Battlefield 5 Battle Royale Mode, Weapons, Beta and Other Details.

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( Battlefield 5 Battle Royale mode makes PUBG look funny and amateurish. Although, EA DICE has not revealed much about the game, at E3 they confirmed that Battlefield Royale is coming. One of the latest Battlefield 5 trailers, particularly the Gamescom footage titled Devastation of Rotterdam, gave us a glimpse of how Battlefield 5 Royale will work.

Battlefield 5 Battle Royale Mode

During Gamescom 2018, DICE confirmed that the Battlefield 5 Battle Royale will feature everything including vehicles, destruction, and team play. EA promised that the Royale mode will give you an experience which you have never seen inside and outside of the Battlefield game series. Recently, the game developer has confirmed that Battlefield 5 will be released for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on November 20. Earlier, the game’s release was scheduled for October 19.

For the Royale mode, Battlefield 5, the WW2-themed shooter, showed a burning ring which is closing in and only a few players are left to survive. It is similar to what we have seen in the Blue Zone of PlayerUnknown’s Battleground. No release date has been set for Battlefield 5 Battle Royale mode. During a presentation at E3, we were told that the content will be available after the game’s launch. So most likely, it will arrive sometime later this year because there are no details about the progress developers have made with the development so far.

If you are thinking that the Battlefield Royale mode will be a part of the paid content, that’s not true because the company has made it very clear that they are not choosing season passes for the game. EA will offer all content updates without a price tag. The company is planning to sell cosmetic items. Although, there are chances that for certain weapons and vehicles upgrades, the publisher may ask you to shell out real money.

Battlefield 5 Open Beta

If you’re waiting for the Battlefield 5 open beta, the beta goes live on September 6 and it will run until September 11. EA DICE producer Jaqub Ajmal shared an interesting fact about this beta. He said that there will be a profanity filter in Battlefield 5 which will be available on PC. Players on the console will have to report any kind of harassment and hate speech via their console.

Messaging system on gaming platforms are managed by platform holders, so players will have to inform Microsoft and Sony about racism or any hate speech. Some fans have appreciated DICE’s effort while the others are not so happy with this move. It would be better if the developers could give players an option to mute or put filters as per their preferences instead of forcing them by putting a global filter.


Since the game is set in WW2 era, players can expect some classic weapons with a twist of modernization. DICE is improving weapon stability in Battlefield 5. The classic FPS style will be implemented where your guns will fire shots in a more realistic way. Earlier, the stability was determined by how much your gun can move in the left and right directions horizontally, but this time, this pattern has been changed. If you’re firing continuously, you will see that the shots fired in the beginning will reach the exact same target but later the bullets you shoot will spread out in a more realistic way.

EA DICE has confirmed that sniping will be more fun than before. Bullets can now penetrate through walls and other surfaces. Details about the amount of damage caused by such shots are still unavailable. To refill ammo, you will have to rely on supply stations which you can find in different battle zones. With that said, you will also be able to pick up ammo dropped by dead enemies and your teammates can also help you refill ammo.

What’s new in the gameplay?

Battlefield 5 will let players react to the environment and the environment will also react to players’ actions. For example, players will be able to backpedal when they are lying down on the ground. They can throw grenades back and can jump through windows. Players’ movements in the grass will make the vegetation move accordingly. Improvements in moves will make players do things they haven’t done before in Battlefield games.

Destruction will now take place in a better way as the game will produce situation based destruction scenes rather than showing pre-designed animations. Physics will play a major role in Battlefield 5 gameplay. Fortification system allows players to build things in the game. Players can reinforce the destroyed buildings and they can also build several military assets to add more tactical situations.

Battlefield 5 will be a vast game and with Battlefield 5 Battle Royale Mode, squad play will get a lot better. EA has promised that it will reveal more gameplay details and share new information about the Battle Royale mode soon.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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