(ThyBlackMan.com) The plain truth is that I do not have any confidence that humanity will right itself even if you set before it the most indisputable right direction. I am not a cynic, and I make no apology to anyone for seeing things as they are even if by saying so some people are offended. This world is going to hell, has been on that horrendous pathway for some time, and the only thing that believers can do, is as Paul says, “by all means save some.” (1 Corinthians 9:22).
Christianity is, has always been, and will remain forever a minority religion. In case we are branded as exclusive and isolationist we should be reminded of how the Bible puts it. “…for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14)
It is useless trying to save the world, or humanity, or what ever notion you have that encompasses all the people of the world. People are not lost because they are ignorant of the truth, or that they have never heard the true gospel of Jesus Christ, or they are unaware that salvation is come into the world and is available for all. People cling to wrong notions, live ungodly and destructive lives even when they know that they are destroying themselves.
Like an uncle of mine who from a young age used to smoke cigarettes almost non-stop, and would boldly declare, “I know these cigarettes will kill me, but heck, you only live once.” He is now dead, and suffered from a host of non-communicable diseases, but miraculously reached the age of 88 years.
They are people today who are living abominable lifestyles that they know, just like my uncle, will shorten their life or will expose them to horrendous maladies, but continue on the same path nonetheless.
The Frenchman Jean-Jacques Rousseau said: “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” This is certainly true today and the chains are not physical, but mental. We have become slaves to systems, to ideology and to slogans and stereotypes, and often we are not even aware that such is the case.
The truth is, that none of that troubles me too much because the world has different standards to believers, and in this sense everyone who is not saved is part of this world. The Holy Spirit, through the gospel of Jesus Christ, has been calling a select group out of the world, away from the norms of society to faith and obedience to Almighty God.
I therefore expect that believers, blood washed, sanctified and totally committed to God would be different. Believers should never be quiet, and spineless, in the face of the most horrid attacks on the principles and teaching of the Holy Bible.
It is okay for believers to have different views, and different attitudes to things that are considered minor, but the essential doctrines, the clear teachings of the Bible should be defended boldly, and without equivocation.
Believers, throughout history, have given their lives for the defence of the gospel. True believers today would rather die than deny the truth of the gospel. Paul defended the gospel all through his ministry, so too did the other apostles, and here is how one told us to act, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 1:3)
Today, like never before, the Bible, and indeed Christian values, are being undermined all around us, and many believers are refusing to stand up and fight for the cause of Jesus Christ.
There is a tide of populism sweeping the world, an ungodly cacophony of secular voices that will stop at nothing until they destroy everything decent and sacred in the world. Their joy is to tear down, to trample underfoot, to bring humanity to its knees by any means whatsoever. They have no regard for moral landmarks, they delight in anarchy, warfare, hatred, and putting people against each other. To them love is for wimps, cooperation is for losers, helping the needy is for the naive, and may the devil take the hindmost.
When people like these, people who don’t believe in right and wrong, have no guiding principles but their own selfishness and lust, then society is in for a ghastly time.
Again I say that this does not cause me any great concern. From a bad tree you get bad fruit, from a polluted spring you get impure water, and evil flowing from evil shouldn’t raise your eyebrows.
But when believers join this ungodly cacophony then I shudder. Believers are different, aren’t they?
The crisis in the church is a crisis of boldness, a failure to stand up and be counted, a failure to stand by God’s word no matter what the skeptics are saying.
Christianity has never been about popularity, it has always been about doing right.
Jesus Christ, in refusing to go along with the stoning to death of the woman caught in the act of adultery, did what was right, not what was popular.
The Good Samaritan, in stopping and helping the wounded man, did what was right, not what was popular.
When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow down and worship the golden image, putting their lives in jeopardy, they did it because it was right not because it was popular.
The Apostle Paul could have let Peter get away with his discrimination when Jews were gathered with Gentiles (Galatians 2:11-12), but he acted, not because it was popular, but because it was right.
Believers need to get serious and remember that you can do wrong things, that is a sin of commission, and you can also sin by not doing the right thing, that is a sin of omission. Both in God’s sight are failing to live up to your calling in Jesus Christ.
Some believers fall back on the old mantras, “well nobody is perfect” and “we all sin” and when these do not work then they are quick with “judge not that ye be not judged”. All of these mantras are true if understood in their proper context, but they should never be used for an excuse for failure to be bold.
It is one of our human frailties, and believers are sometimes the same, that we like making excuses for our failure to act because we are unsure of what will happen to us. If I helped him/her what will my friends say, what will my boss think, what will my neighbours think, what will my colleagues say.
It is my belief that God never lets us be in the wrong place, except that he has given us the grace, and the opportunity, to act on his behalf to remedy the situation.
Believers are God’s ambassadors on earth, and we need to act boldly, day by day, to represent Him. We are to stand for peace, love, justice and the kingdom of heaven even in the face of stiff opposition, because it is right to do so, it is our sacred duty, and we shall succeed because, “…greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)
Staff Writer; Henderson W.
You can contact this Christian brother at: HWard@ThyBlackMan.com.
I was very moved by the article by Hendeson W., and I fervently hope many others, especially believers in God, and Christ, are.
But I do believe that despite the present great evil interspersed in our world, and in our country, the United States, which seems to be RAPIDLY accelerating today, and much is motivated by pure evil, in many people, fueled by rampant selfishness, there is presently much good in the world today, which takes the form of the true seeking of truth, a respect for God and His laws (even, ironically, by non-believers through their regard for common morality-which essentially comes from God), the existence of true remorse for people’s sins and of sincere repentance for them and the demonstration of selfless love by many, including through organized and unorganized charity and personal good deeds, such as the “mitzvahs” done, with joy, by many Jewish people, and similar acts by anyone.
