(ThyBlackMan.com) This article is designed to make you think, think about what you do and why. What you believe and why. Who you listen to and why. I am more interested in those goals than I am in simply getting you to agree with me. So as I look forward to saying in my 2024 podcast, let’s go down the rabbit hole.
I guess before we get to the issue of the church and whether or not the “church” follows the truth, we need to ask the question “what church”? Whose church? Clearly God did not set up denominations. Clearly the Catholic Church is not even mentioned in the Bible, yet millions upon millions of people or more bow down to the pope, call him “holy father” and kiss his hand as if he walks on water. Really?
If you know anything about history, you know that the Lutheran and Presbyterian Church are offshoots of the Catholic Church via Martin Luther and John Calvin. That goes into the protestant reformation, but since I’m not so sure it reformed everything it needed to, I won’t go down that rabbit hole. Not today, but for another time definitely. Rewind from the Catholic Church and you have the Roman Catholic Church. Rewind again and you have the Romans and paganism. But don’t rewind anymore, because you really won’t like what you see.
My intention is not to insult any church, group or belief system. Whether mosque or synagogue, black church, or Baptist Association, Jehovah’s Witness, yes, or Mormons. But obviously, if all these groups say, they are definitely following God, and hearing from God, there is a huge problem, because they differ so much. Somebody is wrong, likely almost all of them. And if you are offended, the truth does tend to do that when it hits the nail on the head.
Of course, then we have religion riding on the back of denominations. Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, AME, CME, Church of Christ, Seventh-day Adventist, and the list goes on and on with offshoots of the above and then some. Not to forget, Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses, beliefs of a different sort. So you have to ask how so many of these groups can say they are following the same “God”, book or books, but go off in so many different directions.
Then we come to the self-seeking, self-promoting, money-grabbing, of the world pastors and “profits” whose names are on the buses and the vans and the buildings and the billboards. Think about it this way, McDonald’s has golden arches because it is promoting McDonald’s. UPS and Amazon, Polo and Coach, Mercedes and Zales have their names and logos on the trucks, buildings and stores because that is who they are promoting. So when you see pastors with their names and faces all over everything, guess what? My point is simple. Many of the churches today have become about the pastor, the church and its agenda, leaving the original mission that Christ laid out sorely behind. Since this is the case, how can they promote the truth at the same time? Especially when they won’t even tell you the truth about their agenda.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not stereotyping all churches, mosques, synagogues, and places of worship. Nor am I stereotyping all leaders therein. But the majority of them, I submit to you, are not even strictly following the books, the beliefs, and the God they say they represent. So I ask you, how can they promote the truth? And maybe, just maybe, that is why this question irritates so many people. Because they know they are not about the truth, they are about their agendas.
So in this article, because I’m limited in space and time, I’m going to tackle the “Christian” church. Before I do, I should tell you that I am not an atheist, nor an agnostic, nor a Hebrew Israelite in disguise. I am what and who God says I am. I am what the Bible says I am. I am a child of God. I am a son of the Most High. I am the head and not the tail. I am part of the bride of Christ. I am a believer. And I am everything else that the New Covenant says I am. I just needed to get that out-of-the way upfront before many of you want to call me something else, though you are probably going to do so anyway after you finish reading this article. If you dare finish.
Here is the truth. Christ was not likely born in December. Here is the truth, the name of the Messiah was not Jesus, and His name is not Jesus. Here is the truth, no matter how much He has been white-washed, Yeshua did not look like an Anglo-Saxon European. Here is the truth, God did not set up denominations. Man did. Here is the truth. The true church belongs to the Messiah, not to man’s (nor woman’s) wants, lusts and hidden agendas. Here is the truth. Abortion is completely inconsistent with the Bible and Christianity. God is about relationship, not man’s religion. A great many people who attend church are deceived by the leaders of those very churches. And many of them, leaders included, are going to bust hell wide open at the front of the line.
