5 Things to Do in Oregon When You’re Retired.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Oregon is an amazing and massive state with many options, from gorgeous cliffs to ocean views and a famous city for being bizarre and interesting.  Whether you’re new to the state or you’re retiring here after a lifetime of living here, these are all of the best things to do while you’re in town.

Tour All of the National Forests

Oregon has eleven national forests, each offering views from massive calderas to beautiful waterfalls and rushing rivers.  Take the time to visit each of these, learn about them, and understand their importance.  Oregon is an amazingly natural state for the most part, despite being home to one of America’s most famous cities.  Get to know this wild side, and then keep going in your retirement adventure!


Visit the Gorgeous Portland Japanese Garden

The Portland Japanese Garden is a 12-acre large property within Washington Park in the West Hills of Portland.  Operated as a private non-profit organization, you can enjoy the magical fairy-like garden and take in the endless views that it offers.  Although it can be a little pricey to visit, it’s worth it for all of the amazing curated beauty you get to see.  This garden is best viewed in the early summer when everything is at its greenest, and there’s no limit to how many flowers and butterflies you’ll spot as you walkthrough!

Learn How to Ski

Skiing can be scary if you’re new to it, but Oregon has plenty of trained athletes and ski lodges that are happy to help you learn how!  Bachelor Ski and Sports is a 3,683-acre ski area with ten lifts that allows you to explore slopes that range from extremely easy to difficult and are optimal for someone of any age who’s learning how to ski.  Keeping active and trying new things can allow you to continue feeling younger for longer and will offer the opportunity to keep your mind fresh and ready for more.

Visit the Most Scenic State Park Ever

Smith Rock State Park may not sound like much, but it’s a paradise made of a river canyon.  When visiting this amazing park, you can enjoy beautiful views of craggy rocks pushed up from the Earth’s surface and a river that was strong enough to divide them in two.  In this park, you can enjoy rock climbing at any level of difficulty, or you can have a great time walking or biking the trails.  This park also has a great camping area that allows you to spend the night and let your fun stretch to another day!  Although the campsite might not be as cozy as living in a beautiful apartment in Portland, Oregon, it’s worth it!

Take In the Oddities of Portland

Portland may be a strange city, but that’s what makes it so much fun!  Whether you’ve never been before, or you’ve visited a few times, there’s always something new and exciting to find here. So explore Portland like a tourist, and let yourself have fun checking out the unique shops, fantastic live theater, and delicious restaurants.  Portland is an adventure all packaged into one city, so it’s important to let yourself enjoy this at least once in retirement.

Staff Writer; Ricky Jacobs