(ThyBlackMan.com) Today one could argue that there are at least two churches on every major street in every major city in this country. There are denominations then sub-denominations within them. There are church organizations like the National Baptist Association and the Southern Baptist Association. There are ministries in shopping malls, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Living in America, as a black person, is hard. There is no way around this truth. It is tiring leaving one’s home everyday quietly praying you return because you never know what you may encounter. Being black in America may be its own mental condition that includes emotional trauma, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The only thing in this life that we can control is self. You’ve heard this before at some point in your life. When we thing of control in terms of controlling another person, some of us will think of men. However, sistahs too many of us want to control ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Every single human being is entitled to their feelings about any given matter. These feelings can be positive, negative, or indifferent. Feelings can be warnings, and sometimes they can be a defense mechanism that enable us in the worse way. It is very important that we not only understand ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Extreme metal isn’t so much a subgenre of heavy metal as a category of a several subgenres. This is metal that more extreme than other genres—particularly traditional heavy metal, neo-classical, power metal—in speed, aggression, vocals, and content. Before we get into our five Black musicians in extreme metal, here’s ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) We’re back on Black rock music! Last time, we looked at some Black frontmen of a few renown bands. In that article and our article on Black rock bands, I also mentioned albums to check out. Now we’re going to do a quick dive into five of those albums ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Family, Here is an interesting “spin” to consider, regarding the concept of being a “Sellout“. Back in the 1980s, the term “Sellout” applied to someone who was all too quick to give up his/her “blackness” in exchange for a seat at a white table. It could also relate to someone ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “I recently got out of a relationship of a year and a half. We met at a friends New Year’s Eve engagement party. I agreed to a date with him. From the first date, he talked about what he was looking for and I was like, “YES, finally a ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) For the past two weeks, I have been researching and reading up on the phenomenon of soul ties for a presentation I’ve been asked to give on relationships. The teachings of soul ties are beneficial to anyone who has ever felt abandoned, neglected, angry, bitter, and/or confused while involved ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I have heard the line about women having to mold their man and turn them from boys to men for years but I never really took heed to it. I always felt that it was counter intuitive. Why should I have to raise someone that is supposed to be ...
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