Why Kamala Harris’s Policies Are Dangerous for the African-American Community.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Today in America some of you dislike Donald Trump so much that you will sell your soul through Kamala Harris to the devil himself. Especially for a higher paying job, a better economy, or the right to rip innocent unborn children from the womb. And well, you need to know that the devil can make 1 million promises, those promises are trapped doors, not open doors of opportunity. Sometimes things are not what they seem and people are not who they appear to be. Then again, sometimes they can show you who they are and you still won’t believe it because you don’t want to. That makes them even more deceptive, even more dangerous and even more effective at it.

Why Kamala Harris's Policies Are Dangerous for the African-American Community.

Don’t get  me wrong, I am absolutely no fan of Donald Trump at all. But that does not mean that I close my eyes to the truth about Kamala Harris and what her actions will do to the African-American community. Most of you need to wake up. Stop believing everything you are told by somebody who looks like you, your sister, somebody you went to school with or somebody you once dated.

I am an African-American man, educated and intellectual. Eyes wide open. I am not a Republican, but I will debate you all day long about Kamala Harris and how she is not fit to be President. Not because she is a woman, not because she is a woman of color, but because she is doing somebody else’s dirty work. And most of you Black people are just as blind to what she is doing as you would have been to the Tuskegee experiment when you walked in the door and set in the chair.

Let me give you a few examples of the truth about Kamala Harris. First of all, nobody wants to talk about how she does not take a hard line position with any explanation on anything but the tearing apart of unborn children in the womb. She does not explain how she will bring about all the promises she makes, she just tells you she will make it happen. That is because she has to wait for somebody to write down what she is supposed to say and supposed to think. That is why she has not done any sit down interviews a month after she replaced Biden on the ticket. That is why the reporters who dislike and/or fear Trump will not ask Kamala the hard questions. Because they know she neither has the answers nor can explain them without help, if she did.
Before you say “Kamala is an attorney so she is super intelligent”, let me tell you this. I have a lot of friends who are attorneys and judges. Some of them are “book smart”, but I don’t see how they can cross the street by themselves. Some of them should be washing cars for a living, but they knew how to study and pass the bar. Some attorneys are very smart, but if I needed an attorney, I would not trust Kamala Harris to represent me if I stole a doughnut.
Obviously the bar for becoming President in this country present day is pretty low or Donald Trump would never have become President. At the same time, that bar is so low that Kamala Harris can crawl under it as well. You who just “love yourself some Kamala” have no idea that she probably locked up more Black men in California than the slave trade. And no, all of them did not deserve it. Yes I looked up her track record. Did you?
And when Kamala’s career started rolling, what did she do? She ran and married a white man. No, I’m not racist at all, I’m just pointing out a pattern that does not look good. A pattern That shows you who she really is. In fact, she followed that up by selecting an old white man to run with her on the 2024 ticket. Exactly who she was told to pick. Ironically, I had this conversation with half a dozen old white men who are friends of mine. And they say the same thing.
My guess is that Kamala is good at doing what Massa tells her to do. And some of you see this, but you won’t say anything because you are just so happy to have somebody in office who looks like us. So you will help Kamala move from the big house to the White House. That is exactly why she can be used to do somebody else’s dirty work and push somebody else’s agenda. That is exactly what is happening. But so many Black people don’t think that deep, so there are easy targets for deception.

If Kamala says at the convention all those things she is going to fix, she just admitted all the things that are wrong under her watch as co-captain with Biden. All the things she has done nothing about for 3 1/2 years. But many of you Black people still believe that Kamala will save you.

Third of all, Kamala’s numbers are not that strong with men of color, specifically African-American men. Heterosexual African-American men sense something about Kamala Harris. Something dark. Something different from what she is presenting. I know that for a fact. Except for those men are afraid of their wives or LGBTQ, quite a few men are agreeing with me right now as they are reading this article.

Fourth of all, Kamala Harris supports planned parenthood, an organization which was founded by eugenics, genocide depopulation racist Margaret Sanger. Do the research. And since the largest numbers of abortions in America are by black women, Kamala is working for the genocide of people who look like her. Maybe Kamala’s mother who was a divorced mom with two daughters should have utilized her “women’s reproductive rights”. But then we would not be having this discussion. I gave her mother all the credit because she had her children. Kamala how many did you give birth to? And since the answer appears to be zero, is that why you are so cold when it comes to millions upon millions of abortions?

It is not just a woman’s body. Any ultrasound or sonogram will prove that the unborn child has his or her own body. So the argument that it is the woman’s body is a deception at best. On top of that, changing the rhetoric and propaganda to call it “women’s reproductive rights” when Margaret Sanger cared nothing about black women’s rights nor health is more deception.
I have to wonder if black women in America realize they are being used as they willingly sacrifice their unborn children? Child Sacrifice to a movement based on lies and deception, not women’s health and not women’s rights. And where are the churches today? Either cowardly silent, complicit in the deception or going right along with the abortions. Especially the black church. Wake up people!
The fact that women have to even have a debate over whether or not to kill an unborn child is sickening to me. Good parents, women or men, teach our children to be accountable for their actions and responsible for their behavior. We teach our children that actions have consequences, not escape routes. When a woman can just kill her unborn child because of inconvenience to cover her irresponsibility, that sends a message. A hypocritical, dark, devious, selfish, irresponsible message. And many of you know it.
What is wrong with people? Feminism pushes for more rights for women, and in fact for women having rights that men don’t have regarding the unborn child and that the unborn child does not have either. It’s all about women having more rights than anybody else. And that is the dark truth about feminism. Where is the equality in that?
Apparently Kamala Harris does not believe in the Declaration of Independence, pure and simple. If she pushes for women’s rights above those of everybody else, she does not believe that we are all created equal. So she should at least be honest enough to say that she does not believe that part of the Declaration of Independence. But she would rather participate in the deception than tell the truth about the movement. Then how can Kamala Harris be a president who defends the Declaration of Independence? She is showing you that she won’t. All the while, deceiving you with a smile and telling you that she will fight for you.
Kamala Harris is not pushing for everybody to be equal in America. Ask the over 60 million innocent unborn children who have been ripped apart and aborted from the womb since Roe v Wade in the 1970s. Oh, that’s right, you can’t ask them because they are in cosmetics and vaccines.
Kamala is pushing for women and calling it equality. I call that the spirit of Jezebel or the spirit of Lilith. And I encourage you to look them up and read about them both. Harris is supposed to be following the laws of the land, not fighting against them while she is Vice- President and promising to do the same as President. Roe v. Wade is dead. So how can she be trusted to uphold what is in place if she is fighting against what is in place right now? Since when is ripping apart an unborn child in the womb a God-given, unalienable right? And what about the Declaration of Independence which states the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Apparently Kamala cannot be trusted to stand with that either.
So you can believe what smiling Kamala tells you and like her because she looks like you. You can support her because she places women above everybody else, including country. But you are Not being honest with yourself. Over 38% of the abortions in America have been the death and dismemberment of millions of unborn African-American children, with more to come if Kamala has her way. If you are OK with that, especially if you are personal color, you are OK with the depopulation of your people. I’m not OK with that and I’m not a coward who is afraid to speak up.
Lastly, before you say, “what about rape and incest in life of the mother”, you need to know that comprises only about 1% of all the abortions in America. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for genocide against the black and African-American community. And just remember this, if your mother thought like Kamala Harris, you might not be here to read this article. I dare you to wake up and I dare you to share and discuss this article with others.
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at; TrevoCraw@ThyBlackMan.com.