(ThyBlackMan.com) In this article I am going to tell you what is really going on. The facts based on verifiable evidence, not conspiracy theories – though sometimes conspiracy theories are very true. I am going to tell you what the doctors (and others) do not want you to know. The same type information that the powers that be and the two snakes wrapped around a stick are hoping you will not believe. The same type info that caused a CDC doctor in Atlanta to drown in the river when it was falsely labeled a suicide. The same type information that caused authorities in another country to lock Dr. Sebi in a damp cell until he caught pneumonia and died. The same type information that caused several homeopathic doctors to mysteriously die over the last decade or two. I am not a doctor and this is not medical “advice”. But there is enough “in plain sight” research and proof out there where you don’t have to be a doctor or medical professional to see the truth. And remember, most doctors seem dumbfounded on COVID-19.
To understand why you should not take the COVID-19 vaccine, you first have to wake up to the facts and be de-programmed from medical industry brainwashing. Yes medical doctors have a place in your life regarding your health, but the industry itself does not always have your health as a priority. That is why they can clone an animal but they cannot barely find cures for anything. They make more money and feed both the medical and pharmaceutical industry by keeping people sick, treating patients and creating new conditions while fixing the old ones. Vaccines (and the effects) are all big money.
MEDICAL MALPRACTICE THIRD LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN AMERICA https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/study_suggests_medical_errors_now_third_leading_cause_of_death_in_the_us
There are some doctors out there who are a god-send, doctors who I trust and doctors who helped save my life. Doctor who are very necessary. So my concern is not with anyone particular doctor, but rather the demands made by the trickster industry itself. An industry, like it’s symbol, that comes to steal your health, kill your body and destroy your life. Don’t believe me? That’s what they are counting on. Then explain why medical malpractice is one of the top 3 leading causing of death for Americans, even though they are now trying to refute the facts or explain them away. Explain why doctors continued to push the use of ventilators when they said and knew that ventilators for COVID-19 patients caused increases in deaths or the mortality rate. And the Rockefellers, when they found they could make pharmaceuticals out of petroleum products, silenced the medical industry by funding medical schools required to teach a controlled curriculum of lies. Then they founded the American Cancer Society to hide more treachery.
THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INDUSTRY EXPERIMENTS WITH THE BEATING HEARTS, EYES AND BRAINS OF INNOCENT UNBORN CHILDREN, EVEN PUTTING THEM IN MICE: https://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/CMPfactsheetFundingofabortedtissue.pdf
What is being injected into your body? Many of you have blind faith in your doctors and there are some phenomenal, honest and dedicated doctors out there. But that is not because of their profession, it is regardless of or in spite of their profession. The medical symbol itself is called the “caduceus”. It is a mythological symbol carried by Hermes who was a thief, a deceptive trickster and a guide to the underworld, among other things. So why would the medical industry choose such a symbol that has such a symbolic representation of a thief, a trickster and a guide to the underworld? It is both obvious and hidden in plain sight. A trickster tricks and deceives. A thief steals. And a guide to the underworld leads you into darkness where you should not want to go. https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/gods/hermes/
The medical industry of today takes some form of the Hippocratic oath, named after Hippocrates. But Hippocrates in 400BC said “let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” because his intent was to use food and nutrition to prevent and cure disease. Apparently the medical industry of today has replaced that thinking with dangerous pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and treatments that kill people, weaken immune systems and destroy vital organs . Bio-toxins like chemotherapy which is an extremely toxic poison created originally as a World War 1 biological warfare drug. Medicines that cause cancer. Medicines for depression that cause depression and thoughts of suicide.
Medicines (like chemo) that damage your immune system – the body’s only natural built-in defense. Medicines that are pulled from the shelf, banned by the FDA and stuck in class action lawsuits after the same FDA approved them. And after millions of people have used these medicines. Oh yes the two snakes wrapped around a stick (likely the medical and pharmaceutical industries wrapped around a needle or syringe) are hard at work. And as you will see when you keep reading, vaccines play a role in that same eugenic agenda. Once they could hide the truth. But now, with internet technology, we can bypass the lies, the trickster and the deception.
