Black Men Cornrows Aren’t Criminal.

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( There is a great push within the Black community to be accepted as we are without having to placate to white standards. Far too often we are told that our look is not acceptable from skin, to hair, to overall appearance. Black people live with being seen as unprofessional no matter how much we bend. Toady we have decided that we are no longer doing to allow our very person to be subjugated without fighting back. Hair has been a battleground for black people.

Often times when we are talking about the battle to have hair accepted it is surrounding black women. Black men should be able to wear their hair in manners that align with their culture without being demonized. There are certain hairstyles that seem to be an indictment of black men. Black men cornrows aren’t criminal.


There needs to be a discussion about the freedom black men should have when they decide to wear various styles. Sometimes it could be a matter of protective styling as they are growing their hair out, it could be for personal or cultural reasons, and they could simply want a different look. None of these things are criminal in nature nor intent. Black men cornrows, or locs, are not a sign that they are drug dealers or gang members. This might seem like an unnecessary statement, but you would be surprised how many black men are seen as such when they are wearing cornrows or locs. Furthermore, black men cornrows don’t imply that the brother is a rapper or athlete…that is a criminal. It is also very important that within our own community we are not demonizing black men in a way that reflects white supremacy.

There are black private schools that require the boys to get haircuts or their hair can’t be a certain length because, in part, they see certain styles as a mark of criminality. They feel having these young black boys get hair cuts will help them be respectable, focused, and one day professional. News flash, those things can be disregarded by white people in the workforce with a haircut. By not it should be understood that appearance does not play a part in how you will be treated or respected by someone hell bent on furthering the position of white supremacy.

Yes, hair is a revolutionary statement for all black people. Black men should be able to wear their cornrows, or style of choice, without their character coming under attack. Getting a haircut isn’t deemed criminal and yes there are those that have committed crimes with a fresh fade. When hair is clean and neat there should not be restrictions placed on appearance that only demonize on group. We know this, but the fight for this area of humanity is an ongoing battle. It is a cause that black men and women must fight as a united front. Freedom of expression that is basic humanity is something we want our children to experience. Just as we are fighting for the hair of our daughters we must do the same for our sons.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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