Mueller Report A Setup All Along.

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( So the Mueller report is all done and Donald Trump is about to get away with countless wrongs against America, making Nixon look like an amateur. Both political parties and America itself were on the edge of their seats. But after all the subpoenas, tax dollars, interviews, arrests, raids, plea deals, indictments and jail time handed out, it was definitely not a witch hunt, unless you consider all the witches they found – all connected to Donald Trump in one way or another. Not coincidence, not at all. And as witch hunts go, the Mueller investigation makes Salem look like the purest, most decent and pristine place on the planet.

It is obvious just as Oliver North took one for the team for Reagan in the Iran-Contra deal, so it is that Manafort, Cohen and so many others close to Trump took one for Donald Trump. All feeling stupid as they head off to jail with no support from the man they stood up to protect. How dumb are they? And how dumb are Trump zombie supporters to think Trump is loyal to anybody but Trump? Not even to Melania. The proof is everywhere.

Donald Trump’s activities have been shielded by the White House, his lying attorneys, fake FOX news and Senators and Congressmen who have more of a loyalty to Trump than to the United States of America. Shame on every one of them in Congress who took an oath, vowed to represent their constituents and then betrayed both by bowing to Donald Trump.

Secret meetings with Russian spies in Trump tower involving Trump’s son and son-in-law yet Trump knew nothing about it? Impossible. Calls to an unknown cell number after the meeting but the calls were not to Trump? Yeah right. So many close confidants, family members and staff of Trump who lied about Russian meetings and contacts, yet none of that was done for Don the Con Man? Wrong. You only believe Trump’s hands are clean if you are a complete idiot, regardless of what political party you belong to.

Trump stood with Putin against America more than once. Then had secret meetings where Trump even dismissed his own staff or failed to tell them about it. Trump refused to say a negative word about Putin yet slammed America’s intelligence agencies again and again. Coincidence? No. Trump had business dealings with Russia and lied about it. Yet Trump zombie idiots still can’t see a thing because they are so stuck on persecuting Hillary, expressing closet racism towards Obama and blaming the Democrats for any and everything just as Trump does. Trump zombies are simply parrots who repeat what they hear Trump say.

Trump kept saying “no collusion” but that is not a crime so Mueller was never looking for collusion in the first place. Repeated mentions of collusion was simply a Trump distraction. Notice Trump didn’t keep saying “no obstruction” all the time. Nor did he say “no campaign fraud” all the time. Nor did he say “no deals with Russia” after he was caught in that lie too.

Here is the set up. Mueller stated that his findings neither showed Trump was guilty nor did such findings exonerate Trump from obstruction. That was left to the Attorney General, the same AG  who stated before he was even hired that he was against the obstruction from the beginning. Impartial AG? Hell no. Now the AG, of all people, has been given the decision to decide obstruction or not. Of course he would say “no”. The AG is Trump’s “beyatch” just like those of you who are so stuck up Trump’s rear that you cannot see straight.

Mueller’s job would have been to say yes or no to obstruction, but not nothing at all either way. Wow what a setup. Anybody with a brain that works can see that. You best believe God does. And it has nothing to do with partisanship. So many of you were counting on Mueller to do the right thing and expose the obvious as crimes by the president. And we know Bill Clinton was impeached on much, much less. We also know if Obama had done half of what Trump did, Republicans would have yelled “impeachment” from day 1. But Mueller has to reside in America so he took the easy road and pronounced nothing, at least it appears that way.

One could easily make the case that all this was a show of distraction and misdirection from the beginning. A reality show of sorts all set up for America to hope in Mueller, a man who was never going to pronounce anything on the president from the beginning. Sad but likely true. So if you wonder why Trump has so much support and why he will likely win again, here is why.

Donald Trump represents the real America with its mask off. Or should I say with its white hood off? The America founded on lies, deception, invasion, treachery, betrayal, oppression, racism, sexism, capitalism above human beings, secret deals, distraction and misdirection.

Even the MAGA had so accurately depicts the red blood spilled by the colonizer invaders as the white identity (MAGA lettering) sits on top of it all. Capturing the minds of the people as such a cap represents an ideology of “white supremacy” which covers the brain and traps the mind. We see clearly from the racists who support Trump and the neo-nazis he calls good people in Charlottesville, we see what how, where and how far Trump wants to turn back the clock. And millions and millions of people are so stupid, ignorant and racist that they support doing just that.

America won’t remove all rebel confederate flags because America still supports what those flags stand for. So does the president and over 50 or 60 million racists in this country. The “great seal” on the back of the dollar reflects that even more as the eagle holds an olive branch of deception in one talon and the arrows of the indigenous people of this land in the other.  Today the American Flag should be flown upside down because this country is in peril as the president of the United States releases the genie, opens Pandora’s box and turns back the clock, all in plain sight.

Be sober, be vigilant and be prepared people.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw