(ThyBlackMan.com) Christians often tell me that they’re following the word of God as prescribed in the Bible, and as we all know, they say, the Bible is the word of God. We know that for a fact because the Bible says it’s the word of God in no uncertain terms.
In response, I tell them that they can just call me a mindless heathen and an instrument of “Satan” if I have to buy into that, because it strikes me as pure lunacy and lacking in common sense from my point of view. You cannot use the Bible to validate the Bible, yet, Christians do it routinely as though it’s a perfectly natural thing to do.
There are many reasons to question the veracity of the Bible’s claim to be the word of God, and one of the many reasons is it tends to share all of the prejudices of the people who wrote it. For example, it only acknowledges the people who wrote it as worthy of God’s interest. Did God only speak to them? It all but ignores women, and the people of other lands. Where is the book of Mumbulu, Nancy, or Chong, for example? They’re all but dismissed, because they were unimportant to the people who wrote and/or compiled the Bible. Do you really believe that God would select a “chosen people” over all others (For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are – Deuteronomy 14:2), or that God would validate slavery (Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ” – Ephesians 6:5)? I don’t think so, but according to the Bible, God did both.
The fact is, the “Holy Bible” that Christians Worship today was both compiled, and “blessed,” by the Catholic Church, not God, and any book that disagreed with the Catholic Church was banned. What Christians refer to as “The Holy Bible,” and what preachers run around thumping, wasn’t even compiled until almost 400 years after the death of Jesus. So everything in it is hearsay. In terms of years, at the time the Bible was compiled they were twice as far away from the life and times of Jesus Christ as we are away from the life and times of George Washington today. So in reality, they didn’t know fact from fiction, or any more than we know about whether or not George Washington actually chopped down a cherry tree.
“For the first 300 years of Christianity, there was no Bible as we know it today. Christians had the Old Testament Septuagint, and literally hundreds of other books from which to choose. The Catholic Church realized early on that it had to decide which of these books were inspired and which ones weren’t. The debates raged between theologians, Bishops, and Church Fathers for several centuries as to which books were inspired and which ones weren’t. In the meantime, several Church Councils, or Synods, were convened to deal with the matter, notably, Rome in 382, Hippo in 393, and Carthage in 397 and 419. The debates sometimes became bitter on both sides. One of the most famous was between St. Jerome, who felt the seven books were not canonical, and St. Augustine who said they were. Protestants who write about this will invariably mention St. Jerome and his opposition, and conveniently omit the support of St. Augustine.
“I must point out here that Church Father’s writings are not infallible statements, and their arguments are merely reflections of their own private opinions. There are always three sides to every story, this side, that side, and the side of truth. Whether Jerome’s position, or Augustine’s position was the correct position, had to be settled by a third party, and that third party was the Catholic Church.
“Now the story had a dramatic change as the Pope stepped in to settle the matter. In concurrence with the opinion of St. Augustine, and being prompted by the Holy Spirit, Pope St. Damasus I, at the Council of Rome in 382, issued a decree appropriately called, “The Decree of Damasus,” in which he listed the canonical books of both the Old and New Testaments. He then asked St. Jerome to use this canon and to write a new Bible translation which included an Old Testament of 46 books, which were all in the Septuagint, and a New Testament of 27 books”.
So as I pointed out in a previous article, truth and common sense dictates that it’s all nonsense. If a devout Christian born in Georgia had been born in Israel, he would be a devout Jew, or if in Iran, a devout Muslim, or if he’d been born in China he would be a devoted Buddhist. That clearly demonstrates that religion is not of God, but of man. People are actually socialized into believing what they believe. If God had created religion to guide us, would he have created so many of them that they would cause man to hate, brutalize and murder one another? I don’t think so, not a loving God.
So from my point of view, the Bible is pure fiction, and it was written and compiled by its day’s equivalent of the Republican National Committee. God has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Religion is the “word of man,” not God. So anyone who chooses to believe in walking dead men and talking snakes over the common sense that was bestowed upon them by nature (God), has chosen to give the word of man priority over God.
God is whatever force, entity, or process that’s responsible for what we refer to as existence, so if we exist, God exists, regardless of whether God is a he, she, or it – but he hasn’t said a word to nobody. The mere fact that we’re here to question God’s existence, however, proves God’s existence. But that’s all we know, and that’s all we have to know – period.
Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree
This brilliant man can be found at; EricLW@ThyBlackMan.com.
Dear Mr. Wattree, I can understand your doubts about the Bible and it’s origins. Believe me, I have had them myself. I can also understand exactly where you are coming from on so many levels. If you truly took a look at the history of this most loved book though you would find just how many people have died protecting it or to even read just one page of it. Not only that but every single person on this planet that Christ gave His life for on that cross including you are His chosen people. Once we become His we can hear His voice also. I do and I am nobody. It is not a loud booming voice and if I am not quiet and listening for it I miss it. His voice is still and quiet.
Most of the time it comes thru others. But I can tell you Sir that Jesus Christ is real and alive. He came here and walked among us to show us the love of God the Father but what people have missed is this. Jesus is God Himself come in the flesh and walking among us. I have no explanation for this as I am just a human and not a very smart one at that. The Bible calls this a mystery and it takes faith to believe. The fact that more people find it easier to believe in UFOs and ancient aliens or in conspiracy theories than in a loving Father is easy to understand in today’s World.
Christianity has really distorted the idea of a loving Father and a forgiving one with all their yelling and screaming at rallies and holding signs that say people are going to hell when this is something that Christ never taught. He sat with prostitutes, tax collectors, Samaritans, sinners and ate and drank with them. They called Him a wine bibber, blasphemer, drunkard, and if He were to come today and walk among us they would call Him even worse things because He would be on the case of all these rich mega church leaders making big bucks and stealing from widows and orphans and not helping the poor but taking their money instead so they can get rich and drive sports cars and fly in leer jets and live in mansions and build fancy churches.
I can see exactly why you believe what you believe about the Bible and Christianity Sir. I don’t call myself a Christian but a Follower of Christ and what He taught and I listen to His voice inside me. If you want to seek after Him and know that He is real and true, seek Him with all your heart and He WILL be found by you. If a person that loves the Lord is truly honest we will admit that we do have our moments of doubt but once we have a true encounter with the King of the Universe there is no more room for doubts. He is real and alive and wants a relationship with ALL His children.
Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other gods and goddesses out there are dead and didn’t give up their lives and rise from the dead and conquer death and are coming back to get us. They didn’t defeat our enemy Satan who is the true destroyer of this earth and mankind and the cause of evil and deceit here on this planet but Jesus did. And Jesus is the ONLY ONE that can truly forgive us and reconcile us back to our Father who wants so much to fill that void inside of us that we are constantly trying so hard to fill with so many other things but until we stop and look to Him and allow Him to fill it we will remain empty and keep running and chasing after things that will leave us empty.
All this too can be found in the Bible. It is a beautiful story of love, redemption, forgiveness, and hope of a home where we truly belong and that is being made for us. Jesus came to show us that and so much more. It is all there in the Bible – our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. All you have to do is ask Him to show you and He will. He is waiting for you. He loves you Mr. Wattree so much so that even if you had been the only person on the planet He still would have come here to die for you because He knew He needed to in order to save you. I know you don’t believe that now. I hope that one day you will. I hope to see you in our home Jesus has promised to prepare for us and come to get us to take us home to. Whether or not you believe that doesn’t make it any less true. Be blessed Mr. Wattree.
I wish you had not said that the Pope was influenced by the holy spirit. Also, I would like to see an article talking about how the Canaanites (Blacks) were cursed to be slaves. Note that Noah did not give a time limit for their slavery, so black Christians, Jews, and Muslins should support slavery of themselves.
Yes, I know it is crap, but black people should either learn the truth about their religious leaders and practice the teachings or separate from these false religions. May I also mention that Christians are not supposed to be politically involved either. So much for MLK, jr., Abernathy, and ….
While I am not upset, I am bothered by the lack of depth and obvious lack of study done for such a bold claim against the validity of the bible.
There is too much to address here, but in short this is one sided at the least.
Any consideration of validiy of scripture requires at minimum an understanding of original language. While we appreciate the King James translation, original Greek and Hebrew languages reveal much more to us. In some cases there is not an accurate 1 to1 translation. For example, slaves in the reference to Eph 6. That term is much more naturally translated into employee or hired servant. There are also 4 very different contexts and words for love- in which we only have the one.
There is also the very inaccurate lenses of Western secular society that dismissed the idea of authority anyway. Any book or scripture that does not promote complete autonomy is examined with the same limited view as the author of this article.
Finally, instead of referencing the Da Vinci Code for information, which some do to fuel this argument., perhaps check out “ A case For Christ.”
The bible is both historically and Prophetically (Future Casting) validated. The Catholic church is not the first or original church as Christ inspired. The original church is found in the book of Acts and looks nothing like the politically fueled Roman Catholic church.
