Christians: Jesus, Himself.

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And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

John 17:3

Out of all things presented in Holy Writ that we can know, only one thing is of utmost importance, Jesus Christ. Don’t mistake me; plenty of thrilling and insightful lessons are available to learn. The Word of God is replete with literary devices and allegories that could fill a volume of books. One can spend years researching the historical backgrounds of peoples and places mentioned, discovering their origin, mode of living, and religious observances. Moreover, we can spend much time pouring over the distinct and specific prophecies expressed by the prophets, which, for some, its fulfillment took a hundred years. The blessed Word of God is rich with moral lessons showcased in the lives of ordinary people. However, one can have all these and still be bereft spiritually. If one understands all mysteries, parables, and proverbs spoken by Jesus but doesn’t know Jesus Himself, he would, of all men, be most miserable.

In Jesus Name - Christians.

Jesus, Himself, is the penultimate person in Scripture. He’s the zenith of biblical discovery, the apex of mental acquisition, and the height of the moral character. Everything else bows to the revelation of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten, Son. Though men may spend a fortune on books and other literature about the Scriptures, knowing Jesus is essential. Dear child of God, there’s no life in study materials. We gleefully exalt the works of scholars who perceptibly reveal attributes about the Divine and unveil doctrines with the sacred text. Wonderfully do they paint a portrait or give a glimpse to a picture of the Godhead, but nothing can substitute an experience with the Divine, Himself.

A skillful photographer captures an image of the sun, and you can almost feel its rays warming the skin. However, that picture won’t provide comfort in a blizzard. Neither can you place a plant near the photo in hopes of growing the plant nor in fear of its becoming scorched. No, child of God, merely knowing things about the Bible nor understanding the fancy terminology of theology is enough to secure the salvation of the soul. Only Christ – knowing Him is eternal life.

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate the authors and theologians that provided us with tools. However, we should understand that a tool is only as useful as what it produces, and for the believer, it is to see and know Christ more fully. “In Him was life,” the Scripture says, “and that light lights everyone that comes into the world.” There is no other name given among men whereby we may be saved other than the name of Jesus. I implore you to know Him! Experience the grandeur of His person and the secure salvation of His sacrifice. Know Him as the grass knows the sun; without its rays, it can neither grow nor live. Our life, our new life, exists in Him and not in any other. Oh, what a blessedness! What a privilege to be possessors of eternal life in an earthly frame!

Thank God He hasn’t left us to our own devices nor abandoned us to our ignorance. He wants us to have and know that we have eternal life, as testified in the Scriptures. “The one who has the Son has life. The one who doesn’t have the Son of God doesn’t have life. I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. “ 1 John 5:12-13

Staff Writer; C. E. Davis

This man of God can also be found online over at; InfiniteTruth Devotion.

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