How to Find a Black Real Estate Agent (and Why You Should).

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( We all need housing. And for those of us fortunate enough to make a good living and practice good financial planning, eventually we’ll need to buy or sell a house. The trouble is, most of us aren’t familiar with the intricacies of real estate transactions – and most of us don’t have the time or interest to go through the process of becoming a real estate agent ourselves or learning real estate law.

The only realistic solution, then, is to hire a real estate agent. This agent is going to work as your personal representative in your forthcoming real estate transaction, guiding you through the process, offering you advice, and ultimately helping you achieve your goals.

How to Find a Black Real Estate Agent (and Why You Should).

If you’re interested in buying or selling a house in the near future, it’s in your best interest to seek a Black real estate agent, specifically.

But why? And how can you do it?

Why You Should Work With a Black Real Estate Agent


Services like specialize in connecting homebuyers and home sellers with Black real estate agents who can help them, making it easy to find help from professionals who share your cultural identity and perspectives. With a quick search, you can find Black real estate agents in your area who are available to help you with all your real estate needs.

But why should you tap into services like this?

  •       They’ll make you feel comfortable. First, working with a Black real estate agent will likely make you feel more comfortable. Real estate transactions can be incredibly stressful, especially if you’re facing extenuating circumstances that add pressure to the situation; for example, if you’re starting a job in a totally new city, and you need to sell your house quickly, you’re already going to be stressed. Working with someone who looks like you and is more likely to understand your perspectives is going to bring you immediate comfort. Your real estate agent is not going to become your best friend (at least, not in most cases), but they can make an otherwise stressful situation a lot more comfortable.
  •       They’ll help you understand the process. If you’re new to the world of buying or selling a house, your Black real estate agent will help you understand the process. They aren’t going to judge you or shame you, and they’re not going to talk over your head. They’ll answer all your questions, make sure you fully understand everything, and put you in a position where you can make better decisions.
  •       They’ll understand and sympathize with your struggles. If you’re currently facing difficulties or challenges, a Black real estate agent may be more likely to understand and sympathize with you. For example, let’s say you’re moving out of a neighborhood because you’ve experienced racism or because you just don’t feel like you fit in with the culture. A Black real estate agent might have gone through a similar experience, or known someone who has.
  •       They can help you mitigate the effects of discrimination. According to a 2021 study, Black and Latino homeowners are roughly twice as likely as white homeowners to receive low appraisals. It’s not surprising to learn that millions of Black Americans experience these forms of discrimination and racism when selling a house or shopping for a new one. Black real estate agents don’t have superpowers that can eliminate racism, but they do understand the effects of racism in play, and they may be able to help you mitigate those effects strategically.

How to Choose a Black Real Estate Agent


Whether you choose to use a service specifically dedicated to helping you find Black real estate agents, or you use some combination of networking and independent searching on your own, there are some important things you should look for when choosing to hire a Black real estate agent.

  •       Ask for credentials. Agents need to be licensed. Verify that this agent is credentialed in your state.
  •       Gauge experience. Real estate agents with more experience tend to be more effective than their less experienced counterparts. Ask how long they’ve been in the business and determine whether past clients have been satisfied.
  •       Get a feel for communication. In early talks, get a feel for how they communicate. Communication is indispensable for a good home buying or selling experience, so if something feels off, don’t move forward.

Hiring a real estate agent is always a smart move if you plan on buying or selling a property. And if you want a better sense of connection, more understanding, and a lower likelihood of dealing with the effects of racism, you should work with a Black real estate agent. 

Thanks to services specifically dedicated to these types of searches, it’s easier than ever to do it.

Staff Writer; Harry Brown

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