Five Goals for a Healthy New Year.

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( So many people have had a challenging 2019. One area that stands out has been sickness, and loss. Some had a decent savings and watched it drain due to illness. Others we know have had a hard decade as we have seen loved ones battle ongoing illness, and we lost some. This decade I loss three grandparents and my father; all passing’s were health related. In 2020 more of us would benefit from being healthy all around. We need a healthy body, mind and spirit as balance is so important. Going into a new decade we must work with each other to encourage a healthy life. All the self-care in the world is not going to help us if we are in and out the hospital and facing financial stress because the co-pays and prescriptions are killing the bank account. If you didn’t reach your health goals this year, it’s okay; we are going to look at five ways to walk in health in 2020. Sometimes small changes can be the catalyst we need to jump start major progress.

1. Drink water every day. this might seem like a no brainer, but really it is not. There are so many of us walking around that don’t drink any water at all…then those that struggle to barely drink16oz. My people water is a human necessity, all kinds of physical, and mental health issues arise in its absence. Dehydration can mess with your mind literally…it’s not just a problem for the body. We are all adults so let’s focus and get the water intake done.

2. Surround yourself with positive people. Everyone goes through hard times and it can be very hard to smile in those spaces, but it should no drain you. If you have people in your life that take from your energy everyday with no regard to you its time to let that go. You can’t carry the weight of every burden. This behavior can stress the mind and body.

3. Make sure you eat enough. Yes, being healthy involves dietary control. Apart of that control involves consistency. Starving yourself on purpose or by accident is not good for the body, and the mind is deeply affected. Sometimes dieting can be difficult because it often requires eating consistently. You may find that small healthy portions and healthy snacks can give you the jump your body needs.

4. Make the law of reciprocity a mandate in your life as you walk into this new year. The energy, care, and time you put into others needs to be what you can expect. When you are the only person calling, listening, advising, lending, adjusting, and bailing folk out it’s time to stop. This adds stress to your life and puts you in a state of emotional duress. This degree of upsetness can cause your body to come completely out of balance. Headaches, body aches, vomiting, loss of appetite, and sometimes diarrhea are just a few of the ways this stress can affect your body. If one can’t reciprocate, they can move around.

5. Get some sleep. Sleep is not overrated, and you can’t function without it. No amount of coffee or energy drinks is going to substitute for sleep. Sometimes we are up all night stressing about the foolishness of others, and troubles of others. None of this is your burden to carry. Pray about the situation and get you some rest…before the body forces you to rest.

Health is definitely a form of wealth. Its not enough to be healthy physically you need that and strong mental health. Walk with those that stand with you in 2020. Allow yourself to release stress, and work towards physical wellness. Nothing in life matters if your body is failing and you are out of your mind. Take the time to sit down and write down some health goals you want to achieve this year, then work on getting it done. 2020 can be your year of overall strong health.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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