A Sad Baltimore Tale.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Over the Christmas holiday, Mary and I drove from West Virginia to visited her widow birth mother who lives in Baltimore. I’ll call her Ruth. Mary and I grew up in the Baltimore area.

Wow! What a striking decline in our beloved hometown, once renowned as Charm City. http://bit.ly/1eHe2lK We saw countless blocks of empty trashed row-houses.

Baltimore is also known for great neighborhoods; Fells Point, Little Italy and so on. We drove through Highland town, pronounced, “Hollin” town by locals. I was shocked to see so many Highland town businesses which once thrived were gone, boarded up. They should have grown rather than failed.

Upon our arrival, Ruth excitedly greeted us with a hug.

Ruth has lived in her Dundalk home for 39 years, a block from the city line. Her companion is Corky, her old fat hound dog. She said thugs from the city have begun spilling over into her neighborhood. There is a party house a few doors down from her with loud music filled with expletives. She called the police a few times but nothing has changed.

We were told that the East Point Mall which was once a hub of family activity has become a place to avoid, infected with drugs and criminals.

Ruth said her old female friend barely escaped being carjacked in Baltimore in broad daylight by locking her doors before thugs could open them. Ruth does not venture into Baltimore unless it is absolutely necessary. Baltimore hit a new record high for homicides over the holidays. http://bit.ly/37vs0Tv

Because Ruth is white and I am black, I sensed Ruth’s discomfort expressing how horrible Baltimore’s black female mayor has been. Ruth said, “I heard her say the police should allow rioters to destroy businesses to get out their frustrations.” I told Ruth that she heard correctly. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said, “We also gave those who wish to destroy space to do that as well…” http://bit.ly/2tmeYbO

Democrat controlled cities are insanely obsessed with pandering to criminals and illegals against the safety, best interest and rights of law abiding citizens. NYC Mayor de Blasio’s latest soft-on-crime initiative includes giving freed inmates gift cards and cell phones. The gift cards are ending up at liquor stores. http://bit.ly/2QfVtuV Democrat presidential candidates boldly proclaim that if elected, they will declare war on law enforcement which includes ICE and police. https://reut.rs/2QgoeYl

Ruth served Mary and I delicious cake she baked from scratch. She moved to Baltimore as a child with her mother and baby brother. The word in West Virginia was those folks in Baltimore don’t want to work. Ruth’s mom moved to Baltimore for a job. Her mother was never without a job. Ruth’s dad stayed in West Virginia working in the coalmine.

Ruth shared a horrible story about a relative who got too close to the fireplace. Her robe caught fire. She pushed her two children outside the house but could not save herself. Grandparents raised the two children.

Hearing Ruth share about the lives of her and her family, Mary and I later discussed how clearly Ruth’s generation was not whiners. They simply kept moving forward doing whatever they needed to do to survive. They were not snowflakes.

Mary and I made sure to get-outta-Dodge (Baltimore) before dark. It is truly tragic what 50 years of Democrat control has done to a once great American city.

Staff Writer; Lloyd Marcus

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.

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