Christians; The Need for Spiritual Fathers.

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( 1 Corinthians 4:15″ Even though you have ten thousands guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, For in Christ Jesus, I became your father through the gospel.”

An observation: There are more and more young men and adult men who are yearning for a father figure in their lives. It is time for spiritual fathers to step-up to the plate.

The devastation of not having a father in a young man’s life goes beyond his behavioral challenges and all of the other surface symptoms. Fatherlessness is a pandemic and must be addressed by men who are willing to commit to training young men to become men of God. In the reference scripture listed above, Paul addresses the need of spiritual fathers among the saints.

God has the ability to link young men and adult men together in a way that the young man feels like he has finally gotten a male presence in his life to show him how to be a man. I have seen and heard stories, including my own, of young men even in their 20’s who are hurting because of the rejection and abandonment caused by their natural fathers. However, as I have experienced as a natural father and a spiritual father to many young men and adult men, God can anoint you to fulfill the void that only a father can fill.

Black Father and Son. Bible Study.

What does the young man need from you as a spiritual father?

1. He needs a man who is spiritually fit.

One who is saved and understands the principles of the Kingdom of God. One who understands the importance of walking in the spirit and not in the flesh. This young man needs a spiritual father who can enter into spiritual warfare on behalf of his spiritual son. One who possesses discernment and the ability to hear God clearly.

2. He needs a man who can handle commitment.

Young men have had enough of disappointments, so it would not be good for a spiritual father to come in the name of Jesus and still leave the young man with empty promises. In other words, a spiritual father must be able to keep his word, walk in integrity and be able to carry the burdens of his spiritual son.

3. He needs a man with a vision.

One who can look into his eyes and see potential. A spiritual father must be able to see what God sees and speak a word of deliverance into the life of the young man God assigns to him.

4. He needs a man who will hold him accountable.

The relationship cannot be built solely on positive reinforcement, but that spiritual father must be able to call the young man into accountability for those things that he does not do according to the will of God. Young men need a strong man who will not buckle-down when it is time to put the young man’s feet to the fire.

5. He needs a man who is already whole.

Young men who are dealing with issues do not need a spiritual father who begins to depend on the young man for support and encouragement. A spiritual father must be independent of the young man and his resources and totally dependent on God for every provision.

May God help us all come into the understanding that the need is still there for spiritual fathers ordained by God. The sons are waiting, will you take the necessary steps to ensure that you are contributing to some young man’s spiritual development in the Kingdom of God?

Staff Writer; Kevin M. Jackson

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