How to Determine If the Brand Influencer Has Bogus/Fake Instagram Followers?

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( One of the best ways that you can do if you want to make content that is user-generated, expand your audience, and grow social work is to work with a brand influencer. However, you need to vet the influencer carefully before closing a partnership.

When you’re looking for a brand influencer one of the most important things that you need to look for is the bogus/fake Instagram followers.

Because of their significant number of followings, influencers are very powerful. Having hundreds of thousands and even millions of follower isn’t unusual these days. A lot of people are buying followers to increase their followings with ease. If you’re wondering como comprar seguidores Instagram you don’t need to worry because it is not as hard as you think.

However, keep in mind that there are some ways to obtain fake followings for free or buy fake followers. Some of these users access fake Instagram followers just to increase their followings as well as to entice more significant than they truly are.

Nevertheless, if you’re planning to work with an Instagram influencer, here’s how to determine if they have fake followers.

Ways to Determine If Instagram Influencers Have Fake Followers

  1. Make use of automated tools

Comparing engagement rates as well as looking through followers manually has never been an easy task. Fortunately, there are some automated tools that are readily accessible to help you in determining if the followers of the influencer you’re considering are fake.

  1. Look into the influencer’s follower

Before closing a deal with a brand influencer, it is a good idea to look into their accounts and check if they possess fake followers. However, determining if your influencer is followed by fake users is pretty easy. Nevertheless, here’s a list of the red flags that you need to look out for.

  • Spam and Irrelevant Comments

If the influencer has plenty of comments, it is a good indication that he/she has active followers. Make sure to check their posts and read the comments. If you notice nonsense and irrelevant comments, it means they came from fake accounts.

  • Followers who don’t have posts or images

If the influencer is being followed by accounts that lack a photo or haven’t posted anything, you may assume that followers are not real. What’s more, be careful with influencers that follow spammy usernames and private accounts.

  1. Check the Follower’s Engagement

If an influencer has a considerable number of followers, his/her engagement rates should be proportional. You can easily figure it out by equating the number of followings to the number of comments and likes. Accounts that lots of followers but a very low engagement rate are more likely to have fake followers.

Nevertheless, you can compute the engagement rate by dividing the overall number of comments and likes by the number of followings.


It is worth remembering that some legit Instagram accounts follow a fan-buying service or spam accounts. Nevertheless, by simply considering these tips rest assured you’ll end up working with an influencer that has myriads of real followers.

Staff Writer; Bobby Carter