Christianity Have Never Saved Black People From White People.

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( For the last 400 years in the history of the Negro or African American living in a land not of his/her; but a land of double standards, segregation, discrimination, replacement theory, profiling, demonization, dehumanization, suffering, death and destruction that has plagued every black men, black women and black LGBT living in a state of constant fear and paranoia of those racist people who speak with a fork tongue that with a simple word could cause your death or imprisonment for life.

We have witness as a race and as a people, how Christianity aka  “The Religion of the Slaves” have been used as a tool created by our former and current Neanderthal oppressors to control, destroy, dehumanized, demonized, emasculate, oppress, profile, lynch, tortured, rape, sodomy, killed, abuse, incarcerated and brainwashed the African American community in order to maintain our people in a state of chaos, confusion and destruction which in turn will preserved the way of life of white American Supremacy. America has never been the friend of black people and will never do anything to create equality and give reparations to our community for the 400 years of wrong doing; nevertheless, they will give other races and cultures everything they asked for and every other thing they have yet to asked for.

Black Woman At Church

African Americans are the only race that continues to pray to a white bearded demon Savior using words or scriptures written in a black/red dictionary known as the Bible that was created by a man or by the same people whose forefathers enslave the Africans and massacre millions of native indigenous people of the Americas. Over 600 years ago, there was over 100 million indigenous or first nation people living along the Americas and the Caribbean islands and within 100 years after the arrival of the European /Caucasians with their religion of the slaves and their bible, over 90% of the indigenous populations were exterminated due to the white men diseases and the constant battles and war between the demonic European conquerors and the native indigenous defending their land, property and families from extinctions at the hands of these foreign invaders.

Today in America, we see the black churches, mosques, etc.,, becoming the new face of white supremacy for the Democratic party by telling black people to prayed and forgive Racist America for everything  they have done to us and to also forgive and forget any racist retarded Caucasian police officer or civilian that  kills an unarmed innocent black men/women and or abuse their powers by depriving an African American men/women from their giving civil rights as a human beings. The black pastors or priest of our community will always advised our black women to forgive the white men but hate the black men; the black priest and pastors of all the churches in our black communities will also tell black America to pray for good things to come; Yet, black people have been praying for 400 years and yet they have receive nothing with the exception of death and destruction at the hands of the children of their former slave masters. Indeed, we prayed so much to a white God; while, racist Americans prayed to their white  banks and white businesses while laughing and giggling at how stupid black people are in following something created by them in order to control us until the end of times.

Racist America has given every other race and culture everything they have asked for and everything they have not yet asked for; while black people receive nothing but symbolism and the face of a black woman on a coin. Why do we tolerate and continue to sit idle while America gives billions of dollars and resources to other entities such as Ukrainians and Afghans; while, denying black America their rightful compensations and reparations for Slavery and oppression?. Well, the answer is simple, it is our fault for siting idle and letting the democratic Deviant government of Biden and Kamala lie to us over and over and over again while taking our black votes that only benefits other races and cultures while our black community continues to suffered with unemployment, discrimination, racism and police brutality by a system created with the sole purpose of keeping black America in a state of chaos, destruction, financial and psychological downfall.

My fellow African Americans it is time to wake up and separated from those who only wishes dead and destruction our community and who have not suffer and endure oppression in the way that we as black people have suffered in Racist America. It is time for us African Americans  to create our own government under the control of only black people with the mindset of creating a community that is not dependent on our oppressor or the children of our former slave master. I am asking for all African Americans to start a new era of reconciliation with ourselves and our fellow black brother and sisters in our community and to start a new era of creating stronger families with a father and mother at home to properly guide and be good role models to our black children. It is time for all African Americans to put their money, income, paychecks etc.. in black owned banks and institution that are owned and operated by our people that look like us, think like us and aspire to uplift our community from the wrath of destruction that is plaguing our community.

It is time for black men to married black women and vice versa, it is time for us to send our children to black owned private schools and HBCU’s, it is time for us to stop spending our money in other  business owned by other races and cultures that do not look like us and do not have the best interest of the African American community. It is time for all African Americans to stop having kids out of wedlock, stop drinking  and purchasing alcohol, stop doing drugs, stop smoking weed, stop having unprotected sex, stop doing anything that will affect the well being and prosperity of our families and community. It is time for all of us to hire black financial advisor and black tax preparers to handle our financial problems and tax issues; it is time for us to invest in our black communities and promote unity, love and peace among our brother and siters but more so it is time to defend ourselves against any other race or culture that wishes to destroy us and take away our black dollar which is the cradle of making our community strong again.

Our African American black dollar should only be spend with other black people, black businesses, black banks, black schools, black doctors, black tax preparers, black properties etc.. Every dollar made and or acquired by our community should only circulate in our community and most be use to help our people in need and to created a powerful economy for which we should not  need to have any type of dealings or associations with racist white America. it is time for all African Americans to exercise their second amendment rights by purchasing guns, ammo and bullet proof body armor legally and learned the laws of your state regarding the ownership and safe keeping of weapons in your home and vehicle. it is time for all black people to acquired and obtain a concealed weapons permit in your state of residence and be ready to defend and protect yourself and families from others who wish to hurt you because you are a proud black man/woman/LGBT. it is your right as a citizen to owned and possess a weapon legally as long as you are a law abiding citizen with no criminal records.

With that  said, I am calling on black America to wake up and start making changes in our lives to better our neighborhood and stop the violence, stop the drugs, stop the hate among ourselves, stop the negative behaviors that are use by the racist white mainstream media to taint and tarnish  our community and in turn give us a bad reputation.. Black America it s time to stop the Kumbaya with other races and cultures and to close our doors to anyone that does not look like us, think like us or suffer like us. Indeed, it is time to look out for our own people and our own interest in the same way that other races look out for themselves such as the Untouchables.

Staff Writer; Eugenio Stewart

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