Black Men Beard Care is a Necessity.

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( More men are growing beards. It appears to be a very positive movement, and one that requires some work. If one were to just assume they can just grow a beard and that is all they might find the overall presentation lacking. All beard care is not created equal, and black men beard care is a necessity. This is a rapidly growing industry as black men require different kind of products to maintain the growth of their beard and their skin. Of course, variety is needed as every brother’s facial needs will not be the same. Liken to black hair and skin care for women, brothers need to be able to access what they will need to keep the beard game from become a catastrophe. Let’s be honest, a struggle beard is not just spotty or unable to grown in fully. Sometimes the struggle is presentation overall. This is no diss as there are many black men that would agree.

Black men beard care can prevent the situation whereby the brother has a matted beard, or one that is so rough and scratchy it would send a woman running. No sister wants to be in a situation whereby kissing a man with a beard carries with it the consequence of skin irritation for her. This might sound hilarious, but this happens, and it can be prevented. It would be unfortunate to have a beard that appears attractive but is anything but to the touch.  If you aren’t sure what to do to take care of your beard it might be wise have a conversation with your barber, and research various options.


Knowing what kind of skin you have could help you choose products for beard care. Just as you need a healthy, clean, moisturized scalp to help you grow healthy hair…the same can be said for your beard. If you are having skin issues you’d want to address those as apart of your beard care. Irritated, inflamed, dry skin can lead to an uncomfortable beard situation. You’d hate to feel uncomfortable with your beard because you are looking at hair bumps and other skin issues. Sometimes to care for one’s beard a dermatologist could be necessary. You should not allow yourself to be ashamed of needing medical assistance in caring for your skin. The outcome could be not only healthy skin, but a good beard situation that can only lead to more self-confidence.

Black men beard care is a part of good self-care. You’d want to make sure you do your research as to what will be good for you. Talk to your barber, or stylist, and if necessary, allow this area of care to lead you to better skin care. There are even beard bonnets, or beard guards, to help care for and keep products on your beard. There is no reason to walk around with a scruffy situation when you can take a little time to love on your beard.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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