(ThyBlackMan.com) Let’s go down this rabbit hole right now. The right to choose who lives or dies is an authority that God has. He also empowers the courts as in the book of Judges to sometimes share in that authority. But nowhere in the teachings of the Bible does God empower the woman to exclusively have that right nor that authority.
Therefore, when women take that authority anyway, it is direct rebellion against God, His authority and His order. People may not like to hear the truth, but they need to read it for themselves. And it is very bold for women who promote the killing of innocent unborn children for convenience to think that they have a better way than God does.

Clearly our rights come from God, and not just when it’s convenient to only one gender. The Bible teaches that when a man and woman are married, the husband does not have power of his own body, but the wife. And the wife does not have power over her own body, but the husband does. See I Corinthians 7:4. Apparently women in rebellion to God have forgotten about that or simply do not care. When they break that rule, and arbitrarily decide what they are going to do with the innocent unborn child, they go against God yet again.
Nowhere in the teachings of scripture does it say it is a woman’s “choice” to kill an unborn child. Nowhere in the teaching subscription does it say it is a woman’s “right” to kill an unborn child. Nowhere in the teachings of scripture does it say a woman has the right to do whatever she wants to do with her body. Nowhere in the teachings of scripture does it even hint about the murdering of unborn children is a health or reproductive right. In fact, quite the opposite. And God’s position is crystal clear.
So let’s stop pretending that it’s right or OK. You can neither walking through nor abide in the spirit of true if you are willing to accept and promote a lie. And just because much of the church is weak and cowardice on this topic just like in so many other areas, that does not mean that you have to be.
Apparently, millions of women have forgotten that the body is the temple and that we all belong to God. See I Corinthians 6:19-20. That is yet again another intentional act of rebellion against God. And if women do not belong to God, who do they belong to? Only themselves? If that is true, they become their own “god”. A false one.
The Bible clearly states that God sets before us a choice, but then it tells us to choose life. That we might have and have it more abundantly. And that is not just spiritual life, but a life that follows his example on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
To support the murder of innocent unborn children, many people hide behind the statement that “it is between the woman and God”. But where in the Bible does it say that? It doesn’t. Direct rebellion against God spills over from families into communities and from one generation to the next. That becomes a problem for all of us.
Anybody who has ever seen a sonogram or ultrasound of the womb of a pregnant woman can clearly see that the unborn child has its own body. So it’s not just about the woman’s body. And if it’s just about the woman’s body, which it isn’t, who or what is being removed? I challenge any person who disagrees to go and watch an abortion and then deny what just happened. In fact, the process is so antichrist that people cannot even call it by the name of what is happening, so they call it “abortion”.
The law in every state in America may be inconsistent on the topic of killing innocent unborn children. That is how the world is, the same world that we are supposed to be in, but not of. Yet clearly the law in every state in America makes it clear in one way or another that neither a woman (nor a man) can do whatever she wants with her own body. If she could, suicide would be legal. If she could, prostitution would be legal everywhere. If she could, suicide would be legal everywhere. If she could, she could have sex with animals. If she could, she could have sex with dead people. If she could, she would not have to wear a seatbelt because it is her car and her body. If she could, she could use illicit drugs. If she could, she could walk the streets naked because it is her body. So don’t let the inconsistency of man be used as an excuse that women should be able to do whatever they want with their own bodies.
The only reason you see such a big inconsistency when it comes to what is called “abortion” is because of people like Margaret Sanger, feminists, a bunch of cowards in the church who won’t speak up and selfish women who do not want to own up to their responsibilities. If a man Did not want to own up to his responsibilities, He would be held accountable anyway and he would be called a “deadbeat”. If a man punched a pregnant woman in the stomach and the unborn child died, the man could be charged with infanticide. But when the woman does the exact same act in a room with a doctor, suddenly it is called something else – “women’s reproductive rights”. So there is clearly a double standard. And is time to wake up to the unpopular truth. Life is not just about convenience. It is about responsibility and accountability for our actions.
It involves having our tax dollars go toward the killing of innocent, born children, especially when that goes against the teachings of scripture. This attitude that “this not impacting me or it is not my business” is not an attitude that Christ had. He set an example to speak the truth and be about the truth, not promote, accept nor live a lie. And that is where it becomes all of our problem, not just “between the woman and her God”.
Furthermore, when “abortion” it is used as a tool of genocide or depopulation, as was planned by Margaret Sanger when she started planned parenthood (do your research), it becomes a problem to an entire race of people targeted for annihilation. Wake up, the numbers prove this all day long. And a little research will let you hear it in Margaret Sanger’s own words.
So don’t fall for the “women’s reproductive rights” lie because it is all about “self”, lack of accountability and lack of responsibility. Somebody has to have the courage and decency and honor and spirit of truth to speak up for the innocent, unborn children who are being ripped from the wombs of mothers for their convenience.
Somebody has to speak up for the genocide of over 20 million innocent unborn African-American children in America. So I will speak up, just as my Savior spoke up with the truth, especially when it was unpopular. No apologies. And the truth does not have time to care about who likes it or who doesn’t.
I am not here to condemn anybody. But actions have already been judged and evaluated by the one who created us. Like it or not. I simply relay the message without Bias, without fear, without political correctness. You know who else did that.
The Bible tells me they hated Christ so likewise, they will hate me. That’s OK because I’m in good company and I am not afraid. I would rather speak truth than be a coward who lives in hypocrisy. Just don’t try to nail me to the cross because HE has already taken care of that. And if people get offended by this message, it is very likely because they know down deep that what they are supporting or doing is wrong.
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
The word ” abortion ” only has utilitarian and pragmatic meaning in a man- made world like ours. The King James Version of the Holy Bible teaches us that our soul is our life. We are living souls.The soul is immaterial, and immortal which means that it cannot die therefore arguments against abortion tend to support our human being uses for human bodies in the furtherance of our pluralistic representative democracy with its capitalist economic base that supports an unequal distribution of available goods and services based on merit. Merit is defined as usefulness to our human being maintained republic not to God. We cannot kill human beings, and we cannot create human beings. We can only follow the divine pattern of a God made determined reality ad infinitum. It is completely untrue, and unfair for us to cause women to think, and believe that they have sinned by having an abortion of an unborn human corpus destined for a utilitarian pragmatic existence in a man-made world when we know for sure that the actions of human beings in this world are not in harmonious synchronization with the will of God.
Thank you for putting in words the truth about abortion. WELL SAID