Here is the truth. There are several ways to communicate with God, without having to go through the pastor or the clergy, or the priest, or whatever other labels and channels man keeps promoting. I’m not saying walk away from the worship center. I am saying that many of you need to stop letting man be a mediator between you and your God. No man on this earth today should hold that position, no man nor woman.
God called many church leaders. But some of these people called themselves and answered. Some of them just went to cemetery, I’m sorry I meant seminary. And learned about theology and all the other “ologies” of man’s Pharisee-type religion that will take you straight to hell in an express elevator. That is the truth.
It’s hard to believe that people are still sending out free packets of miracle “holy” water. It’s hard to believe that hundreds of thousands of you, if not millions of you, had to attend a TD Jakes conference or camp meeting in order to get free or “loosed”, and paid out your money to do so. Talk about the money changers? Especially when the Messiah had freed you before TD Jakes even existed. It’s hard to believe that many of you will take the money you need to pay bills and instead give it to some churches, only to find that when you are in need, you have to go to them and beg or wait or apply for a loan or all of the above. And yes, I can name names as to which churches that refers to. So I ask you, where where is the truth in all of this?
This article should stir something in you, even if it upsets you. Why? Because it’s not just time to feed the sheep, it’s time to wake the other lions. The lack of accountability and truth in the churches and church leaders of today should not be the essence of your vulnerability, subjugation and blind trust today and tomorrow.
I know many of you have been told not to question “the man of God”, or touch not God’s “anointed”, but who said the charlatans are God’s anointed? If that’s what they told you, echoed by the cronies around them, did you expect any different answer? You have to think. And the more you think, the more you will wake up to the deception. Much of what happens in the churches today from the pulpit on down would make Satan blush. Or get discouraged and quit, because many church leaders are doing his work for him.
I recently attended a homecoming ceremony for a senior citizen. Needless to say, I was shocked when I found out the pastor’s eulogy was a reworded version of what he heard on TikTok. Why should I be surprised? I remember Juanita Bynum getting up on stage year after year as a “prophetess”. More like a “profit-ess” mess. Ironically, I listened closely to her over two dozen times. Each time, waiting for real prophecy to come through. Yes, people there’s a difference between those who prophesy and those who profit-lie.
I could go down the list even further, but there just isn’t time in this article. Still, you get the point. Or you should. Don’t question the pastor or the church leader? Give me a break. Accountability should start with the leadership. And many of you need to stop letting them off the hook while they are putting you on another hook.
So while so many people walk around and talks about being woke, I’m saying wake up. For real. Not just a cliché and not just because everybody wants to say they are “woke” when many of them are fast asleep and don’t even know it. Some of you want to say amen but you are afraid to. Some of you are mad at this article. Are you mad enough to wake up? Some of you don’t care. That is a big problem and some of you do not have a clue about what you just read. That is a shame. Wake up!
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, Religion, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at; TrevoCraw@ThyBlackMan.com.
This article hits key points but misses one. First a reply for Darrell. No the Church did not do the same thing as the chosen 12 Disciples of Jesus. I suggest you google a book called Many Christianities. The title says it all. Those times, when it came to Gentile believers was no differenet than the denominations of today. There were factions as that time, and on side simply won out. That side Became the Roman Catholic Church. That names says something itself. All of the Roman Catholic Church Fathers were of Roman and Greek persuasions, so what you call the New Testament, was what was complied by a group of people who had Roman/Greek/Babylonian backgrounds, including Paul who was clearly a Jew of the Diaspora. He Did not Teach what Peter and James taught and the 33 books of the “New Testament” were carefully chosen to reflect his and his proselytes line of philosphies, which clearly contradict those of the Jewish Rabbi and his chosen 12 Disciples.
