(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s 2019, although sometimes as an Alabama native, born and raised, I believe its earlier in time. A few months later in April, a 15-year old gay Black kid named Nigel Shelby killed himself. He attended Huntsville High School where he was subjected to bullying from his peers. Outside ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Today it’s time to exposed the child support system for what it is, not for what it said it was. Any time any program, agency or system seems to be promoted as a great thing without the other side being exposed, watch out! The very system they say was ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I am going to dispense with the formalities and warm up etiquette. Instead I am going to jump right into the topic because we have a lot to cover. And as a “black” or African American man, pay close attention because you need to know every bit of it. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In a Comedy Central TV special, comedian DL Hughley lobbies the EPA to have Black African-American males declared an endangered species. Although DL Hughley’s “The Endangered List” reduces the severe possibility of the Black man’s impeding extinction to a comedy skit, this is a very serious and weighty matter. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) When the peaceful protests and reprehensible riots end, we will be left with the need to face race relations in America once again. I believe black pastors across all denominations will have to play an active role in that process. But there is a dilemma. Pastor, place yourself in ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Let me start off first by saying: “Crime in Black America has a direct co-relation and it is very proportionate to poverty, unemployment, lack of education and the most important of all “Fatherless homes”. Yes, the aforementioned are the reason why every democratic control city and state were the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Last weekend, negropeans once again showed their true colors when many of them went to the movies to support negative stereotypes over empowerment. That shows how mentally messed up many of them are in America Intro: Here are ten signs that can help you identify a negropean. 1. Supporting Ignorance ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) My fellow African Americans, We saw it coming from a distance in the same way that we saw  the American mainstream media come after Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, Prince, Kevin Kaepernick, Kevin Samuels, Tommy Sotomayor and anybody else who is a proud black men and women attempting to speak ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) First of all, if you are a marijuana/pot head, I expect you to resist the facts and make excuses. Most people who want to continue to smoke weed do not want to acknowledge the truth. I also expect you to try and contradict the facts with data you have ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) When a police officer puts on a shield and forgets who he is, the job has defined him. When a U.S. soldier comes home with PTSD, nightmares and violent or abusive behavior, he (or she) has let the job define him. When a minister comes down from the pulpit ...