He chose Israel like He made Adam and said by you all the nations of the world will be blessed. So singling out one group was not the intent. Is more like think that a parent blessed with a gift to earn money and by that gift, the Whole family can eat.
I’m sure that real unbiased research would open a lot of doors and windows for you. Blanket statements on inaccurate assumptions are not the way to find any type of truth- religious or otherwise.
Did God choose one group of people over others? To give a trustworthy response to this question we can either use our limited knowledge and personal biased opinions, or we can go to a trusted source, a source whose knowledge is infinite and whose trustworthiness is beyond reproach: Our Creator, the Lord God. We can stare at and minutely examine His creation, but such an exercise will only confirm that a Being all-powerful and all-wise is behind it all. Unlike the many fictitious alien UFOs from outer space, who are quite difficult to meet in person, our God has revealed Himself in His Son, Jesus Christ, the God-man. It is through Jesus we learn of the one, true, eternal, infinite God, whose absolute independence is due to His aseity.
Jesus is no fictional character. Nor were the Apostles who spread the Gospel of the Savior who has come to save us from our sins, as well as from the just punishment we deserve.
All the information you seek is found in the book, called the Holy Bible, written by human men, sinners saved by grace, who were moved to do so by God the Holy Spirit. God is not a cruel sadist who created us without so much as a hint as to why He did so, or what is our purpose, or why do we die, and is there an afterlife? He wrote about these serious themes and others in the Holy Bible.
Additionally, our God has innumerable disciples who make it their heartfelt business to speak, preach and teach eternal truth to vast numbers of fellow humans, who may or may not be seeking answers to serious questions. We servants plant the seeds of faith and water with His Word, but it is God who gives the increase as He pleases.
The answer to the question at hand is, “yes,’ God chooses a people with the intent of His being their God and they His people. Jesus confirmed this truth when He informed His disciples, You did not choose me, but I chose you (John 15:16).
The next question of slavery is given much exposition in the Bible. Jesus and His Apostles have the audacity to declare all men, no matter color, race or religion, are born slaves to sin and Satan. Pharoah or Southern slaveholders are nothing compared to Satan. And Satan has favorites whom he rewards with fame and fortune, including hatred of the true God.
Christians view, with pity and sadness, those whom the world celebrates as their heroes and role models. Christians understand that friendship with the world is enmity with God because the values and principles of the world are contrary to those of our God, who is, in His essence, goodness, love and holiness.
So rather than allow all sinful, rebellious sinners to lose their souls forever, our gracious, compassionate God sent a Savior to save His Elect. He decreed, in eternity, those to be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. Every day innumerable unbelieving sinners come to saving faith in Christ. Who knows? Perhaps Thy Black Man Eric will be one of them.
Kind Sir,
I often wonder how ANY adherent of ANY religion can stand so obstinately convinced that theirs is the “only/true/right” way? Christians are right. Muslims are right. Jews are right. Hindus are right. Buddhists are right…and everyone else is wrong. I ask, respectfully: Which of the 100’s of denominations within the walls of Christendom have the “Holy Spirit” guiding them? Which of them is the “true” way to follow God? It can’t be all of them, because there are almost as many different doctrines as there are denominations. Looking forward to discourse..
Funny, through the interpretation of the Bible that you think is nonsense and through your limited understanding of the Holy Scripture on the topic of slavery, certain people called abolitionist concluded from the Bible that slavery was wrong. Some of these people like John Brown gave his life because of this Biblical principal. The civil war was waged because of this strange Biblical principal that you don’t understand that is clearly in the Bible. Your ass is free to write an uninformed article because of this Biblical principle. You are so dense that you didn’t even question the obvious of your biblical viewpoint.
Think about this. If you were God and you wanted people to establish and follow a new religion called Christianity, wouldn’t you have found a better way to accomplish that? For example, wouldn’t you have had scribes witnessing and recording in writing every word Jesus said? Wouldn’t you have had Jesus living and preaching to a ripe old age? Wouldn’t you have had people throughout the world preaching as Jesus did? Wouldn’t you have waited until 2000 years later where miracles like walking on the water and raising people from the dead could be captured on videos? Wouldn’t you have given every person in the world irrefutable proof of your existence and your desire of how you wanted people to live? Wouldn’t you today have Russia stop killing so many innocent people in Ukraine? Wouldn’t you have nations respecting each other and spending their military dollars on making the world a better place to live for everyone?
