Wiping Out Winter Tiredness.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Do you find that you are always more tired in the colder months? In the run-up to Christmas, this is perhaps to be expected. We’ve all got a lot to do, we’re busier than normal and sleeping less. In those early months of winter, we can cope with this, and often the excitement of the season keeps us going. But, once Christmas is over, it starts to feel as though it’s been winter for a very long time. Suddenly you feel as though you’ve been constantly tired for months, and it can start to have an effect. 

Feeling tired all of the time can make it hard to rest. You might have a hard time focusing at work or performing well at the gym. Your mood might suffer, and any aches and pains that you experience might be worse than usual. 

So, if you feel as though winter has been dragging on forever, and the constant tiredness is really starting to get you down, here are some things that you can do to wipe it out. 

Get More Sleep

Of course, sleeping more is the best way to beat tiredness. But it’s not always that easy. Try to get to bed earlier, and get into a routine of going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day. This can make falling asleep and waking up easier and improve your quality of sleep. 

Reduce Aches and Pains

If you are finding winter aches and pains make it harder to sleep and that they zap your energy when you are awake try to find ways to ease them. A pink lady strain supplement, heat therapy, massage, baths, and over the counter pain relief could all help.

Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is a great way to boost your energy levels. When you are well hydrated, your body doesn’t have to work as hard. Everything is easier, and it works better. Drinking water throughout the day can regulate your energy levels, helping you to avoid the ups and downs that you may associate with caffeine and sugary drinks and snacks. 

Get More Vitamin D

A big problem in the winter is that we don’t get enough vitamin D. This can start to affect our bodies, our immune system, and, most noticeably, our mental health. A low level of vitamin D is a leading cause of seasonal affective disorder, a big symptom of which is feeling tired and lethargic all of the time. 

Our biggest source of natural vitamin D is the sun, so try to get outside as much as you can. Even when it’s cloudy, you’ll get more vitamin D than you will inside. Consider a home light source, or a vitamin D supplement to help further. 

Turn Your Phone Off

Constantly being on our phones increases our tension and stress and makes it harder to rest. Try to spend some time without your phone every day, and you may notice a big improvement. 

You should also leave it in another room when you are sleeping, to improve your quality of sleep. 


You might not feel like exercising when you are tired, but it’s actually one of the best things that you can do. Even gentle exercise, like going for a walk or practicing yoga at home, can increase your energy levels and improve your mood.

Staff Writer; Greg Ford