Republican Donald Trump – Why America Needs Him.

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( Over the last seven years the world – mainly the United States had to deal with a unique man, Donald John Trump. But it wasn’t the last seven years, in fact it has been the last 40 years at a minimum. DJT was and arguably still is the most influential person in modern history. His business prowess featured him in magazines, books, television shows, and yes – even in rap music. Not many people know or knew Trump’s political leanings over the years, those that did, didn’t care because – well, he’s Donald Trump, the self-made billionaire that was philanthropic with his money in real estate, sports, and entertainment. Donald Trump switched parties where and when it was convenient for his businesses. He didn’t care about the ins and outs of the everyday Washington clamor. He donated to campaigns and rubbed elbows with whichever politician that could be influenced do what he wanted. Ladies and gentlemen, that is how politics work and how things get done.

Republican Donald Trump - A Great Man.

Back in 1988, Trump talked about what he would do if he was President and even teased at the idea on the Oprah Winfrey Show – back when they were bosom buddies. 1988, before many were born or old enough to pay attention to anything of the sorts – let alone who Donald Trump was. Fast forward to 2015, tired of the direction of the country, and what was going on in the country he loved, he switched parties AGAIN and announced that he was running for President of the United States from Trump Towers in New York. It was at this moment that half of America and the left-wing media that once adored him HATED him. This is not by coincidence or some old feud brewing in the closet, this was calculated because the beloved Donald J. Trump (D) is now becoming Donald J. Trump (R) and taking his money, contacts, and fame with him to the other side of the aisle.

Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States on January 20, 2016. Beating out a crowded field of Republicans and Democrats. Most of whom by most political metrics out qualified him for the job. But why Trump? The brash New Yorker who didn’t care about your feelings, who said whatever formulated on his brain and transmitted to his lips was exactly what resonated with millions of Americans from every stripe that voted for him and with millions of foreigners around the world who adored him. The media never seen anything like it, so they had to become the villain and so did many politicians, bureaucrats, and YOU the everyday citizen who got convinced to hate Trump. Everything from rape allegations, Russian collusion, impeachments over phone calls and orchestrated riots, and the “bad” handling of the plandemic – that is right, PLANDEMIC. It was planned. I think you have gotten the memo by now. And how can we forget, January 6. But this was all Trump’s fault and he and solely him was to blame and must pay the price to be removed from office – which Hillary says he rigged and stole the election from her, but anyways….

In 2020, you elected Joe R. Biden. Many have since crawled into a corner and cried and kicked themselves in the rear-end for such a decision. But nonetheless, here we are. He’s pushing an agenda along with the rest of the Democratic party that no one is cheering for – not from the constituency anyways. Gas prices are up. Inflation through the roof. Russia invaded Ukraine. Afghanistan withdraw was a disaster resulting in 13 servicemembers killed. Border crisis. Illegal immigration is out of control. Foreign leaders laughing and making fun of Biden. They did it to Trump too, but at least he made them respect him and did what he said. Corruption with his son, Hunter Biden – that was suppressed and still is. Our domestic policies and foreign policies are in shambles. People think this is ok versus what we had under Trump. Trump created a sixth branch in the military, the Space Force. Fixed the Flint water crisis. The US surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia in oil production, leading to energy independence. Signed two laws to combat human/sex trafficking. Created Opportunity Zones in low income and poverty-stricken communities. Stabilized and normalized relations in middle eastern countries. The list literally goes on and on.

If Americans want to enjoy a truly free and prosperous nation again, then Trump would be the one to get the job done based on his past performance. But if being mean and firing mediocre people, and attacking the media is not your flavor then vote for the other person and then cry in the corner with regret in 2025.

Staff Writer; Randy Purham

This brother is a Former US Congressional Candidate for the House of Representatives for the state of Alaska At-Large. He is the CEO of Purham & Associates, LLC and Host of Purham & Associates Show on