Think about this. If you were God and you wanted people to establish and follow a new religion called Christianity, wouldn’t you have found a better way to accomplish that? For example, wouldn’t you have had scribes witnessing and recording in writing every word Jesus said? Wouldn’t you have had Jesus living and preaching to a ripe old age? Wouldn’t you have had people throughout the world preaching as Jesus did? Wouldn’t you have waited until 2000 years later where miracles like walking on the water and raising people from the dead could be captured on videos? Wouldn’t you have given every person in the world irrefutable proof of your existence and your desire of how you wanted people to live? Wouldn’t you today have Russia stop killing so many innocent people in Ukraine? Wouldn’t you have nations respecting each other and spending their military dollars on making the world a better place to live for everyone?
I can see the frustration of the author, but I feel that he is predisposed to his conclusion without approaching the subject from an unbiased perspective. The problem with a lot of journalists is that they now report from their perspective, and do not report from a neutral perspective. I think an open unbiased investigation into this subject would reveal far different conclusions than the author of this article.
Multiplicity of out of context information compiled to substantially prop up a particular world view. Good luck with all that.
This article was obviously satire. Must have the Holy Spirit to fully understand the bible. I don’t believe the author of this article had the Spirit indwelling him. Easy to condemn something when you are ignorant about what you are condemning.
Kind Sir,
I often wonder how ANY adherent of ANY religion can stand so obstinately convinced that theirs is the “only/true/right” way? Christians are right. Muslims are right. Jews are right. Hindus are right. Buddhists are right…and everyone else is wrong. I ask, respectfully: Which of the 100’s of denominations within the walls of Christendom have the “Holy Spirit” guiding them? Which of them is the “true” way to follow God? It can’t be all of them, because there are almost as many different doctrines as there are denominations. Looking forward to discourse..
My comment is very short. The One and only true and living God is self existing, has no beginning nor ending, HE is eternal, all knowing, all powerful, and every where present. He created all things including mankind. Therefore He does what He wants and has placed laws and responsibilities into mankinds hands. People can choose to live by them or reject them. The bottom line is this: everyone will stand before God Almighty on day and be judged. Some will go to eternal damnation with a conscious state of suffering and some to eternal life with God where there are unimaginable blessings.
And there is nothing left to be said!! Amen to your response!! You nailed it, Mr. Gripper!!
“Christians often tell me that they’re following the word of God as prescribed in the Bible, and as we all know, they say, the Bible is the word of God. We know that for a fact because the Bible says it’s the word of God in no uncertain terms.”
“In response, I tell them that they can just call me a mindless heathen and an instrument of “Satan” if I have to buy into that, because it strikes me as pure lunacy and lacking in common sense from my point of view. You cannot use the Bible to validate the Bible, yet, Christians do it routinely as though it’s a perfectly natural thing to do.”
As you please. Everyone that chooses this life does it for their own personal reasons or reasons that they themselves didn’t choose. Do I have to use the bible to state that it is the word of God to non-believers? Partially. If I didn’t reference the bible or any part of it when giving you an answer, whom am I really referencing? There are other things outside of the bible that you can go and look at or reference to help you piece together things. I am not an expert in that matter so I can only point out a few things. For instance, I am sure you have probably heard of Joseph the Dreamer. What a fascinating life he had. You can find on a pilon in Egypt of where someone referenced the seven years of plenty and the seven years of famine. The fact that also the bible tells us in Genesis about the oceans underneath the earth before science could even confirm that should have been impressive. Ethiopia can also trace their lineage from the sons of Noah till today (They kept those records). There are people who are familiar with these types of connections and can help you gain that form of understanding, I am not one of them. The words hit my heart as a child, I have no doubt.
“There are many reasons to question the veracity of the Bible’s claim to be the word of God, and one of the many reasons is it tends to share all of the prejudices of the people who wrote it. For example, it only acknowledges the people who wrote it as worthy of God’s interest. Did God only speak to them? ”
This is complicated to answer. I will try by first asking a question. Now, I will let you know that what answer you come to is dependent on what you think a God is and what a God is and isn’t capable of. If God knows all and created all and knows the beginning and the end, what makes you think he didn’t intend on every letter in every book not being written the way it was? If he didn’t intend on such a thing, how could he possibly know the outcome? This would obviously include any and all forms of text rather they be religious or not. If you want something closer to scripture, a lot of the main people who were inside of the scriptures actually didn’t write anything. Noah, Elijah, Elisha, Sampson, John the Baptist, Jesus, none of these men nor any others wrote a book. None of the people that were there complained or threw any scrolls out.
