(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently, I had something of a revelation. I spent most of my teens learning art and most of my twenties pursuing art and technology—mainly anything online. When confronted with a mechanical problem I was totally lost. I was like a deer in headlights. To sum it up, automobiles are ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I spoke recently with a highly-experienced Democrat who desperately wants to defeat President Trump come November of 2020. That said, he is deeply concerned that, for self-serving reasons, a number of Democrats, certain liberal media outlets, and groups and organizations which support the Democratic Party, are secretly just fine ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The U.S. Department of Justice has recently sued the Baltimore County government alleging that its written test for police officer recruits was unfairly biased against black applicants. It turns out that black applicants failed the written test at a rate much greater than white applicants. That results in fewer ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) How Medical Tourism and Dental Veneers Medical Tourism is a booming prospect that can serve top holistically get you the possibility to have a full recovery of the body. This includes the severe effects of teeth decay and degradation, and if you do it in the midst of a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Trees can be one of the main factors of the look of a front and backyard of a home. But not only that, you’ll notice that by having more trees around, the air just seems cleaner and fresher. But did you know that if you trim your trees properly ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) One conversation with rapper Rick Ross will have you questioning the definitions of success, wealth and opportunity; how to identify opportunity, how to achieve success and how to maintain it while keeping your soul and bodily faculties intact. Ross, born William Leonard Roberts II, rose to prominence in 2006 ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The ability to protect yourself from an attacker is a vital life skill, unfortunately it is one which many people neglect. By training the most effective self defense techniques you prepare yourself for the dangers of an aggressive confrontation, improving your chances of safely removing yourself from the situation ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Rose water has been used for centuries in beverages and on skin for its hydrating, and anti- aging properties. It has been believed that is can help to reduce wrinkles, decrease stress, and improve one’s mood. Though rose water is quite bitter on its own adding it to different ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Mercy is a concept that is lost to the leadership in our society, if it ever really existed. Our leaders sit high above us passing legislation that is not in our best interest. Our leaders allow citizens to live with poisonous water, subpar education, unjust judicial systems, and a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I happened to be informed of a ‘cute’ term recently. It’s called #adulting. Or, just ‘adulting’ for short. I Googled the term, and found that this term had been around since the mid-teens. In short, it means that our millennial generation young men and young women are to get ...