How to Support Your Parents When They Become Senior Citizens.

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( Parents play a vital role in family life. In the early stages of development as a child, your parents will support you and help you learn about the world. From playing fun games with your mum and dad in the early years to getting help with schoolwork as you progress through your formal education, parents are always on hand to help you learn and grow. Once you become an adult, the reliance on your parents lessens as you find your own path in life and start the process of cultivating a meaningful career. In these adult years, you may steadily notice that your parents are growing visibly older. By the time you enter middle age, your parents are likely to become senior citizens. During this stage of life, it is important to repay the love and help that your parents gave to you by looking for ways to support and assist them. Services like Skylark Senior Care can be invaluable during this time, providing specialized assistance and care for aging parents. In this article, two such ways will be discussed.

How to Support Your Parents When They Become Senior Citizens.

Stay in contact

Firstly, it is of paramount importance that you stay in regular contact with your elderly parents. Senior citizens are at greater risk of becoming lonely and isolated in later life. This is especially true if they have lost a life partner to old age or illness and are living on their own. Research indicates that prolonged periods of loneliness and isolation can increase the likelihood of health problems developing. Support your parents in this respect by staying in contact with them. If you live far from their home, consider having a weekly phone call with them to give them updates on the developments in your life and allow them to feel more connected to family life. If your parents are reasonably competent with technology, consider making video calls with them so you can talk face-to-face for a more personal experience. In addition, aim to visit them in person whenever possible, especially for special occasions such as birthdays and public holidays.

When health or mobility declines

You may find that the mobility levels of your parents decline when they become senior citizens. Help them in this respect by visiting their home and determining if any mobility aids would help them in their daily lives. Grab rails, mobility scooters and walking aids can help to keep them safe from falls and improve mobility. However, if mobility levels decline to the point where their personal safety at home is affected, it is wise to consider the move to an assisted living community. At such premises, the elderly are well catered for by on-site staff. They may have custom care plans created for them that seek to improve mobility levels, whilst living in a safe environment that is suited to their needs. In addition, healthcare staff can assist them with any medication needs to ensure that they remain in the best possible health. Many assisted living premises will also have private gyms or recreational facilities that are specifically designed for the elderly. Exercise routines may form a part of the weekly life for residents and activities may be undertaken that help to improve fitness levels, maintain strong bones and minimize muscle wastage.

Staff Writer; Peter W. Ball

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