God speaking to people is a complicated matter. When you first read the scriptures, God starts off by what is conceived by man and is talking to everyone, even Cain. As time goes on and people start to rebel and cause destruction, he backs himself away from man. This continues to happen throughout the entire Old Testament. Then during the times he does speak, he seems very upset. Then, you get to the point where the people who do want to listen and go by the way he asks, and people attack them. Then he curses them some even to 10 generations after the people who committed the actual sin. The world has become very secular in the last 50 years. Even before then, you could question some of their beliefs by what they did and what they thought the scriptures said.
“It all but ignores women, and the people of other lands. Where is the book of Mumbulu, Nancy, or Chong, for example?”
I wouldn’t say it just completely ignores women. If you’re thinking in the direction that I spoke of earlier, I ask you a question, Out of all of the books that could have been written about women, this one was a queen, why is that? The men that God chooses, have widely varying lives from Kings like David and Solomon to Prophets like Elijah and John whom the bible describes wore animal skins. The first book of a woman is about her being raised into a queen. Is this by accident?
I am unfamiliar with the books that you speak of, pardon me. I will point out that in the scriptures lineage has a lot to do with who did what. That entire line of people were around when these things happened to people. They kept the records, the faith and moved everything forward. If he had chosen people outside and they didn’t come into contact with these people, would they have added those events to their history?
“Do you really believe that God would select a “chosen people” over all others (For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are – Deuteronomy 14:2), ”
Yes, If you were God, would you choose people who will listen or won’t listen. Do you remember what happened when he chose a man who disregarded his commandments? He had to put that man in the belly of a whale. What would happen if he chose a weak man or a coward? Is that of God to walk past a man who had been beaten and robbed and left for dead? It took a good Samaritan to intervene. What would have happened if David was scared to fight Golith? We know what happened when God told the people of their promised land and told them to take it from the people who had it. They became afraid and were cursed. He chooses people based on a few factors and what he wants done at that moment. If you want that life, you have to fight for it. Because, when it’s your time, you can’t let these people tell you that you better lie or they will punish you and you get weak at the knees. You can’t turn your back on God because of the fear of man or the love of money. You need faith in God, even on pain of death.
“or that God would validate slavery (Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ” – Ephesians 6:5)?”
It’s not surprising as you learn the personality of God. It takes a long time to get a glimpse of what he allows you to understand. I can help answer this by pointing at two other parts of the bible. Look at the parable of the man who was hiring people to work in his fields and paid them all the same wages. They are told never to complain, sort of what it seems like as you bring up this verse. Then, as you get towards the end of the Old Testament, you will discover that it is a sin to pay low wages. God can wipe your tears and fix all things in your life. The people that made these unfortunate choices, let’s pray they find correction or God has mercy on their souls. It is better to commit suciced that to attack one that belongs to God.
“The fact is, the “Holy Bible” that Christians Worship today was both compiled, and “blessed,” by the Catholic Church, not God, and any book that disagreed with the Catholic Church”
That’s not entirely true. For instance, I read the King James Version and that is not like the Catholic bible. They have books I’ve never read before. One of them being this stoy about this man burying the dead and angels show up later and this was a good thing. There is also this wedding that happens. This is a second hand count of the story of course. I don’t find them to be canon. Jesus told us to let the dead bury the dead. God is the God of the living as well. There are very few instances inside of the bible where they cared about someone’s death. It mainly says they died and the people buried them somewhere.
“What Christians refer to as “The Holy Bible,” and what preachers run around thumping, wasn’t even compiled until almost 400 years after the death of Jesus. So everything in it is hearsay.”
This sounds misleading. It sounds as if you’re trying to make it sound one way and things happened another. Most of the New Testament was written by the disciples of Jesus and Paul who was chosen as a vessel. They are letters that were sent out to the churches to answer questions. Jesus told them to do this and told them that they would all eventually be put inside of a book and spread across the world.
““For the first 300 years of Christianity, there was no Bible as we know it today. Christians had the Old Testament Septuagint, and literally hundreds of other books from which to choose. The Catholic Church realized early on that it had to decide which of these books were inspired and which ones weren’t.”
I am not a Catholic so I can’t answer what they did and didn’t do. They have books that I have never read before and do things I was under the impression that you weren’t supposed to do. For instance, the bible says that eventually people will try to say it is forbidden to marry and eat meat. I am under the impression that some Catholics can’t get married. I don’t know who had the authority to override this scripture and I have no desire to force them to stop. I will only ask questions.