Concerning this article itself. It has good information, but it too fails to understand how important the manipulation of the label “New Testament” is. This is propaganda that comse from those who were not among the early followers of Jesus, including Paul, whom if Jesus had chosen, Why did he not chose him while he was alive? If you Critically Read the writing of Paul, which is more than half the “New Testament”, chosen writings, you will clearly see that something is going on that is pretty much the same Me and I that is going on with Denomination starters even to this day. They all have revelations and special interpretations of the Jewish Scriptures, that Jesus quoted from. Paul twisted Eevery singel quote to his benefit, and moreover his claims of meeting the “risen Christ” is no different than Joseph Smith who said he found the Golden Tablets. They are both preposterous claims with no one to verify their claims, other than those who were their direct disciples.
Questions to Read Critically, ?Think About,. and Research. Can G-d the true G-d be a man? As Abraham would have said would a Just G-d have someone else die for the sins of someone else? Is that really Justice? What kind of plan would it be if G-d How could the Jews crucify or even influence a reputed Brutal Pontious Pilate to crucify Jesus based on the Roman rule? What was crucifixion used for? Who was crucifixion reserved for? If Jesus is the “Son of God”, did he ever say this himself in the sense that we use it today, or did he say that just the same as You yourself being a son of God? if he is the Son of G-d and was with the One G-d in the beginning, where is the Mother? How did the Creator give birth to the Son? If he is the Son, he would have to have not only been subordinate, but also have been I suggest to you that a wise Creator G-d was wise enough not create us with Original Sin, as devised by the Catholic Church and what All Denominations today follow.
I suggest that he gave us freedom of choice and created us just like all children that are not old enough to know right and wrong. Abraham was righteous. Where did that get lost? Adam sin was not accounted to Abraham, but as G-d told the children of Israel, I put before you life and Death, Choose for yourself Life. That sounds more like a Wise and Just G-d rather than one that would say that we are all sinners because of Adam. Moreover, there are clearly passages in the Scriptures that tell us even if we “sin” we can be forgiven by repentance, and withouth Blood. But check that out for yourself, because clearly Paul twisted that scripture if you go and read what he quoted. Lastly, could a Wise Omiscient, and Omnipotent G-d create angel that could rebel? Or is their never A Satan mentioned in the Bible? There is The Satan, and adversary, but is he not Under G-d. Investigate it for yourself? Did the scriptures say, “I saw Satan fall from Heaven”? Or is this clearly talking about an arrogant King. Read the whole chapter with Critical eyes, and you will find that G-d is no so Dumb to create and/or allow a Devil, this comes from the Babylonian exile, and suddenly afterwards you see this line of thinking in Jewish/Christian writings. This is a long story, but G-d is not this Dumb. It sounds like a Dumb ingorant conception of men and those who believe it. What we see today concerning the so called Devil is an excuse for all the evils that We as human beings do.
The Devil becomes our scapegoat, and Jesus becomes our Get out of Jail Free Card, rather than us manning up and choosing life or death for ourselves. G-d did not create a New Testament. Your Greek and Roman Church Fathers did. He created one Testament, if you choose to follow the Abrahamic G-d that is. The True Good News, the True Gospel is that True One and Only G-d, already told you how to be at one with him, and it did not at all involve a preposterous plan of sending a son down having him being born of a virgin and then dying on a cross for us. Is this the same G-d who told the Israelites that he hated them for sacraficing their children in the fire to Molech? If so, clearly he is a hypocrit! But he is not! It is we who have come up with all of this foolishiness.
In closing, I’ve been there before, but Always had questions about some of the unanswerable, but clearly preposterous writings of the Christian scriptures. Seek and you Shall Find. This is a question for Thy Blackman and readers. Is the same Jesus you are talking about the same one who clearly said the following and warned about People like Paul coming after him: Matthew 15:24, Matthew 17:15. Both scriptures create a quandry for Black, White, Brown, and Yellow Christians. G-d is One and is inconceivable. Deuteronmy 4:1-15. But then hundreds of years later He came down in the form of a man Yeshua/Jesus so you could paint pictures of him and create cross and fish emblems that are now seared in your brains so deeply that you can’t unsee them, these images clearly Warp your Conception of who G-d is.
