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( Whatever its origin – natural or lab leak – SARS-CoV-2 made its way around the world.  A novel coronavirus, it had never appeared in humans before and therefore science and medicine knew little to nothing about how it spread or how to treat it.  Remember how we wiped everything down?  Its results were obvious however, as we stacked bodies in refrigerated trucks from New York to Seattle.

For the next twelve months, from late 2019 through 2020, the effects of the coronavirus wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy and left hundreds of thousands of people dead.  With the development of highly effective vaccines by the end of last year, we all thought the worst was over and a return to normal was in sight.  While it may have been the end of COVID-19, it was the beginning of COVID-21.

What started out as a public health emergency caused by a pandemic has morphed into socio-political catastrophe caused by what pundits have called an “infodemic.”  The disinformation campaign ignited during the 2020 presidential election has over taken efforts to end the disruption and death COVID caused and joined other conspiracy theories espoused by adherents of THE BIG LIE.

If I know your zip code and your answers to a couple of simple questions (Was the 2020 election fair?  Is climate change real?) I can predict with a high degree of certainty whether or not you have taken the vaccine.  I will know whether you support mask mandates when indoors and if you think providing proof of vaccination is a form of tyranny.

covid 21 not covid 19

We have become politicized to the point that all the hard-fought lessons learned about COVID-19 have either been forgotten or cast aside by a large cohort of Americans.  Politicians exhort their constituents to “take a stand” against having children wear masks in school.  TV networks ask their viewers to question if the vaccines are safe and effective.  Social media influencers tell their followers to take the latest miracle cure.  All in furtherance of attempts to undermine objective truth for political gain.

Of course it’s all nonsense.  The virus doesn’t care about your politics, ethnicity or address.  It is a true “equal opportunity” destroyer of incomes, businesses and lives.  And the irony is, the very people who choose not to follow what we have learned about how to control the virus’ spread, follow the man on whose watch the vaccine was developed.  The man who secretly took the vaccine before he left office.

I’m sure it kills him that he can’t take credit for the singular achievement of his scandal-plagued administration.  Because to roll up his sleeve and bare his pale flabby arm to get the shot on camera would be to acknowledge that he was to blame for not acting sooner, costing countless lives.

He told writer Bob Woodward, on tape, early on in 2020 that the virus was airborne and just as infectious, and deadly, for young and old alike.  He then said publicly that testing was the cause of the problem.  He directed that a ship off the coast of California with COVID patients not be allowed to dock because it would “drive up his numbers.”  And after being infected himself, and reportedly almost dying, he still railed against basic public health measures advocated by the medical community.

COVID-21 is no longer just a contagious respiratory disease, it is tied to a malicious psychological disorder.  Have you noticed the heightened aggressiveness everywhere?  Those infected stand in opposition to empirical facts, perverting the meaning of liberty and subverting government authority.  Confusing sedition with patriotism and ignorance with virtue.  With a mindset that accepts “everybody’s not going to make it.”  So move on.  Open up.  Virus be damned.

We can’t defeat the respiratory disease without also confronting the mental disorder.  The overlap in the population affected by both is too great.  The same people downing hydroxychloroquine are the ones who think the problems with our county are the people who acknowledge them.  They want freedom to exempt their children from mask mandates in school, while mandating they not be taught about 1619.  They only believe in democracy when they win.  They got something, and it ain’t just COVID.

Many more will succumb unless we socially distance from those who are infected and contact trace those they have come in contact with.  Until we can develop a new vaccine with a side effect that acts like truth serum, and then mandate proof of vaccination to enter public spaces.

Stop the spread!

Staff Writer; Harry Sewell