous criminals walking free, and over 350,000 illegal alien children have been missing since 2021 but the priority is to target this woman and others like her is no short of a modern-day lynching.

They freed Laken Riley’s killer but dared to sentence her. What kind of world are we living in? Not to omit that the Biden-Harris DOJ just sentenced a 75-year-old woman (Paulette Harlow) to prison for two years for standing outside an abortion clinic and praying. Really? People are being arrested for singing and standing at an abortion clinic but where are the same DA or AG when real crimes are committed? They get a slap on the wrist and or released without bail.

What did she do? She went against their ideology. Worse, she’s Christian. Jesus was crucified at 33. She’s being crucified for her beliefs at age 33. I pray God blesses this family abundantly and keeps them held tightly during these trying times. She has more courage in her little finger than most of the government together. There are not many people like her. This pisses me off so much. There isn’t a single thing that can justify that judge forcing this woman to turn herself in, and yanking her away from her husband and her 2-year-old daughter.

To his credit, her husband has been speaking out on behalf of his wife. He is a real man—supporting his wife in this very difficult time of their separation. However, her case is not getting any media attention.

Bevelyn was to be made an example for others. For example, compare her treatment to Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman. In May 2020, two New York lawyers, Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman, were involved in an incident during protests over the killing of George Floyd, where they firebombed a New York Police Department (NYPD) vehicle.

Mattis, a corporate lawyer, and Rahman, a human rights attorney, were caught on surveillance footage throwing a Molotov cocktail into an empty police vehicle in Brooklyn. The act took place during the height of the Black Lives Matter protests, which saw widespread unrest and demonstrations against police brutality across the United States.

Both lawyers were arrested and initially faced severe federal charges, including the use of explosives and arson. If convicted of the original charges, they could have faced up to life in prison. However, in 2022, they reached a plea deal that significantly reduced the charges, pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit arson and possession of an explosive device. As part of the deal, their sentences were reduced, with both serving less time.

Folks who block highways and streets get zero jail or prison time, but a black woman goes to jail for standing up for her beliefs. This is so sad and an incredible act of injustice. Let people burn down cities and commit horrible crimes, but throw this woman in jail for three years. The Democrats are the fascists.

This story is so tragic and so biblical. They go after the Christians but looters, criminal illegal aliens, and shoplifting mobs are allowed to reign freely without repercussion. She shouldn’t have been charged at all. This is certainly lawfare. This case is a miscarriage of justice because the punishment is cruel and unusual.

However, based on the history of the Democrat Party, the case of Mrs. Williams does not strike me as unusual. The Democratic Party’s historical association with lynching and racial violence against Black Americans is tied to its past in the 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly in the South. During this period, the Democratic Party supported policies that upheld slavery, segregation, and racial discrimination. Southern Democrats were, and remain, a dominant force in enforcing Jim Crow laws and resisting civil rights for Black Americans. Lynching was used as a tool of racial terror to maintain white supremacy, and many Democrats, especially in the South, either condoned or did not act against these acts of violence.

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States (1913–1921), had a controversial relationship with issues of race and the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), and his actions and views contributed to the broader racial climate that allowed groups like the KKK to thrive during his presidency.

Bevelyn Beatty Williams is just the recent target of these continued views and practices. I also believe this may be payback for her controversial actions in 2020, where she painted over Black Lives Matter (BLM) street murals in multiple locations, including in front of Trump Tower in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

I don’t understand why she’s locked up, she was just talking. How is this possible? What about freedom of speech? I thought the Democrats believed it was wrong to separate parents from children. She is 33 with one child. She will be 37 when she is let out. These are her prime fertility years and the most important years for her daughter. It’s a shame she is going through this mess. Where are the jail sentences for all these illegal immigrants? How do Americans go to jail for using our rights but immigrants get nothing?

Strange times these are, plus I find it appalling that with everything going wrong in this country, all some people care about is their right to kill their offspring.

Isaiah 5:20 states:

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

Three and a half years? I know a cat who robbed someone at gunpoint and only got 2 years, this is crazy.

Staff Writer; Torrance T. Stephens

Can also purchase any of his books over at; Amazon – TTS Books.

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