Christians, Muslims, Nation of Islam (NOI) and The Bible/Quran: Malcolm X or Elijah Muhammad?

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( I am not a Muslim and no we all are not Muslims if we submit to God. Islam started with Muhammad, not with Abraham and not from the beginning.  If the “Prophet Muhammad” was alive, he would tell you that. My differences with Islam are vast but I respect those who will at least closely follow the Quran. However I have friends who are both Muslim and members of the Nation of Islam. I have come to know that these two groups are very different, though they refer to the same book – the Quran. And while this is not a judgment on their beliefs, I want to examine the thoughts, statements and actions of the Nation of Islam in some small way in this article. But do not assume this basic analysis is the extent of my knowledge about NOI or Islam.

During the course of reading this article, you may want to say I am judging. But I simply speak the truth. The Bible judges. God judges. Judges judge. I am none o the above but I can test what I hear and the leaders who say it in light of the very books they use and say they believe. Are you afraid to do that? And when the teachings of these leaders contradicts the book they follow or what they say is not in the books they follow, I can say either say their book is wrong or the teacher is wrong. A cop-out excuse would be to say “you just don’t understand it”. And that may be true sometimes, but not always. Sometimes instead these leaders have been caught teaching something their book does not teach. That is a problem because it could reflect a hidden or personal agenda separate and apart from the books they say they believe in. I have found that to be the case with Elijah Muhammad and so did Malcolm X who both went to Mecca and understood Arabic very well.

Malcolm X or Elijah Muhammad.


Those of you who are angered by the truth can camouflage your anger by saying that I am judging, but I neither created the facts, nor the evidence nor the truth. In case you are wondering, I am a firmly rooted believer in God, the Christ, the Bible (especially before the King James version) and the New Covenant.  I am skilled in theology, phonetics and etymology, to name a few. But my friends don’t have to think like me. Just study your doctrine, think for yourself and know your Creator, not just what man tells you.

Make no mistake however because I am well read on Islam and the NOI, having read the Quran, the Hadith and Message to the Black Man, all more than once. In addition, I have listened to dozens of speeches by both Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, some of which is fact and some which is not. I have also listened to Malcolm x after he reached his last point of enlightenment while still alive. Keep in mind this is not a comparison between Islam and Christianity nor an indictment against Islam. Nor is this article a banner for Christianity. So for those of you who want to set up a straw man argument as if it is, not here, not today.


I find that when the truth is spoken to many members of the Nation of Islam (NOI) in the most respectful way, they get angry. Especially when that verifiable truth clashes with the lies that were told to so many members of the NOI by its top leaders. And before any of you get any ideas, know that I am more prepared than you can imagine, with more backup than you would believe. I am not Malcolm X and as a former detective, I have resources to see you coming before you even leave the building. And many of my friends are the middle eastern Muslims that you who are violent and enraged do NOT want to bump heads with, believe me. My three best friends are Glock, Smith and Wesson.

But why should you get angry and hostile if you want, believe in and promote the truth? I do not insult your god nor your spiritual beliefs. I comment on the teachings of men, men such as Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, men who are not gods. Why should that make you feel angry and violent inside when you say your way of life is one of peace? I have studied enough of Islam to know that the “Prophet” Muhammad would have major problems with many of the NOI teachings and its greatest teachers. For example, Muhammad never said the white man was the devil, even though during the 6th century there were many Caucasian rulers all over the planet who spread treachery, turmoil and war.

Cowards killed Malcolm X because they were used as puppets and pawns for those Caucasians who did not want African Americans to unify and arise. Cowards killed Malcolm X because he found big chunks of the truth, pieces of the puzzle that would prove Elijah Muhammad was wrong in various areas and that the former leader of the NOI even acted contrary to Islam, but rather in his own best interest instead. Deceivers fear the truth because it threatens their hold on others. The Catholic church is just as guilty of the same and so are many mega-ministers and “profits” in the Christian church. Don’t be so gullible people. Don’t be so easily deceived by men (and some women like Juanita Bynum or Paula White) with personal agendas.