And most importantly, the fervent and sincere prayers of so many believers in God, both Christians and non-Christians, not only for their families and those in their religions, but for the whole world! The presence of such things and people is what is now holding back many of the predicted disasters, both human and natural, which threaten the whole world in these times, which Biblically seem to herald what Christians know as the “great tribulation” period. In contrast to most standard Christian thought, I strongly believe that the world could actually avert many of these predicted disasters (which I know would please our God very much if this happens), and the existence of these things in the world are both evidence, and hope, that these prophetic predictions are not necessarily fixed, as most believers think, but rather are conditional warnings from a perfectly just and loving God, which may or may not happen, depending on the world’s willingness to turn away from the present, growing, sinful practices and attitudes, and this very much depends on the influence of people, such as we believers, who are not only called to preach the gospel to the world (which is essential to God), but also to be the salt and light of the earth, as Jesus also importantly expects VERY MUCH of us, but which seems to be ignored by many sincere believers today, who may think it is futile to try to change the world, so we should, according to this very common opinion, “give up” on the world, and only evangelize.
The author is right, this corrupt world will not change on its own, but if those who respect, and yearn for, what is good and right (and James writes that “all good and perfect gifts come from above…”), and take responsibility, out of true love for the whole world, which is demanded by Christ, then I undeniably say, by, and before, the living Gog (Who “is love”), that He, Who is now taking away His hand of protection from the world (as He did from His beloved Israel, when ancient Israel did not repent from great sin and apostasy), and it seems, Biblically, is ready to remove His hand altogether, which would allow the predicted disasters to consume much of the world, will, I’m VERY sure, relent, as He did when both Israel and Nineveh (and other nations) unexpectedly took the prophets’ warnings seriously and came to great repentance, and instead, reverse the sure judgments, and He even then blessed these nations! If this conditionality of the predicted end-time disasters is correct (I believe it must be sincerely examined, with hope, as commanded by God, through the Apostle, Paul, in 1st Thessalonians 5:19 to 21), and those who are effectively true shepherds for the world, as ourselves, continue to seek the world’s repentance (along with our own personal repentance, as Jesus pointed to in Matthew 7:1 to 5-PLEASE read, if you will), not only with continual and fervent prayer, but with action, even social and political, if called to by God, then we may very well see God restoring His hand of protection, which would prevent many of these conditional prophesies from happening, and as a result, the world could become a more relatively peaceful place that, instead of being on the verge of destruction, will welcome Jesus, our promised Messiah, when He returns to us on earth.
I realize that most Christians, who resign themselves to the popular idea of the horrible end-time prophesies being on a fixed timeline from God,, may not accept this view. This may not only be out of their firm, but I feel dismal, belief, but also may come from a lack of true love for the world, which Jesus wants of us! In this, we who are willing should not only pray for the sinful world, which I believe could truly take us out of an otherwise very sure “collision course” with God (which is predicted), but for our fellow believers to open their minds and hearts to this possibility I give above, and thus be able to embrace real hope for the world (see Romans 5:5), and truly awaken love in their hearts and be thus able to obey Jesus commands to be the salt and light of the earth! I would like to add a less common interpretation of Matthew 7:13 and 14, which may add support to the above ideas.
In these verses (PLEASE read, if you will), I strongly believe that the “straight gate” and the “narrow way,” “which few find” (I am using the King James Bible) spoken of by Jesus DO NOT refer to eternal life, as normally thought, which I believe cannot be “found”, but is a free gift given by God to all who do not reject it, even unconsciously, in their unsaved hearts all their lives (“the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit”?). (Several verses may be helpful in understanding this less popular idea, which I hope you will carefully read, including Genesis 12:3b, Isaiah 42:16 , 43:11, 49:14 to 16, and 55:8 and 9, Jonah 2:7 to 10, John 1:13, 1:29, 6:44 and, especially, 17:2, Romans 3:10 to 18 (which I believe mostly speaks about unsaved people), Romans 5:6 and 8:33, Colossians 2:13, 2nd Timothy 2:13 and 1st John 2:2b.) Rather, I believe the context of Matthew, chapter 7 seems to point to verses 13 and 14 as speaking about life ON THIS EARTH, as strongly suggested by verses 1 to 5 and 24 to 27 (in which Jesus compares he who lives by His teachings (on this earth) to a man who “built his house on a rock,” which makes it resilient to ANY storm (on earth). Also, the word Jesus uses for “life,” transliterated from the Greek as “zoe,” in verse 14 more correctly refers to physical life (again, on this earth) rather than “eternal life.” ***
In all these things, if the translations and interpretations I try to bring forth are accurate, we must, I believe, truly accept, and embrace, the absoluteness of God’s love being truly infinite, unconditional and one-sided, which all believers and churches pay “lip-service” to, but it seems that very few truly comprehend and believe in their hearts, which sadly limits the truth of God’s unlimited love in the eyes of both believers and non-believers. And this may be the main reason that so many people in the world, who could potentially be believers, pull away from the church, and worst, from God, and from Christ, and so many people within the church (who are already saved “to the uttermost,” as Hebrews 9:25 states) cannot love God as they should if they only knew the truth (see 1st John 4:19), and some fall away, or even leave the church, because of this! These things may also lead to the callousness of, and lack of fervent love for, God and all the world in the churches today, which makes many believers more easily accept the standard ideas concerning the fixed nature of the end-time prophesies, which lead them to basically “give up” on the world, and forget, or put aside, Jesus Christ’s call to be the salt and light of the earth, and put hope in a renewed world (only possible by the infinite power and love of God), which CAN escape the horrors predicted for these end-times!