African Americans: A Regal State of Mind.

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( We as women must make a simple decision are we, or are we not, bitches and whores. I totally agree with the concept that Black men ought not call us such things, and they should respect Black women. Having gotten that out the way I do feel it’s time to take a hard look at ourselves as Black women. Sisters can no longer ask Black men, and no one else, to do for us what only we can accomplish.

Respect begins with self…it starts from within. Much has happened to the Black woman in America, and other nations, from slavery to now that chipped away at how we view ourselves. Basically we went from being Queens, valued wives, affective mothers, and cornerstones in our communities to enslavement where we were seen as and treated like less that animals. Our bodies where disregarded as trash and unworthy. Because we were seen as nothing more than a white man’s property we could never embody concepts like “The Cult of True Womanhood”.

We are very aware of our uphill battle for value & respect. Some Black woman look at Black men as if they have completely betrayed us in believing the media driven view of us, treating us poorly and some feel even worse if they see Black men with anyone accept a Black women. Regardless of the fact that statistically Black men marry Black women more than any other group of women, and there are still many Black men that love, and appreciate us many would rather believe the negativity.

The bottom line is we must own our own perspective, and be totally unapologetic about it. We, as Black women, should no longer look to others to validate how we will think or carry ourselves. Basically I don’t need a Black man to validate that I am not a bitch nor whore…I know I am not and I live according to that knowledge. He, and others, will interact with me based on the standard I set for myself, and what I allow.   Dear Sisters we must reclaim our magic, strength and regal stance. We must learn to love who we are truly from the inside out. Many of us have been hurt in our past, but we cannot hold on to the pain that can create a monster within us.

We have the power to write our narrative as we see fit, as the pen does truly belong to us. There is a true Black woman strength that does not come from putting up a front, trying to match the Black man in strength, harboring anger, ignoring pain nor losing our cool. Our strength comes from our graceful ability to love, live & speak truth, uplift, empower, inspire, and own our individuality. There is nothing wrong with our feminine beauty…nothing wrong with being a powerful beautiful Black woman that doesn’t have to demand respect, because when we are in this mode our very presence commands respect.

Many of our Sisters are striving, growing, and living in this magic every day, and for those that may be lost or confused the power to become greater is within you. Beauty is a blessing, and God was good to us when he shaped us….however assets laid to bare is not power. Basically, there is nothing wrong with keeping our clothes on. This doesn’t take away from our sexuality, it can be seen as enhancing our grace…and sending a message to our men that we are to be both truly adored and valued physically and internally. Lastly, we really cannot ask Black men, and no one else, not to call us out of our name if we choose to call each other bitches and whores. Yes, I understand that some Sisters feel that owning the word may empower us, but this goes back to the issue of a regal state of mind. What QUEEN is referred to as a DOG? The answer is NONE. There is no way for us to own those derogatory words; when we speak them in reference to ourselves, or another Sister, we are empowering negativity in regards to the nature of our being.

I do understand this goes against what society shows us regarding who, and what, we are. However, I believe we are greater than we see in videos and on TV. We are stronger inside than we know, and have the power to be great inside and out. We are important to the healing of our homes and communities…we give birth to them. Let’s embrace unity amongst Black women, and encourage each other to a regal state of mind.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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