5 Black Podcasts to Check Out on iTunes.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s 2019 and podcasting is huge. It’s like tuning in for your favorite radio program every day or every week and listening as they break everything down. Often times, it’s a particular topic—sports, politics, entertainment—other times, these shows catch everything in one episode or across their network of shows. Here are five of the best Black podcasts to check out on iTunes.

The Black Guy Who Tips

Started by high school sweethearts who have been married since 2002, The Black Guy Who Tips is hosted by Rod and Karen and goes into pop culture, politics, and basically anything that is making waves in the news. They take an approach that mix serious views with comedy and the result is an extremely entertaining product every episode.

Even on topics that you might have zero interest in, Rod and Karen are able to tackle it and pique your interest enough. Outside of the major topics of the day, regular segments include “Guess the Race” where a brief article is read then Karen, the guests, and audience has to guess the race of the person involved. There’s also “Sword Ratchetness” where an article on random sword-related incidents is read for the audience. And finally “F***ing With Black People” an article is read about a troubling situation and the audience, Karen, and the guests have to let Rod know how “f***ed with” or mad they are over what happened.

The duo’s flagship show will feature a number of guests throughout the week, some of whom are also on this list. Not only that but there is a live stream of each episode. While The Black Guy Who Tips has a set schedule, there are shows most of the week. There’s probably one day where there isn’t a show since—again—the network features a number of shows. Listen here.

The Insanity Check

Hosted by Kriss Trav, The Insanity Check is the flagship show of the MTR Network, also founded by Kriss. Both The Black Guy Who Tips and The Insanity Check are pretty much “friends of the show” with each other since the hosts have appeared on each other’s shows numerous times.

The Insanity Check also goes into politics and pop culture with Kriss taking a particularly no-holds barred approach. When he gets irritated by nonsense in politics, he really digs in there—to put it kindly. The show isn’t without comedy often at the cost of something being so ridiculous Kriss “breaks” from the state of it. The flow of the show is very similar to TBGWT and he is often joined by MTR regulars Dpalm, Shanna, Coqui, and other show hosts.

As for the show schedule, the MTR Network has a number of other shows which run throughout the week so The Insanity Check is a weekly podcast as opposed to a daily one. You can check it out here.

The Read

Hosted by Crissle and Kid Fury, The Read is one of the most popular Black podcasts going. Actually, it’s one of those shows that should have a TV show. Almost everyone who takes in podcasts have heard an episode of The Read or are familiar with their hosts.

The two of them take on pop culture, talk about life, and it’s always funny. They really go in on nonsense and their roasting is almost relentless. I wouldn’t exactly say cruel because sometimes nonsense just deserves a thorough roasting. Crissle and Kid Fury are simply one of Black podcasting’s most enduring teams.

The Read drops weekly on iTunes.

Bodega Boys

The Brand Is Strong! Bodega Boys is another of the extremely popular podcasts out there. So popular that the duo of Desus Nice and Kid Mero got deals on Vice and later Showtime for shows similar to their main project. Bodega Boys is another comedy heavy show with a focus on—well everything the other shows you’ve read about tackle—with references to Dominican and Jamaican life. The pace of the show is conversational and comes off as freestyle although there are definitely topics to hit.

That’s the beauty of Bodega Boys, they roll into topics just like two people talking and there just happens to be a microphone there. When I listen to it, I know it’s a show but it doesn’t have that feeling. It’s like you’re overhearing a lengthy conversation and they’re just laughing at everything. Bodega Boys drops weekly as well.

Affirmative Murder

True crime podcasts tend to be very white. You don’t hear many Black podcasters going into murders or crimes and basing their shows around them. Affirmative Murder is hosted by Fran and Alvin. This show made the list based on how unique it is. It takes the comedic, conversational, flowing approach of the other shows, focuses on true crime but doesn’t bog you down with a lot of facts. That’s a thing my true crime show had to deal with: being to fact-heavy.

Affirmative Murder definitely features research into cases and topics but you’re not getting a year by year, murder by murder storytelling show here. I’d liken this show to Last Podcast on the Left with somewhere to be. The show is weekly and you can catch it here.

Also, if you don’t use iTunes, all of these shows are available on Stitcher or through your favorite podcast app like Podcoin or Podcast Addict.

Staff Writer; M. Swift

This talented writer is also a podcast host, and comic book fan who loves all things old school. One may also find him on Twitter at; metalswift.

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