Displaying High Social Value: Do Women Find Men With Beards More Attractive?

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Every woman has different preferences when it comes to choosing partners, but there’s a widely held perception that most women find men with beards more attractive. This perception is usually based on anecdotal evidence, but there’s a kernel of truth behind it. Multiple scientific studies have shown that women perceive men with beards differently from their clean-shaved counterparts. This article will offer an introduction to the science behind women’s facial hair preferences and explain how men looking for the right partner can take advantage of that now proven fact.

All Men Can Grow Impressive Beards

Multiple studies have shown that women think men with beards are more masculine and more attractive. That may sound like bad news for men who have trouble growing facial hair, but products from Bossman Brand can help. The right beard oils and other products will reduce beard itch during the earliest phases of growth, making it easier for men who want to attract the perfect life partner to get their facial hair into great shape.

The More Hair, the Better

One study performed by the University of Queensland found that women rated men higher on a scale of attractiveness depending on how much facial hair they had. The study involved 919 women between the ages of 18 and 70 to avoid age bias, then showed each of the women 30 photos of men with beards, men without beards, and men who had been photoshopped to look more masculine or more feminine. According to Beard Whiz, the men with more facial hair rated higher for attractiveness, masculinity, and potential as long-term partners.

Different Lengths Say Different Things

While a majority of women rate men with any kind of facial hair higher on a scale of attractiveness, they perceive men with just a little bit of stubble and those with thick, luxurious beards differently. Unsurprisingly, thick beards were positively associated with masculinity in multiple studies. What’s more interesting is that they were also positively associated with women’s preferences for long-term partners.

Women don’t just indicate an active preference for long, full beards. They also show a subconscious bias toward interpreting them as a sign that a man would make a better investment as a father or spouse. Full-bearded men look more trustworthy, more masculine, and healthier than their close-shaven or moderately stubbled counterparts.

Who Doesn’t Like Beards?

In all the studies on women’s facial hair preferences, a small minority showed a preference for clean-shaven men. Their reasoning was consistent. Those who don’t like beards are concerned about hygiene. This may sound ridiculous to men who use high-quality beard products and care for their facial hair meticulously, but women don’t grow facial hair, so cut them a break.

Other Personality Traits Associated with Beards

To better understand why a long, full beard is seen as a sign of a good long-term partner, let’s take a look at some other personality traits women associate with full beards. In addition to perceiving bearded men as being stronger and more masculine, they also see them as being more trustworthy. This makes it easier for men to build a healthy rapport with a new partner and demonstrate positive personality traits that will make the relationship more likely to succeed.

Men with impressive beards also stand out from the crowd. Both women and other men are more likely to notice them, and women are more likely to be attracted to them, increasing the chances that they’ll initiate a conversation or respond positively to attention.

Politics and Beards

Women across the political spectrum showed the same subconscious bias toward men with full beards. However, at least one study shows that on a conscious level, there is also an element of morality involved. Strongly heterosexual women, and more specifically, those who self-report a high level of moral disgust, have a stronger preference for bearded men. Almost all women, and men, for that matter, see beards as a sign of masculinity and strength, but those who view these traits as most desirable in a partner are more likely to make an association between these moral traits and physical attractiveness.

What All This Means for Men

Whether they’re looking for a long-term relationship or a short fling, men with facial hair will have an easier time finding the right partner. Grow a mid-length beard, or at least some moderate chin stubble, to attract women who prioritize short-term relationships. Commit to growing and maintaining a long, full beard to find a long-term partner or even a future wife.

What About Men Who Have Trouble Growing Facial Hair?

There are two options for men who grow patchy or otherwise difficult to control facial hair. They can either resign themselves to going clean-shaven and assume that their personalities will win out over deeply ingrained social preferences, or they can take steps to improve their facial hair.

Those who want to go the latter route have a few easy options at their disposal. They can start by improving their diets and getting plenty of exercises, as both these lifestyle factors influence how well hair follicles are able to grow androgenic hair, the type of dark, thick hair that grows on men’s faces. There are also plenty of supplements and multivitamins out there that contain things like biotin and zinc, both known to speed up the growth of facial hair.

The best way to improve the appearance of a beard as it grows is to purchase specialized hair- and skincare products designed for beards. They not only make beards look better, but also reduce the itchiness that most men experience at around week three of growing a new beard. This reduces the chances that they’ll cut them off or trim them prematurely.

The Bottom Line

The consensus is in. Men who can grow long, bushy beards are perceived as being not just more attractive, but also better long-term partners. Just make sure to keep that glorious, masculine hair looking great, because while women almost always find bearded men more attractive, nobody wants to date a man with terrible hygiene habits.

Staff Writer; Calvin Parker