(ThyBlackMan.com) We live in a relationship reality; each day of our lives is shaped by it. Much of who we are – for better or worse – stems from a relationship, whether personal or interpersonal. Our first relationship is with Divinity, God. Absent a relationship with a Higher Power, we ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Twenty years ago, the United States invaded Iraq under the pretense that it had “weapons of mass destruction”. Then-President George W. Bush said that such weapons could be used against us. Given the lack of evidence, former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice infamously admonished: “We don’t want the smoking ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As Women’s History Month comes to a close, I’ve been thinking about moms and honoring motherhood. I’ve written before about how my mom instilled values in me, including respect for everyone’s rights – not just my own. Mom also worked multiple jobs to support our family through some very hard ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) At a time when high-quality health and wellness products are increasing popular, the discovery of these goods requires an understanding of features that make the best choices. When navigating the market for distillates made from industrial hemp, there are several components to consider for making a well-informed purchase. When ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here! To him who lacks sense she says” Proverbs 9:4 In this chapter, the wise man provides us believers with a beautiful contrast to aid us in our life’s journey. Here he depicts wisdom at the city’s highest point, beckoning to the ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “An indictment of the former president, followed by orderly due process, would show that no one is immune to following the law simply because he is famous, wealthy, politically powerful, willing to threaten the justice system, or possessed of intemperate and powerful followers such as Representative Andy Biggs. Biggs ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) An unnamed, unidentified Black man at the raucous Temecula School Board mid-March meeting was the latest to feel the wrath of the countless number of livid, dyed in the wool opponents of anything that smacks of teaching critical race theory in the schools. The man had the temerity to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Answering God’s call to walk in revelation and love. When we really get the call of God, when we really get to walking in love, it is going to supersede some things and it will cause an anointing of acceleration to get on your life. In the time we are ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Sad to say and even sadder to see, “black” people will rally around police brutality for a hot minute or the chance to blame the government or even the “white” man. But when it comes to personal responsibility to ourselves, our families and our communities, as a whole I only ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The State of California under the governance of a demonic entity known as Governor Newson have set plans or put in motion a committee for the study and the implementation of Reparations to African Americans descendants of Slavery which will be an historic event in the history of this ...
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