5 Things Not To Say to Men That Affect Their Mental Health.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Men worldwide, according to polls, find it extremely difficult to speak about mental wellbeing, despite the fact that they are slightly more likely than women to commit suicide. In this article, we explore why this might be the case and how to fix the issue. Depression among men is a societal problem that needs attention. It has been defined as a “quiet disease” and an issue that has penetrated into the minds of a lot, with disturbing statistics. If you know a man, which you probably do, avoid saying these five things to them.

Look, someone is better than you

We also seem to have a simple understanding as humans about the type of partner we would want to be alongside. Some want a companion who is muscular, others want a person who is rather creatively sound, and some just want a companion who is supportive and good-natured. That being said, we tend to pitch their qualities, and especially their flaws toward those around us once we meet that someone.

Comparing your partner with someone else is plain stupid. Although it would be nice if we valued the person for which we are by drawing sensible comparisons, the very exact opposite is what most of us do. If the comparison is not fair and positive, it’s better to shut up and not say such things to a man.

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You’re just a part of the crowd

When you say this, what they hear is – they are worthless and there’s nothing special about them. Remember that everyone has their own challenges and the level of perfectionism is perceived differently by everyone. If you’re telling somebody that they are just like every other person and nothing is special about them, then you’re undermining their skills and their contribution to society. You are just telling them that they don’t deserve the special place they believe they have in your life.

If someone is struggling, then they have trusted you enough to show their vulnerable side. Don’t be stupid and tell them “you’re just a part of the crowd.” Acknowledge their life’s challenges that they encounter and be ready to value their abilities they are showing to overcome them.

You can’t do it

By saying a man can’t do something, you’re already instilling doubt in him, and asking him to submit to a defeat. When you say that a man can’t do something, you’re strengthening that barrier around him. If you feel that something is challenging for someone, there are better ways to communicate your thoughts instead of telling them that they can’t do it.

If you can’t help someone in their journey, just encourage the man who has chosen a path that’s challenging.

Don’t be so sensitive

When you tell him he’s overly sensitive, you’re just instilling the ideas that he’s to blame, that he is not trying hard enough, and that his emotions are just invalid reactions. If a man thinks more than the average person and tries to do things after giving enough time to thoughtful planning, it doesn’t mean that they are not good enough. You think it all, your thoughts, your expressions, your behavior, the decisions you make along the way when you have also been a victim of mental abuse.

Emotional bullying is frustrating, builds out of your own anxieties, and allows you to lose self-confidence and courage. Our empathy is the most precious product we get as humans, and psychological abuse will steal that path from those suffering from mental abuse.

Don’t feel that way!

A quite certain way to destroy a man is to convince him that he is mistaken that he feels the way he does. Many of us have spent years and years warning everyone that their emotions are false, insane, over-dramatic, unreal, or just simply hurtful. If you’ve told a man that he shouldn’t feel like the way he does, he may actually forgive you, but the feeling will keep hurting him. When you don’t know what to say, it’s better you keep quiet and don’t say anything at all.

Want to improve on this habit? Focus more on listening. Remember, a man doesn’t need you to tell him how he should feel and how he should be managing his feelings.

Staff Writer; Jack Bell

Cell Phone Guru & Video Games Junkie… With that, like my articles, feel free to hit me up at; JackBell@ThyBlackMan.com.