25% of U.S. Adults Have a Side Business, 10 Ideas to Start Your Own Today.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Most of us think about side business ideas, but only a few stick to them and make something meaningful. Did you know that 25 percent of U.S. adults are already doing it? Most of them are working on their side hustle while keeping a 9 to 5 job. If you are still looking for ideas, here are 10 side business ideas that anyone can use.

  1. Flip items online

Flipping an item means you buy something for a reasonable price and sell it for profit. You can choose places like flea markets, garage sales, thrift stores, listing websites, and any marketplace to buy and sell items. Start with a niche, and flip small items. Create a list and compare prices online and offline. Don’t buy without research and make sure keeping this side hustle organized.

  1. Plan meals

People have different health goals and tastes, so you need skills and knowledge to create a range of offerings that will help them stay healthy and fit. These days, health and fitness industry is growing well and the craze for perfect shape won’t go away anytime soon. Read a lot of books, guides, and blogs, make yourself your case study, experiment safely with diets, and meet people who are either too busy or don’t know how to plan their meals and sell your services to them.

  1. Start a handyman business

If you’re uncertain about your 9 to 5 job, it’s time to change things before you are told to pack your bag. You can start working for yourself. If you have some tools and have done some light work in any particular area for example plumbing, gardening, construction, home decor, or furniture installation, why not become a handyman? Take your tools, advertise in the local market, create a portfolio, and you’ll be in great shape.

  1. Create an online course

If you know inside and out of a product, industry or something many people are interested in, you can create courses with many popular online platforms. If you feel that you have got some great skills, tricks, and techniques to teach complex algebra to a 5-year-old kid, create a course, sell it online, and earn money from each sale.

  1. Offer housekeeping services

This particular business idea is now becoming common and many people are trying their hands in housekeeping and cleaning services. If you are capable of creating a group of dedicated workers who really care about their services, you can set up a small team (if you don’t want to do it alone) and you can start the business from a small area.

  1. Tax Preparation

If you are inclined to start your own business, tax preparation can be a great side business idea to start your journey as an entrepreneur. It’s true that many online tools and companies are available in the market, but if you are starting small, there’s still a lot of business in the small market. People don’t always feel comfortable with the software, so a home-based tax preparation service can help them get a clear picture of their financial conditions. You can attract new clients and charge less than the competition because the cost of setting up this business will be very low.

  1. Offer bidding services

Many IT companies and freelance artists need projects. They spend money on advertising and invest a lot of time in email marketing. Marketing is always incomplete because there are hundreds of ways to acquire clients and every business is unique in its own ways. There are websites where freelancers compete and place their bids on projects. If you’re a smart marketer, partner with agencies, small businesses, and freelancers who are looking for new clients. Place bids on their behalf and earn commission for each project.

  1. Pet Training

Many pet owners don’t know how to train their dog and many people don’t have time to do so. A pet training business can help pet owners by offering them a safe and convenient place to have their beloved pets trained. You can start this business from your home or you can visit your client’s home. If your budget allows then you can start the business from a commercial place.

  1. Car washing

This is one of the best side business ideas because all you need is a place where you can get plenty of water and can build a ramp for cars. Car washing is a very profitable business because all you have to do is to get a place and advertise your services. Even with a basic setup, you can start this business and can charge less than those authorized services centers.

  1. Find distributorship opportunities

There are people who obtain exclusive selling rights of certain products. Since you want a manageable business which can be done after job hours, finding an exclusive distributorship for a product in your area can help you make extra money on the side. Choose a legitimate product and check the demand statistics online and offline.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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