How To Support Veterans Charities.

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( If you are like most people, you want to find a way to give back to those who fought for your freedom and the freedom of those who cannot fight for themselves. Military personnel and wounded soldiers give up a lot to fight for the U.S. Therefore, this is how you can support veterans’ charities.

Research Veterans Charities

It seems that new charities pop up every day. Television commercials are full of ads that ask you to help these deserving individuals. However, you may find it difficult to know which charities to support. First, you can search for “veterans donations near me.”

You can also investigate well-known charities that provide the resources you value. For example, you can choose charities that help the 67,000 homeless veterans find employment, treatment, and housing. Search through reviews and the charities’ websites along with their Better Business Bureau information. Then, choose the organizations that you want to support.

Support Veterans Charities.

Volunteer With Local Charities or the VA

Charities and the VA welcome volunteers. You don’t always need special skills, and you can choose from a wide variety of opportunities. For example, if you have medical training, you can help in a VA hospital. However, you can also volunteer to drive them to appointments, become an ambassador or visit socially isolated veterans. When you volunteer for these organizations, you choose your hours and the tasks you want to help with.

Help Them Find Work

One of the reasons that veterans are homeless is that they find it difficult to get and keep a job. Nearly 90% of these individuals received honorable discharges, but the transfer to civilian life is challenging. You can help by donating professional clothing, providing career counseling, helping them write resumes and gain skills, and mentoring them. You can even help with mock interviews and give them the industry information they need to get a good job. Then, support the businesses that hire or help veterans.

Don’t underestimate something as small as a thank you note, but there are many other ways you can thank a veteran for their sacrifice and service.

Staff Writer; Gary Johnson