I did not agree with everything Malcolm X said nor all that he believed. But I respected his right to say it and to believe it. I respected his search for the truth and his boldness to think for himself. I honor his ability to realize where and how he had been lied to and brainwashed. I applaud his stand for what he believed to be right and helpful to his people, not just for himself and not to control people or rebuild them in his image. And though the Nation of Islam took men off the streets, cleaned them up and gave them some level of self-respect and discipline, I cannot say any of the other things aforementioned about Elijah Muhammad. In comparison, if I were Muslim, I would have to go with Malcolm X, not Elijah Muhammad.

Do you really believe that Elijah Muhammad is on a “mother plane” orbiting the Earth until he can trade places with Louis Farrakhan? Where does the Quran say that? Ezekiel never said it was a “mother plane” or anything like that when he saw a wheel in a wheel in the sky. In fact, where does the Quran speak of Elijah Muhammad at all? And wasn’t Elijah Muhammad’s son chosen as his successor instead of Louis Farrakhan? What would the “Prophet” Muhammad say or do about such deviations from the teachings of the Quran and Islam or the titles Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan have taken? Ask a Muslim from the middle East that question and see what he says. Did Elijah Muhammad teach the NOI to pray several times a day facing Mecca? Does the NOI do that today? I’m just asking!


Though Louis Farrakhan often quotes the Bible, that is using the Bible as bait to create an illusionary connection between scripture and the Quran that does not exist. Put simply, the god of the Quran and the God of the Bible are NOT the same for more reasons than I have the space to cover in this article. So when the leader of NOI quotes the Bible, especially the New Testament, either he knows what I just told you or he is severely mistaken. You cannot say you speak the truth, represent the truth and quote what was said by He who is the truth then turn around and get mad when others confront you with the truth.


Malcolm X discovered that the white man was not the devil. Malcolm X realized the evils of racism from any angle, by any person or group. Malcolm X wanted to create unity in the African American community, not control black people by remaking followers into his image for his purposes nor to fit his own agenda. Malcolm X was bigger than that, better than that and more on track to real unity than that. My opinion? Elijah Muhammad feared the truth unless it fit into his agenda. My opinion? Louis Farrakhan is disturbed by the truth unless it suits the NOI and he can manipulate it. And for those of you who are angered by hearing me say this, you are proving my point.

Nobody deserves to be killed nor the victim of violence simply because they think and belief different from you or me. And for the cowards who disagree, you are small-minded, brainwashed and deceived. How can you expect others to respect what you think and believe if you are not willing to do the same? Christianity, Islam, the NOI, Catholicism, Judaism etc. all swear they have the exclusive truth. But whether they do or not, each must respect the rights of others to think differently. Intentional lies, deceptions and manipulations are a whole different matter, especially when the members of ANY belief system are willing to hurt others because of it.


You don’t have to agree with me but if you disrespect my honest and sincere opinion, why should yours be respected? If you want to shut up the Malcom X’s of the world, why should Louis Farrakhan be heard? When is a double standard the way of scripture that so many NOI members quote from? God owns the truth, men do not own the truth. And if you think you are doing God’s will to hurt people who believe differently, you neither know nor understand the Prince of Peace. So why even quote what He said if you intend to violate what else He said?

It’s time to wake up and think for yourself. Man was made in God’s image, not in the image of Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, the Pope, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar or any other man. Neither God nor Christ nor Muhammad nor Abraham nor Moses walked around as a copy of a man in a bowtie and selling bean pies while God got rich and the followers had to rely on the government for help. And if you believe that Elijah Muhammad is on the “mother plane” orbiting the Earth until his return, go ahead. But if you love the African American people, do not brainwash them for your agenda nor deceive them nor conform them into your image. I my analysis, if I were a Muslim, I would have to go with Malcolm X.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at;