7 Foods To Reduce Stress and Nourish Your Body.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Living in a dynamic, digital lifestyle with so many commitments, and responsibilities, we all have stress from time to time.  Chronic stress can create a lot of mental and physical damage. Stress has a severe impact on the adrenal glands that can hinder the production of crucial hormones. It leads to a condition called, adrenal fatigue, which includes symptoms like sleep problems, body aches, and depression. Stress also does a lot of mental and physical damage.

There are many strategies to manage and reduce stress levels. The most important one includes what you eat. Stress and food have an intricate relationship. Stress sometimes spikes appetite, which turns into an insatiable monster. This makes many people seek comfort in chocolate, ice cream, or junk food in an attempt to feel better.

During tough times, it can be easy, comforting yourself by reaching for your favorite unhealthy food. It happens to us all. When you are stressed out, you will most probably turn to comfort foods like junk foods, fatty foods, sweets, carbs, and other high-calorie foods. You all can find some comfort in such foods, but this is not a permanent solution.

When you turn to unhealthy foods, your body will not get the right nutrition, which makes you less productive, and eventually leads to more stress. Often unhealthy foods may be the culprit of the leaky gut syndrome. If you run into this you can use a healthy gut formula providing Glucosamine for gastrointestinal support by going to Terra Origin. You can get more information on gut health there as well.

The Good News – Food can also serve as the biggest ally to help you overcome stress. Yes, eating healthy food can soothe your stress. Healthy food can help improve your physical and mental health and lower those stress levels.

Certain foods are a powerhouse of nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Selenium, and Magnesium, which can boost your body’s ability to fight stress and boost your mental state.

Therefore, you must pay attention to what you are eating when you are feeling frazzled. Making healthy food choices can help you cope with the stress and restore your health and wellbeing.

Feeling stressed? Nourish your adrenals by adding these seven stress-busting foods to your diet.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a wonderful way to start your day. It has been a long time comfort food with the right nutrients and healthy carbs. Being a complex carbohydrate, it enables your brain to produce more Serotonin – a good mood hormone. It can help you feel calmer, less stressed, and feel better from the inside out. Furthermore, oats also have a lot of magnesium and potassium, which helps in lowering blood pressure.

Have a bowl of oats for your breakfast with your favorite nuts for a stress-free day.


  1. Dark Chocolates

If you crave chocolate when you are frazzled, have some. Dark chocolate can not just satisfy your taste buds, but it can also help relieve stress. Dark chocolate has been proven to reduce the level of Cortisol (stress hormone) in the body. Furthermore, dark chocolate is made from cocoa that can help improve mood and cognitive function.

To get better benefits, choose dark chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa. Remember, dark chocolate is a high-calorie food, so watch how much you eat but if you want to have a healthier option, you can try Mid-Day Squares’ gluten free chocolate bars for your chocolate cravings.

  1. Salmon

Salmon and other fatty fish like tuna are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. This keeps the Cortisol (stress hormone) under control and boosts Serotonin production. Omega-3 fatty acids are also said to have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation and enhance healthy blood flow. This, in turn, can protect your body against heart disease, chronic stress, depression, stroke, and blood pressure.

So, go for two servings of salmon or other fatty fish a week to relieve stress.

  1. Chamomile Tea

When it comes to relieving stress, it is not just about what you are eating; what you are drinking also matters the most. Drinking liquids that are high in sugars and caffeine, such as coffee or energy drink, can elevate your stress levels if consumed regularly.

Instead, drinking herbal teas can help you cope with stress. One such herbal tea that can help with stress is Chamomile tea. For centuries, Chamomile tea has been used as a natural bedtime soother. This tea has amazing sedative and relaxing properties, that can soothe the nervous system of your gut, and reduce your stress.

After a stressful day, sip a cup of chamomile tea before bed and have a good night’s sleep.

  1. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are a rich source of Vitamin C, which is said to control the level of Cortisol, a stress hormone, and lowers blood pressure during high-anxiety situations. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immunity system in the body.

Consume fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and strawberries as your afternoon snack or before performing a stressful task.

  1. Avocados

Avocados are not just delicious, but a highly healthy fruit. They are rich in nutrients that nourish your body and stress-proof your body. Avocados are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, monounsaturated fat, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, folate, beta-carotene, and fiber, which are known to reduce stress and elevate your mood.

However, when you incorporate Avocado in your diet, be careful with the portion control, as it is rich in fat.

  1. Nuts

Nuts like pistachios and walnuts are a super stress-busting snack and are rich in healthy fats. Nuts are loaded with lots of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B, Vitamin E, potassium, Omega-3, and magnesium. Stress drains Vitamin B sources from your body, and eating a handful of nuts helps replenish them.

In particular, potassium in nuts is prime. Simply snacking on two small portions of potassium-packed pistachios a day can lower vascular contraction and reduce the stress on your heart.

Not just these seven foods, various other foods may help you reduce stress. To name a few more – Turkey, Fermented Foods, Blueberries, Green Leafy Veggies, Red Peppers, Sunflower Seeds, Asparagus, and Whole Grains, also help in reducing your stress and nourishing your body.

Next time you feel stressed out, try incorporating some of these foods into your diet that are scientifically proven to promote stress relief.

Staff Writer; Charlotte Johnson

Health guru at heart, yet able to touch base on many topics… Feel free to hit me up at; CharlotteJ@ThyBlackMan.com.