SIDE EFFECTS: The term “side effects” is a nice way of saying your body is rejecting or fighting against the medicine because the medicine is likely synthetic and will appear to fix one thing while damaging something else. We have gotten so used to the term and the reactions that we often ignore the dangers. Sometimes the dangerous side effects can actually be worse than the condition the doctor is trying to fix. But most people never think of it that way because doctors downplay side effects and talk up the benefits, thus shifting and controlling your focus. Sometimes that is a good thing but what about when it isn’t? And there is always the medical disclaimer that “this medicine can cause death”. Furthermore, the COVID-19 vaccine developers have legal immunity so you have no recourse if you get sick or die.
THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH (Gov. Agency that oversees Dr. Fauchi’s Group) STATES THAT “THE PUBLIC SHOULD BE TOLD THAT VACCINES MAY HAVE LONG TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1114674/
Many doctors will swear that vaccines are safe, that they don’t have adverse effects like death or other diseases and that they even help. Sometimes all of this is true but many more times than you are aware of – it is not true. And no matter how they try to hide it in their studies, vaccines have been linked to diabetes, autism and even death. So what about the COVID-19 vaccines that are rolling out soon by the millions based on the shortest term trials and companies that can crank them out the fastest? Why not take them? And will you have a choice or will your job or government benefits force you to take them?
First of all, the vaccines are being rushed through without long term trials. No vaccine in this country has ever been developed so quickly (https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/coronavirus-vaccine-pipeline-types/579122/). And while some of you may say America can move faster in this day and time, let me remind you of a few things. Fast does not mean safe. Fast does not mean thorough. Fast does not automatically mean best. And fast with money motivators, does not mean the right motive. Remember companies rolled out tests for COVID-19 and had failure after failure after failure, false negatives, false positives and even contaminated tests from the CDC itself. These are the facts.
Bill Gates claims he vaccinates his kids. OK, but not likely with what you would get!
There is no way of YOU knowing what these vaccines will do to you in the long run. The developers are not even allowing time for intermediate term trials and barely short term trials of 6 months. They have admitted that COVID-19 is mutating but they downplayed the mutations. As a matter of fact, I would recommend you look up “gain-of-function”. Either way, once a vaccine is injected into a human being infected with a Trojan virus containing many features, functions, behaviors and elements of other viruses, there is no telling what that will mean inside the human body in a year. Other new diseases or mutations? Organ failure or death? AND THEN THERE ARE THE ABORTED BABIES IN THE VACCINE!
While America seems to be ground zero for the world because of the flawed and contaminated tests, the lack of contact tracing, leading the world in infections and deaths and blatant or deliberate incompetence, this country has become more like Raccoon City run by the Umbrella Corporation, going through the portal in Doom, a preliminary World War Z or the precursor to I Am Legend. Virus after virus followed by vaccines that could make everything worse later, much worse than any of us can imagine, especially the more the virus decides it wants to survive and use man simply as a host.
Second of all, if many of you use good sense and take every possible precaution, you are not likely to get infected anyway, unless they keep ALLOWING it to spread. Or if you live in denial, wear a cloth mask (they don’t protect you) instead of an N95 mask, wear no mask or gather in groups of people, don’t wash hands nor social distance nor use sanitizer, you may get infected. Community spread is largely because of the sociological behavior of those who get infected. Thus Herman Cain found out the hard way after he attended a Trump rally, didn’t wear a mask and did not social distance.
Third of all, while COVID-19 is a bio-engineered Trojan virus likely created to drive us towards taking the vaccine and it spread like the Spanish Flu (not a coincidence), the death rate is actually pretty low if you factor in how many people die every year just from HAI – infections they received in the hospital (99,000 people) and how many people died from the Flu (over 34,000 during 2018-2019 according to the CDC). Yet I do not say this so you will ignore the seriousness of the matter regarding COVID-19 because it is very real and very deadly. They plan the death rates to rise from COVID-19 or the vaccine.
Fast-tracked vaccines made by labs with financial agendas to help population control demons is not good. They are very risky, just like the medications they show on TV that have awful side effects many of you ignore. Much more can be done than what is being done, but instead they play dumb. And what happened to looking for cures? Not profitable. You don’t have to be a guinea pig but most of you will consent to be. And ironically, the same President Trump who is pushing vaccine rollouts is the same president who said COVID-19 will just disappear one day. So which is it? Pushing a vaccine on one hand and on the other, saying COVID-19 will just disappear. I don’t like fauchi flavored orange kool-aid.
