On Impeachment, The Democrats Have Adam Schiff For Brains.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) All the Democrats have to do is act sane, for a little while, to have a chance at holding the House and winning the Senate and White House. It’s not a tall order – don’t be a drooling fool arguing with a mailbox and you have an even shot at winning in 2020. For Democrats, even if that bar were so low it was buried, it wouldn’t be low enough for them to clear. As if they wanted to drive home the idea that impeachment is a tumor made of Trump Derangement Syndrome, they’ve chosen to make Congressman Adam Schiff the face of it all.

Schiff is the type of Congressman who would be marginalized to the point of irrelevancy if Democrats hadn’t metastasized into the media. His lies are constant, many of them are childish in nature. But mostly they’re obvious.

Every lie that perfectly fit the liberal narrative about President Trump, even if it didn’t originate with him, has passed through Schiff’s lips. No Democrat with a press credential questions his words anymore and he won’t go anywhere near where the few honest journalists who might. Even the awarding of four Pinocchios this week by the Washington Post has impacted his ability to lie.

The four Pinocchios, by the way, were for saying he and his staff had not spoken with the so-called whistleblower when they had, and he knew it. That is a blatant lie, not a misstatement, misremembering, or oversight: a lie. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was awarded four “for repeatedly hiding the truth” that he was on the call. That hiding consisted of not volunteering that fact to reporters asking about the whistleblower complaint which he’d not read at the time he was asked.

Pompeo wasn’t asked if he was on the call and he gets the same verdict as Schiff. It’s good to be a Democrat.

To illustrate just how good it is to be a Democrat, Schiff was even defended by one of the “reporters” he lied to on national television.

The Daily Beast is about as much of a journalistic outfit as MSNBC, which is why the Beast’s politics editor, Sam Stein, is also on the MSNBC payroll as a Morning Joe regular. Schiff lied directly to Stein about his office’s contact with the whistleblower, saying his office has not spoken with the registered Democrat. When the truth came out, likely leaked by Schiff’s office to the New York Times to get the best possible spin on it (and it really was a gentle story considering), Stein downplayed Schiff’s lie.

“Schiff did appear to lie,” Stein tweeted. Then he accused people being bothered by Schiff’s lie of being “a hack.” The next day he wrote a slobbering kiss of a story entitled, “Trump’s plan to save his presidency: take a hatchet to Adam Schiff.” In it, Stein quotes Schiff as saying “I regret I wasn’t much more clear.” He was crystal clear, there is the truth and he knowingly said the opposite of it. Stein the referred to this lie as “nuance.”

Again, it’s good to be a Democrat.

Schiff didn’t even have to ask. Every liberal outlet snapped to his defense. Going on the word of an admitted liar, NBC declared there was zero evidence Schiff or his staff had any hand in drafting the complaint and reaching out exclusively to one of the most partisan Democrats in the Russian witch hunt was “routine.” Were journalists honest people themselves they’d be embarrassed.

Now we have reports of a possible second whistleblower considering filing their own complaint about the same non-event call. The reason they’re considering this is to obtain the legal protections that come with whistleblower status. This person is allegedly closer to the call, which means they’re one of the people who illegally leaked it to the original whistleblower. That would be an illegal leak of classified material, which makes this an attempt by this second person to protect themselves from the consequences of breaking the law to start this hoax in the first place. It also stinks of Adam Schiff-advised strategy. Can’t wait for the New York Times story on that in a couple of weeks; wonder how they’ll spin this one.

From his constant declarations of “proof of collusion” to his denials of any knowledge of the whistleblower before Congress was notified, Adam Schiff has a history of not only of lying, but of being caught doing so. Yet he has been chosen by Nancy Pelosi to be the face of impeachment: a dishonest man chosen to make a dishonest case to the American people. It’s like OJ Simpson being asked to give the keynote address at a marriage counseling seminar.

It’s a testament to just how weak the case is that they’ve chosen someone with a shameless willingness to tell the public that up is down, that wet is dry, to be the mastermind of impeachment. That Adam Schiff is the one coordinating this attempted coup shows just how crazy Democrats are; that they lost that argument with the mailbox. That ultimately, the Democratic Party has Schiff for brains.

Written by Derek Hunter

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