(ThyBlackMan.com) Most people know what a runaway train is a train that has no physical way of stopping or slowing down. Typically only stopping as a result of derailment, crashing into a barrier or running out of tracks.
Our world resembles a runaway train as it races down the tracks of life recklessly. Going faster and faster heading towards ultimate destruction. It doesn’t seem to care who gets in the way or what justice dictates. Doing the right thing is scrapped for what is politically correct. Anyone who criticizes or complains is labeled a racist, extremist or terrorist. Evil is now good and good is evil where offending the politically correct is not tolerated.
As a Christian you will find yourself chained to the front of this steam engine. You are considered a threat for your beliefs conflict with the plans of the wicked and you must be exterminated!
Being strapped to the front of the train gives you a front row seat to all that is coming down the track. You know that the train is no longer on the track headed for the bridge of truth, God’s Word. Instead the train is now on the track, (path), of destruction and is racing down it at top speed. They are telling everyone that it is heading for a new bridge of lies but failing to say that it won’t carry the weight of their deception. You’re running out of time and you must make a critical decision.
You struggle trying to free yourself but to no avail. You hope against all hope that someone will rescue you before the train goes flying over the edge but that doesn’t seem likely. The realization has hit you you are going to die! You have two choices, you can just accept the obvious as the inevitable or you can pray and believe that God can and will save you. It is a matter of faith and trust!
Daniel 3:13-29 Tells the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the furnace. For defying king Nebuchadnezzar’s direct order to worship the image of gold the three of them were to be executed by fire. But they told Nebuchadnezzar, “We do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” All three were tied up and thrown into the burning furnace that the king had heated seven times hotter than normal.
They could have accepted the obvious and died in the furnace but instead they chose to trust in The God for their deliverance! They refused to compromise their beliefs to spare themselves from the wrath of the king. As a result of their faith and trust Nebuchadnezzar looked and saw four people in the fiery furnace. They were loose and dancing around in the flames. The king called to them to come out. When the three came out there was no scorch marks on them and not one hair on their heads was singed. They didn’t even smell of smoke!
In today’s world it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the world is headed for serious trouble. Those who are running the train have been telling their lies for so long that they believe it themselves. They have diluted and compromised away any common sense and righteous thinking that they ever possibly had. Ignoring the mistakes and disasters throughout history that socialism has brought they move forward at brake-neck speeds heading for destruction.
You know the outcome of their decisions and have seen the results. You can allow the fear of what is coming to overwhelm you. You can allow that same fear to stifle and control you. You can let it steamroll and destroy you. The Bible states 365 times do not fear, that’s one for each day of the year! You can let fear run your life or you can turn it ALL over to Jesus and let him save you. You can put your trust in Him to spare you from this world’s destruction.
Jesus can free you from the planned destruction that you have been tied to on the train of life! You don’t have to worry what the wicked have planned. You don’t have to worry about where that train is headed. You don’t have to accept whatever those leaders want you to believe. For ONLY our God is able to save our country! Don’t put your trust in man but in Jehovah Melphalti, The Lord my deliver!
Staff Writer;Â Steve C.
Can contact this Christian brother at;Â SteveC@ThyBlackMan.com.
Personally, I’m fine with this “runaway train”. But then again, I’m a Buddhist and an Atheist and feel no need to demand that the world falls in line with my expectations.
The one main point that the Holy Bible teaches Christians is that we are incapable of saving ourselves.The best that we can do is defend ourselves from the immoral wherever we may find them.When Jesus comes to save us, I am certain that he will find us locked in mortal combat with the immoral trying to stay alive a little while longer, and this is how things should be.