Fourth of all, research the medical industry tried to hide and discredit shows that vaccines can be very dangerous and deadly. India once kicked out Gates and so did Kenya. And some few medical doctors and scientists have blown the whistle. One example, the former young African American CDC doctor/epidemiologist Timothy Cunningham who was found floating in the river in Atlanta after he blew the whistle about vaccines (https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/23/health/cdc-worker-timothy-cunningham-cause-of-death/index.html) . It was ruled a suicide and he was blamed for having mental/emotional problems. Then all went quiet. Likely a message to other whistleblower doctors.
Fifth of all, what’s in the vaccines (including many COVID-19 vaccines) is often awful and unthinkable – and yes most doctors know it. Yes the tissue from innocent unborn children is used in these vaccines, (https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/06/abortion-opponents-protest-covid-19-vaccines-use-fetal-cells), blood from crabs, aluminum, embalming fluid – and those are the ones we found out about.
Sixth of all, some of these sudden vaccine manufacturers such as Inovio Pharmaceuticals have never made successful, approved vaccines before. Yet with millions of lives on the line competing with billions of dollars, this is not the time for novice vaccine makers or hoping for beginner’s luck. When they are developing the fastest vaccine in the history of America, beginners are dangerous and maybe deadly.
Hopefully this article has started you thinking, asking the right questions, doing your homework and making the right, smart decisions. I am not a doctor and this article is not medical advice, but rather facts and thoughts. Yet I am smart enough to double and triple check what people say instead of following two snakes wrapped a stick blindly. Are you? You can give your right to think for yourself away but don’t let them take it. In this case, the first to fall are the weak, the unaware and those in denial.
So what’s next? Donald Trump, whether he win or loses, will be president all of 2020. And he stated publicly that he has the military ready and vaccines should be ready to go out by the end of 2020. Did you hear what I just said? The military? This implies that the United States military will be used in relation to the rollout of the vaccine. And Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” has the goal to vaccinate 300 million people by the first part of next year. That is almost the entire country. Some people are dumb enough or scared enough to take the vaccine tomorrow. Others will take it if the vaccine is connected to their job requirements or government benefits. And yet others are captive audiences forced to take the vaccine such as senior citizens in facilities and prisoners who are incarcerated. Expect them to also push it on school teachers. They have scared enough people and can manipulate enough others who are asleep to make this work. Most people will take it because Trojan horses make sense. Far too many people were you expecting pitchforks and horns and the obvious.
Finally, Bill Gates who funded GAVI to spread poison vaccines all around the world, the same Bill Gates who uses Africa as a guinea pig lab, the same Bill Gates who believes in population control, has invested in a worldwide global tracking system and has also invested in a quantum dot tattoo that goes under the skin and tracks or delivers the vaccine. And if that is not enough, he is funding the development and release of millions of GMO mosquitoes in America first to fight malaria then to deliver vaccines. So yes he is coming after you and for population control purposes. If you still don’t believe they are implementing population control (Eugenics), find a copy of The Kissinger Report online and read it.
REFERENCES: Some of these may be taken offline but we have copies.
ABORTED BABIES USED IN VACCINES https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_fetal_tissue_in_vaccine_development
UNBORN CHILDREN’S BRAINS, BEATING HEARTS AND EYES USED BY THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY https://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/CMPfactsheetFundingofabortedtissue.pdf
1200 SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ON VACCINES: http://www.chiropractic.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/1200-studies-The-Truth-Will-Prevail-3.pdf
CDC VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS LIST (As if they tell you everything.)
EMBALMING FLUID INGREDIENTS & ALUMINUM USED IN VACCINES (FDA Proof) https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/safety-availability-biologics/common-ingredients-us-licensed-vaccines
GATES CALLS FOR NATIONAL & 24/7 GLOBAL VACCINE TRACKING SYSTEMS https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattperez/2020/03/18/bill-gates-calls-for-national-tracking-system-for-coronavirus-during-reddit-ama/#356b7d036a72
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
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