“The debates raged between theologians, Bishops, and Church Fathers for several centuries as to which books were inspired and which ones weren’t.”
Yes, you need the spirit of discernment and must be willing to change to find the truth.
““I must point out here that Church Father’s writings are not infallible statements, and their arguments are merely reflections of their own private opinions. There are always three sides to every story, this side, that side, and the side of truth. Whether Jerome’s position, or Augustine’s position was the correct position, had to be settled by a third party, and that third party was the Catholic Church.”
I’m not familiar with this. I only study scripture. The other history isn’t important to me. During the time of Jesus’s disciples, the scriptures tell us that at one point the people had one mind and believed in one truth. I am focused on getting to that understanding. Thus I study the letters they wrote and what they did.
“Now the story had a dramatic change as the Pope stepped in to settle the matter. In concurrence with the opinion of St. Augustine, and being prompted by the Holy Spirit, Pope St. Damasus I, at the Council of Rome in 382, issued a decree appropriately called, “The Decree of Damasus,” in which he listed the canonical books of both the Old and New Testaments. He then asked St. Jerome to use this canon and to write a new Bible translation which included an Old Testament of 46 books, which were all in the Septuagint, and a New Testament of 27 books”.
I am sure you are probably write about this yet, I am not Catholic. I don’t study their bible. I am unfamiliar with a few of their books.
So as I pointed out in a previous article, truth and common sense dictates that it’s all nonsense.
LOL, you can reference my response from that article here.
So as I pointed out in a previous article, truth and common sense dictates that it’s all nonsense. If a devout Christian born in Georgia had been born in Israel, he would be a devout Jew, or if in Iran, a devout Muslim, or if he’d been born in China he would be a devoted Buddhist.
This isn’t really true and misleading. The man that Baptized my mom was from a preacher from a different church. He heard a preacher from our church and he joined our church. People change religions all the time for many reasons. You will seek the truth for yourself.
“People are actually socialized into believing what they believe. If God had created religion to guide us, would he have created so many of them that they would cause man to hate, brutalize and murder one another? I don’t think so, not a loving God.”
Interesting. I ask you what you think life is about from reading this. All of the love pain, suffering, truth, lies, peace, war, money, poverty, science, faith, etc. When evaluating it all, what does it mean? The Christian God seems to like people of faith and strong inside of it no matter what it looks like. Almost all of the people he choose had that characteristic. Standing up to the impossible and any and all evil.
“So from my point of view, the Bible is pure fiction, and it was written and compiled by its day’s equivalent of the Republican National Committee. God has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Religion is the “word of man,” not God. So anyone who chooses to believe in walking dead men and talking snakes over the common sense that was bestowed upon them by nature (God), has chosen to give the word of man priority over God.”
If this is the case, there is no punishment or reward. No actual way to test faith or get close to God through a life. We are just something he made and forgot about somehow. Look back at all of the trails and tribulations of the ones whom made it. Sounds like something a God would be of if his servant or child had done theses things. There are a lot of scriptures that you seem not to be familiar with. As you continue to write these and as I am here, I will respond.
Does God hate you for what you wrote today? LOL, probably not to be honest with you. If you ask a Jewish person about their faith and religion, one of the things that you will hear about is the people all taking turns reading scripture and passing it around the room. Each person asking questions and increasing their understanding. What you have done here today was ask questions based off of your own knowledge. I have only pulled up a chair and responded. I was ready to question everything and all of the understanding from those who would listen as well. The bible says a lot of things and it speaks about people having if they do this and that. Growing up in a world of where many try to have that Godly appearance. Then you look at scripture and the people towards the end of the scriptures, didn’t look like what we have today. Those men forsook all for Christ or God. They didn’t care for the things of the world. Maybe the truth is somewhere in there.
Don’t overlook the obvious!! There is evil in the world and we are judged by what is written on our hearts, think about it….inside we know right from wrong even if our perception is different from someone else’s. To me the first proof of the Bible being the inspired word of God is the simple fact that so many prophecies all came true!! We can thank our science and carbon dating for the confirmation. The odds of so many events being predicted without any being wrong is about 0!!
Remember, God sees through time and space the same way we look across the room! It is a really cool concept that requires a little bit of reflection to fully appreciate. Image living in a 2 dimensional world, it is a little tricky to fully visualize a 3d person when you can only see a single thin cross session of the person at a time!!
Evil inspires to turn us against each other.
So, by this reasoning, I suppose Mr. Wattree is not a “brilliant man” since someone else simply said he is. Hmmm.
Great Information about the bible.