Inconceivable. That is why he was wise enough not to show an image from the smoke himself, as he said, and that is why no man including the Disciples could have seen a man and lived. Sorry, guys, but I do to follow the teachings of G-d that I learned because they are good and true and I take the ones that fit my life as best I can.But I chose to Follow the inconceiavalbe invisible but omnipresent G-d. Jesus never claimed to be G-d. Greco/Roman/Babylonian, then European and now American people simply Created G-d in our image! We have our Golden Calf in human form.
Astute observations. Many people know this, but God isn’t a favorite subject. I invite you to read the introduction on this site: https://thenewfaceofgod.blogspot.com/.
Let the truths be told. Great and awesome read!
My Fathers house is called *House of Prayer for all nations*
No denominations or how howbeit the Sabbath is a consecrated /Holy Day(Sat)
This was one of the greatest Truths I have ever read! I hope you write more on True Christianity. I am a white 62 year old woman and intend to share this with everyone I can. Everyone should read this with a prayerful heart. That He could open our eyes. Wow! Just powerful. Thank you!
This really hits home for me, as I often wonder if people are lying when they say they’ve been called by God to become pastors, among other roles. With so much foolishness happening both inside and outside the church, it’s hard to determine who is truly sincere and genuinely wants to serve the Lord. Let’s continue to awaken the lost souls, as our time on this earth is limited.
It’s uncommon to encounter someone who identifies as both a free thinker and a Christian. How can we verify the authenticity of what you’re saying? Could you elaborate on your message? Many people assert they’re divinely chosen to spread their beliefs, yet I’m skeptical about the validity of such claims.
Go to the Scriptures to get Gods word and the spirit wil lead you and the truth will reveal itself!
I agree with 99.9% of what you said and am so glad you said it, but why is the Messiah’s name not Jesus? Peter was the “Rock” upon which the church was built and is often referred to as the first pope, and the ways of the church came from his and his successor’s leadership which was eventually called the Catholic Church. So the first 1600 years of the church they all did things pretty much the same way. If they were so wrong it seems that they would have been corrected by the Holy Spirit. I am not Catholic, by the way, but some of the best Christians I know are.
Thanks for saying so much of what needed to be said.
Right on brother! I have two issues with the article. You did not tell the readers where the truth comes from and what makes the difference between true believers and those who “play” Christians. The truth comes from the Bible, the only truth we have as it is Word of God. True believers follow the Word of God rather than man. And the difference between a “real” Christian and one who “plays” Christian is accepting Yeshua as Lord and Savior, realizing you are a sinner and have no right to stand before a holy God without Yeshua taking our sins for us on the cross so we can be seen as righteous as Yeshua’s righteousness covers us. Obviously this would lead to questions and hopefully people would seek out answers. Other than that, great article.
I thought everything you said was right on. Thanks.
You left out one of the most deceitful of all, Jim (end time) Baker and crew! I submit, what good is money if the world could end next moment? Have they no shame? Poor indigent people are still vulnerable as they were with his so-called Christian resort and sex scandals in the 80s! And there are so many others. Cousin Swaggert at 90YO still displays those artificial tears. But who am I? Who are we, who simply pray “sweet Jesus” forgive this sinner? We do not need to lock ourselves in a tower and wait for God to send MONEY!!! Blessing to all who also acknowledges the advent of Savior Jesus.
Thank you. True words. I still struggle with my flesh. I long to be “finished.” Yet I continue on that He might complete the work He has begun in me. I am His, a living stone being built up with you to be part of His church which is His body. We are in this together. Keep writing the truth, as it is in Christ Jesus.
So true! Bro, thanks for the truth!!
Powerful! So needed, to hear this from someone else.
People need to know the truth so they can be free.
I read a lot of what’s not true, not much about what is true.