Devout Christians: Watch Your Mouth.

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( It is the one thing that I continue to struggle with every day, my mouth. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to change us from glory to glory but I find that I make it harder for Him than it should be. Complaining, whining, murmuring, griping, saying mean things and wrong things without even thinking about them is just the tip of the iceberg.

There is power in the tongue in the words that we speak out loud. Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death.” When you make a mistake and start calling yourself names you are in fact speaking curses over yourself; “I’m an idiot”, I’m so stupid”, “What a jerk”, “How foolish can I be?” What’s worse is when you do this every time you make it part of your routine of mistakes. First you make the mistake then the name calling begins.

Anything that you say or declare out loud is also heard by you. When you continue to speak those things over yourself and your mistakes you “enable” yourself to continue to make them. It’s like giving yourself permission to repeat your mistakes.

But most of the time those mistakes are also sins. Don’t get caught up calling your sins mistakes or errors. That lessens the seriousness of sin down to the level of a “simple mistake”. Once you do that you can easily justify your sin. Then one more step to calling other sins mistakes and treating them the same way. It’s all part of Satan’s deception and lies to keep you from fulfilling God’s destiny for your life!

I catch myself thinking or complaining out loud which is just more murmuring. I should say that the Holy Spirit reminds me when I mess up and start murmuring. It can be the mumbling that you do under your breath as you walk away. Then there’s the griping at other “crazy” drivers when they irritate you or cut you off.

Devout Christians: Watch Your Mouth.

Simple joking around can do more harm then good. Saying something in jest can be taken wrong and end up hurting someone’s feelings. Most of the time you don’t even know that you said something wrong. Once said you can apologize for saying it but you can NEVER “unsay it” or take it back!

Watching your mouth is not an easy task. I have learned the hard way that it is better to keep my mouth shut then to say something that I will end up regretting later. It’s like that old saying… “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

James 3:9-109 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.” Watching your mouth means to control your tongue. You’ve had all your life to make a habit of saying what’s on your mind regardless the cost but that’s no excuse for your lack of wisdom. Being a Christian carries its own responsibility. A good phrase to keep in mind is “just because you can doesn’t mean you should”!

There’s one thing that is common about the bad things that we end up saying; most of them are centered around us, our opinions, our feelings, our troubles and worries. That makes us more selfish and self-centered. But there is a remedy and His name is Jesus! Pray and ask for wisdom.

Remember that we are all “practicing Christians” and it takes lots of practice to know when to keep your mouth shut and when not. Wisdom to know what to say and how to say it. And more importantly to say those things that build up, edify, encourage and blesses those around you.

For you a child of the Most High God everywhere you go and every place you are! Even when you’re all alone and those thoughts come up that start to upset you. That’s the time to turn those thoughts around and start declaring out loud blessings over them not curses.

Staff Writer; Steve C.

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