5 Signs You May Need to See an Audiologist.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Hearing loss is a surprisingly common phenomenon. Unfortunately, many people only realize they have a problem once it impacts their quality of life. Knowing the signs that indicate you should see an audiologist can help you get the treatment you need and ensure your hearing health. The following are five key indicators that point toward needing a visit from an audiologist as soon as possible.

1.   Difficulty Following Conversations

As hearing starts to decline, people often have trouble understanding speech when there is background noise or other distractions. It can become increasingly difficult to make out the words in fast-paced conversations or when multiple people are talking at once. It’s worth seeking professional advice if you think this is happening to you or your elderly loved one.

2.   Ringing in Ears or Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a common symptom of age-related and noise-induced hearing loss, characterized by ringing in the ears. The symptom usually manifests as an annoying ringing or buzzing sound in the ears, known as ringing in the ears. It can range from low-level humming to loud and intrusive noises. The cause of tinnitus is often damage or deterioration of the auditory system, meaning that it could be a sign of hearing loss. Sometimes, tinnitus can be caused by other medical conditions such as earwax buildup, allergies, or infections, so it’s important to see an audiologist to rule out any underlying issues.

Black Woman Hearing Loss -  Audiologist.

3.   Your Hearing Aids is Damaged

If your hearing aid is no longer providing the same level of amplification as before, it could be a sign that it is damaged. Hearing aids can also become less effective as your hearing deteriorates due to age or noise exposure. Have them checked if you think this may be happening. A professional can check the devices and provide advice on how to protect hearing aids from water and manage any changes in your hearing. It is also vital to learn how to protect hearing aids from water and dirt damage, as this can significantly extend their lifespan.

4.   Increase in Volume

If you find yourself continually increasing the volume on your television or radio, this could be a sign that your hearing is declining. Your ability to hear certain frequencies diminishes as you age, and sound can seem muffled or far away. Cranking up the volume is one way of compensating for this, but it’s important to remember that constantly exposing yourself to loud noise can further damage your hearing.

5.   You Inherited Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be hereditary, so if you know someone in your family has suffered from it, it’s wise to have your hearing tested. A genetic predisposition for hearing problems does not necessarily mean you will have hearing loss, but it is worth monitoring regularly. An audiologist can perform a series of tests to check your hearing and determine whether any underlying issues should be addressed.

If you’re experiencing ringing in your ears, struggling to keep up with conversations, or feeling like background noise is always muffled, it’s hard to make out the words. You should book an appointment with an audiologist. Remember, hearing loss can be tricky. There are usually gradual changes instead of major telltale signs, making it challenging for individuals to recognize when their hearing is suffering. That’s why it’s essential to know the common warning signs indicating that your hearing may slip slowly and steadily over time.

Staff Writer; Peter Washington