Project 2025: Why Donald Trump’s Agenda Threatens America’s Future.

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( I heard so much about Project 2025 all over the internet. Every time I looked up there was a different post about this Republican plan of action. As I do with most things, I never want to assume it’s as harmless as some would say or as dangerous. Instead, I need to see for myself. I sat down and read the 900 plus page document, and it felt as though I was reading an old history book. It took me back to reading about the times my grandparents endured. In that moment I realized many of us have an idea of what is looming ahead of us, but we need a deep understanding. Honestly, at this point I don’t care who runs against Trump because any and every option is better than him. To be honest there is no Republican that can sell me on voting for them unless they are willing to condemn Project 2025. There are many Black folks on the fence about how they are going to vote because of Biden’s age.

Well, the question then needs to be asked…Do you have a problem with Vice President Kamala Harris? If your answer is yes, okay. However, is she more of a threat than Trump? Trump is not a threat because of his wit per se…he is a threat because his very existence is a threat to national security. He threatens the very fabric of this country. I understand the position of our people when it comes to America, politics, and parties. However, I have always wondered what our people wish to gain by voting. I say that to say, I vote largely in part for national interest. I understand that I can be betrayed by both parties simultaneously when I begin to look at the needs of my community. However, if national security is threatened…the movement will be put on hold so that we can continue to have a country and a roof over our head.

Project 2025: Why Donald Trump's Agenda Threatens America's Future.

Trump will make America a laughingstock. The global community will not have compassion and mercy on America again. Yes, I said it…nations looked at us with compassion as our incompetent president at the time did something at every turn to embarrass the American people. We have all been told all politicians lie, but how do we account for the degree of lies and the frequency of them this man is willing to tell. We need to understand America is in a racial battle so to speak, but it is not just with Black people. America is in a class battle, and it isn’t just affecting Black people. Trump is a threat to every single movement in this country making him the enemy of progress and innovation in this country. The attack on education this administration will allow will lull America to sleep…she will be far surpassed by nations that once looked to her with awe.

Trump is far more dangerous than we realize, and the fears of the American public remains at play. The fear of no longer being in “control” of this nation has white Americans ready to vote for a man that cares nothing about them nor their family. He has Black Americans thinking…well to be honest I have no idea what they are thinking. Even if a Black person says they are a Republican for economic reasons maybe I can understand, but if Trump is your nominee something in your Black spirit should make you back away. There are Black Republicans that have walked away from the party because this man was a disgrace and danger to their person, and this nation. There were many Republicans that could not make their peace with Trump because the truth is…he is ANTI-American. It might make some uncomfortable, but it is still the truth.

At this point, voting Republican could mean the death of the country as you know it. Americans love to sit back and look at other countries with dictatorship and think that could never happen here. Well, a vote for Republicans at this point means it could happen here. Let’s not forget Trump admires Kim Jung Un, and Putin…he would be them if he could. He knows the American populus is fickle, and he plays on it. This man sat in the White House as his Vice President was in danger in an insurrection on Nations Capitol and let it happen. Black Americans might need to revisit the history so many feel we need to move past. Maybe they might need to look at the laws under Jim Crow, they might need to think about what they would do if they were forced into a situation where segregation, was the law. You might be thinking I’m going to fare, but we know the old saying “those that do not learn from history are bound to repeat it.”

This election is not about personal agendas, it’s about maintaining some form of freedom. It is about protecting the work of our ancestors that was paid in blood. We cannot afford to go backwards. Everyone loves to talk about what they would not tolerate if they were living back then but can’t seem to understand a vote for Trump just might introduce you to back then. Are you willing to take that chance? Trump is a threat to every movement, and it is a threat that comes with dangerous consequences. Think about your family and choose to continue our movement forward.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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