8 Simple Steps for a Sustainable Lifestyle.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) With the ever-growing number of chemical-based products and companies that produce waste materials, the world is getting overly polluted. Climate change and global warming are visibly being seen and experienced by many that is caused by our negligence in caring for the environment. 

If you want to transform your lifestyle into a sustainable one, your desire to change will surely bring an impact on the environment. You may somehow find it difficult to start, but we’re here to guide you on how to take simple steps on sustainable living. 

Benefits of a Sustainable Lifestyle

  • Less clutter

This is a great step if you’re also planning to be a minimalist. With less clutter, you’ll find yourself less stressed in life and at home.

  • Saving money

Learning to embrace a sustainable lifestyle will eventually help you save more money because you’ll find yourself consuming lesser products in the future.

  • Eliminate your exposure to harmful chemicals

Sustainable living also means changing the products you use – from your skincare to your house cleaning products. This will also bring a great impact on you and your family’s health. 

Simple Steps to Sustainable Living

1. Bring your own cup or water bottle. Every year, the world generates a million tons of plastic wastes. This is not only harmful to us but also to animals. If you’ve seen turtles die due to plastic straws, birds that consume plastic wastes and think that it won’t affect you, think again. 

Choose to bring your own water bottle instead of purchasing on a disposable one. If you love to buy coffee, choose to bring your own tumbler and have it refilled. You can also opt for a collapsible cup if you don’t like bringing bulk items as you go. Fortunately, there are some coffee shops that can give you discounts when you bring your own cup.

2. Grow your own greens. Try growing your own herbs and spices at home. If you think you don’t own a green thumb, there are lots of hacks you can apply to grow your own plants. You can also make your own compost to produce a healthier harvest.

3. Take a bike to school or work. To reduce your carbon footprint, you can purchase a bicycle and use it when going to work or school. Aside from the lesser pollution, it will be a great exercise for your body. Just make sure to hydrate yourself and wear protective gear before you go. 

4. Visit thrift shops. Before purchasing for brand new items, try visiting thrift shops first. Aside from being able to avail items on a lesser price, you can also find quality pieces that aren’t common to the market. 

5. Buy only what you need. Take a lot of time to decide whether you will purchase an item or not. You don’t want to end up owning items you don’t need and adding clutter to your house. 

6. Donate items you no longer use. Your trash may be another person’s treasure. Instead of throwing away items as you declutter, you can donate them on local charities or find organizations that accept used clothing, shoes, and other things you no longer use. 

7. Choose chemical-free cleaning and skincare products. Another way to embrace a sustainable life is to avoid chemical-based products. If you’re worried about using harsh laundry soaps for your baby’s clothes, you can look for organic products fit for your baby’s needs. Many companies are now embracing sustainable living by producing organic products such as soaps, shampoos, and detergents.

8. Join eco-friendly groups and organizations. Connecting with people of the same goal will help and motivate you to be consistent in your goal. You may also learn a lot from others by sharing tips and tricks on how to live a sustainable lifestyle. 

Staff Writer; Ellie Carter